ForumsQuestionsEnforcing defaults when adding a new task

Enforcing defaults when adding a new task
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Posted: Jan 05, 2016
Score: 0 Reference
Is there a way to force new tasks to always have the same defaults which don't depend on the current view?

I often add tasks by just pressing 'n' (or, since recently, 'q') and typing the task description, without paying much attention on what view is currently open, so that tasks go to 'No folder' folder and I can sort/triage them later.

But if for example currently open view is some other folder, newly created task has that folder assigned to it, which almost always leads to forgotten misclasified tasks, which is very annoying.

Similar problem happens when I create tasks while looking on list of starred tasks, tasks of particular priority, etc. In my use case it usually doesn't lead to forgotten tasks, but still new unsorted task start to appear where it should not.

Posted: Jan 05, 2016
Score: 2 Reference
Hello mooskagh,

I haven't noticed but you are right. Even when defined in the settings the default, the system always gives the last view in the default instead of the assigned default value.

This should be fixed

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 05, 2016
Score: 0 Reference
Toodledo intentionally puts the task you are adding into the current list that you are viewing. We don't currently have a way to turn this behavior off. If you don't want the task to go into the list you are viewing, you will need to edit the task after you add it to remove that folder or star that was automatically added.

Posted: Jan 05, 2016
Score: 0 Reference
I understand that that is made intentionally and I do try to be careful to ensure that current view is "hotlist" while adding a task (which is what I have open most of the time, that's why sometimes I don't notice the current view is different), but sometimes I still miss that that have bitten me soooo often so that little issue is actually so disappointing that I'm considering to move to some another way of keeping list of tasks.

The most frustrating part is that that results a task to be forgotten, which reduces trust in the system.

I used to use NirvanaHq before it was ababdoned, and there were two distinct keyboard shortcuts for adding tasks, 'n' for adding into "current view" and 'a' for adding into "default folder".

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Jan 05, 2016
Score: 0 Reference
We'll think about making both things possible.
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