
Search results for "Posted by TheGriff"
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Score: 0
  • TheGriff
  • Posted: Jun 26, 2016
  • Score: 0
You could probably create a workflow to do this using IFTTT. I have one that saves anything I've added to the "Alexa" ToDo list to a reminders list on my iPhone.

Posted May 18, 2016 in: Toodledo Roadmap Update
Score: 0
  • TheGriff
  • Posted: May 18, 2016
  • Score: 0
I appreciate the update and am excited to hear you'll be upgrading the back end to make future development easier and more consistent. I'm also a bit saddened as that also means new functionality will be delayed.

Score: 0
  • TheGriff
  • Posted: May 16, 2016
  • Score: 0
I was playing around with goals this evening as a way to narrow down my projects. During my testing I went into the goals view of the task list, chose folder as the primary sort chose "No Goal" from the list, and "closed all dividers" so I only saw the folders that had tasks within but no goal assigned.

I then added a new goal using the field at the bottom of the goals list and expanded a couple of the folders to which I wanted to apply the new goal. Unfortunately the batch edit screen did not see the new goal as an available option. I tried switching task views to force a refresh but found the only way the new goal would become available within batch edit was when I visited the Goals section and then returned to the goal view of the task list.

I've not tested the same scenario with contexts, folders, etc. but I may do so in the morning.

Posted May 15, 2016 in: Anyone tried NirvanaHQ?
Score: 0
  • TheGriff
  • Posted: May 15, 2016
  • Score: 0
The subject pretty much explains the question I have. I'd like to hear of anyone's experience with Nirvana and what led them to stick with Toodledo.

As a bit of background I've found myself struggling with the number of projects (folders) presented to me at any one time so I've started to look for alternatives. I love the power of Toodledo but have found no way to group folders and tasks into areas of focus so that I can view only the information I need to be focused on at the moment.

Perhaps this is oversharing but I've found this overwhelm to be a symptom of ADHD. I have realized I must find a way to cull everything on my plate so that I'm not seeing "too much" at any one time. Nirvana's "Areas" feature seems to fit the bill as an Area can be assigned to a folder and would allow me to quickly see just the Area of Focus I need to be reviewing. Were Toodledo's folders a bit smarter and allowed to be assigned to a goal I'd be able to create a search and get a similar view of just my intended Area of Focus.

I'm hesitant to switch only because Toodledo is such a powerhouse and I very much like the developer behind the product. I also enjoy using Pocket and Desktop Informant as my view into the list on Mac and iOS though that is less of a compelling reason to continue with Toodledo.

Any insight into the situation is appreciated as are reasons folks have come back from Nirvana.

Posted May 08, 2016 in: Where is the Hotlist on desktop?
Score: 0
  • TheGriff
  • Posted: May 08, 2016
  • Score: 0
I assume you're talking about the web app...

It's in the list displayed when you click the checkmark icon over on the left. You should then see All Tasks, Starred, Hotlist and the "Recently..." filters.

Posted May 02, 2016 in: Tasks Redesign (part 5)
Score: 0
  • TheGriff
  • Posted: May 02, 2016
  • Score: 0

Score: 1
  • TheGriff
  • Posted: May 02, 2016
  • Score: 1
Posted by alexandremrj_2:
Posted by TheGriff:
This would work *if* I were using parent tasks as project indicators, which I do not. I use folders for projects due to my use of Informant and because folders are available in both the Tasks and Notes area of Toodledo.

That way then it will be hard to implement dependencies, because while in subtasks we can sort manually, and so this would be a little extra, when we are talking about tasks then the sorting is always for all, and without sorting we cannot say which task comes next.

I don't disagree but was responding to Jake's asking "what everyone thinks".

Score: 0
  • TheGriff
  • Posted: Apr 27, 2016
  • Score: 0
This would work *if* I were using parent tasks as project indicators, which I do not. I use folders for projects due to my use of Informant and because folders are available in both the Tasks and Notes area of Toodledo.

Score: 1
  • TheGriff
  • Posted: Apr 22, 2016
  • Score: 1
What an interesting idea! I've been focusing on character strengths as part of a class I'm taking on the way to being an ADHD coach. I think I may try this but with the goals field instead of contexts.

Do you have character strengths for all of your tasks? I'd find it difficult to find a strength to associate with vacuuming or cleaning out the garage

Posted Apr 18, 2016 in: Change to username
Score: 0
Interesting...I did change my avatar a couple of weeks ago so I've created a support ticket. I know I've had an account since 2008 so hopefully you can get it back for me.

Thank you

Posted Apr 17, 2016 in: Change to username
Score: 0
I just noticed my username as displayed within Toodledo and its forums changed from "thegriff" to "thegriff_2". I'm wondering why this might have happened. I'm also noticing it for some others in the forums.

Score: 11
Processing tasks can be a pain and any click-savings would be helpful. Drag and drop selection of folder/context/status would be best but likely impossible due to recent changes. Instead add the following:

1. "Marked" column that allows a user to select items for batch editing
- Marked items are unmarked if the view is switched
- Button to "mark all" would be helpful
2. "Batch edit marked items" function
- Once batch edit is saved all items become unmarked
3. "Batch edit unmarked items" function
4. Make it possible to quickly pick context, folder and status for marked items from outside the batch edit functionality

Lengthy explanation:

I've been a Toodledo user off and on for many years. Like many I have saved searches setup to help me focus on just what can be done at any given moment. The problem I face is that managing the tasks that make those searches work can become cumbersome and I wind up going off Toodledo for some period of time.

Last weekend I once again found myself with a ton of tasks in my head that had no home and decided to test out Trello again and had great success getting through the week. Unfortunately Trello does not make managing projects all that easy for me as one I get into many boards things become cumbersome.

Upon reflection I realized my success really came down to it's drag and drop functionality. It's so much easier to drag a task from one list to another than to click a drop down and then click a new folder/context/status. I really love the task management features of Toodledo but the effort it takes to move items from one status to another on a daily basis stops me once I have too many things in the system.

I have a feeling implementing drag and drop would be really difficult given changes to the side bar so I thought of something that might be just as helpful: multi-select for batch edits. I envision each task having a circle or some such that can be marked and remains so only in the present view or until a batch edit of marked items is completed.

For example at the end of the day I might switch into my folder view, sorted by status. I quickly scan everything and pick out (mark) the next action in each folder that does not already have one assigned. I'd then choose "Batch Edit Marked Items", modify the status and save changes. After saving the edit, everything selected is unmarked and the appropriate status applied.

In the past I've used a similar method via the star functionality but the process becomes clumsy when I then have to switch to my "has star" saved search, use the existing batch edit functionality making sure to unset the star attribute and then switch back to my original view. It also means I can't use the star as a true attribute.

Say my Inbox search finds five items. Items 1, 3 and 5 need the same context applied, items 3 and 4 need to have a deferred start date, all items except 4 need to have a status of next action and items 2 and 4 need to be added to a specific folder.

Using just the grid editor I'd have to click 47 times, whereas multi-select requires 35. This could further be reduced by 2 clicks were a "mark all" function available. The click savings is greater when editing tasks in a native (non-search) view as in those views one has to continually select search -> "stars" prior to making the batch edit and then go back to the original view. Further click savings could be found by adding a "Batch Edit Unmarked Items".

In my end of day example the savings is only 3 clicks but the process seems less clunky as I'm not having to switch views to accomplish the edit and I have the star back as an actual attribute and not just a selection indicator.

Even better than the existing batch edit would be a quicker way to assign context/folder/status. Perhaps adding "pick context", "pick folder" and "pick status" focused batch edits would help. Choosing "pick context" would present a list of contexts, choosing one would apply the context and unmark the items. This saves having to find the context area in batch edit, click the check mark, pull down the drop down and click save, 1 click instead of 4.

Toodledo is a powerful service and my hope is that after the redesign is completed some focus can be put on making its complexity quicker to use.

Posted Sep 22, 2015 in: iOS - Copy settings between devices
Score: 0
It'd be nice if there were a way to export all settings from one device and then import them into another. I just did this with PocketInformant and thought "man would that be nice to do w/in Toodledo!"


Posted Sep 22, 2015 in: Background sync on iOS
Score: 0
There have been several forum posts and I know the policy is not to comment...but....

Any update on supporting background sync for iOS? In this day and age it would seem this functionality is supported by default on newer apps.

Posted Sep 22, 2015 in: Breadcrumb Bar Update (part 2)
Score: 1
I don't love the change but I can see what it's been made. For those unaware...

z - Pressing the z key will hide/reveal task details or notes.
w - Pressing the w key will open or close dividers.

Posted Sep 20, 2015 in: Multiple reminders
Score: 0
To me it sounds as if there may have been a problem with your mail server for a little while. I'm wondering if Toodledo resent the reminders because it thought they never went through. Just a thought.

Posted Sep 18, 2015 in: How to Track Larger Tasks
Score: 0
Posted by jpv2112-s:
Thanks for the replies.

It sounds like there's no method without having to "manually" create and reload extra lists in various views and constantly look for the "gotchas" out there, such as tasks that should be started earlier than the single metric due date would normally indicate.

Going back to try my attempt at answering your initial question.

In this case you will need to have a single task on your list: "Brainstorm project X". I would suggest storing that brainstorming session inside a note within Toodledo or your favorite notes manager. Once you check off brainstorming you need to add the next appropriate task to the correct context list so that it's part of your daily review of contexts. As you check off an item be sure to add the next and so on.

Normally one would add the next available tasks to their lists during a weekly review but for a large project due in only a few weeks a more frequent review is needed. In fact you may want a daily repeating tasks of "Review Project X" to remind yourself on a daily basis. Of course this requires addition of a field that wouldn't normally be found in the basic GTD system I mentioned previously.

As I think more and more about my replies to this post and my 100th attempt at implementing a GTD system I realizing one must think about how to use a paper based GTD system before trying to move to a digital system.

Posted Sep 18, 2015 in: How to Track Larger Tasks
Score: 0
Posted by jpv2112-s:

GTD is working on a major cloud service for implementing their system, and unless TD stays true to it's original purpose, it'll be quickly forgotten when the GTD service is released.

I doubt their cloud service will do much to disrupt any of the current apps. For one I expect their pricing to be targeted at the C-level meaning the average user won't be able to afford service. I also think will stick to a basic design so as not contradict the book. If they add too many bells and whistles people will wonder why such strategies aren't referenced in the book.

Posted Sep 18, 2015 in: How to Track Larger Tasks
Score: 0
Posted by jpv2112-s:

Begin rant:

I think the issue is two-fold here and neither of the problems relate to Toodledo.

First, the GTD book does not discuss how to handle projects all that well. The new addition does better than the first edition but it still left me wanting for more detail. Because of this lacking in the methodology people are forced to derive their own systems which leads to the second problem.

I think most of us are using the features of Toodledo because they exist and not because they make our systems any better. At it's core GTD only needs lists of items. You need one project list and one list for each of the contexts you'll be using. This basic methodology I believe is best accomplished through the use of folders. Make one folder called "Projects" and then one folder for each context. Turn off most of the extraneous fields, including context and you have an uncluttered GTD system. This opinion is bolstered by the numerous times I've heard David Allen refer to the Palm tasks app as the perfect system. That app relied on folders with very little other data.

For some reason people, myself included, tend to want to associate each task with a specific project and within TD there are numerous ways to do so. Some use tasks/subtasks, others folders, still others tags. Then you get into goals, which you mentioned, and the field becomes even muddier. I agree that the goals section needs to be rethought so that it's easier to distinguish between s/t, l/t and l/l goals but it really doesn't have to be part of any GTD system.

I think Toodledo's complexity is what generates the often seen complaints regarding the need for workarounds. Indeed TD has everything needed to be a good GTD system but because of its options many are lured into over-engineering their systems.

As I've written this post I've been thinking about the fields I should turn off in Toodledo to make my experience better. I've found myself defensive of the fields I know are not needed (anything but Folder is unneeded) and I doubt I'll wind up turning any of the fields/features off.

I have to wonder on a philosophical level whether the angst felt about organizing tasks, in any system, is really a reflection on our desire to do the tasks. I'm thinking more and more that I add bells and whistles to force myself into doing a task (e.g. vacuum has a due date) or to feel better about doing the task (e.g. vacuum contributes to a life long goal).

Posted Sep 18, 2015 in: Introducing the Breadcrumb Bar (part 1)
Score: 0
I'm really digging the new breadcrumb bar and find myself using it more than the ribbon. I like the fact I can collapse the ribbon and keep it from "bothering me". Thank you for the enhancement!
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