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Score: 0
Posted by Lance:
As a long time GTD adherant, I would sugest keeping it simple. GTD is based arround gaining confidence from using a system that you trust to make good choices about what to do next. That is, its a way of management based on intuition.

My setup is very simple.

One folder that lists all my projects; no star, status or any other settings. I do use a due date but only for those projects that actually are due on or by a specific date.

One folder for my Next Actions by context; @home, @office, @errands, @staff meeting, @agendas with a few key people having thier own context (@Tom), etc. I have a couple of standing meetings that I'll throw things I want to discuss in here as well; @staff meeting, etc.

And seperate folders for Waiting For and Someday/Maybe.

Subtasks...NOPE. I used to use them planning out every single next action for every single project (more than 2 actions) and it was too wieldy. My next actions only contain that single next action I need to take to move it forward to completion. I use Evernote for a lot of my large project plans. As for smaller ones, I just use the notes section of the project task.

I do use goals though. These are more in the 30-40k foot level. Not all of them are in TD, but a few are where there is an active project to support their accomplishment.

As you can see, its a vanilla copy of the GTD Book.

Is this similar to your system mpc_janssen?

This message was edited Nov 15, 2012.

Score: 1
Posted by mpc_janssen:
I honestly don't understand the obsession people seem to have with linking actions to projects. Are you implying that in the situation above, if you see the task "move furniture" you don't remember why you were supposed to do this?
If you need a link between project and actions, that's a very good sign you are not rigorous enough in your weekly review. The weekly review will tie it all together.
I simply have a project list with no link to any specific actions and I never wonder if a project is without next action or what project an action links to because I review all that on a weekly basis.

I have been wanting to strip my system down in recent weeks and the project to task link is something I would like to stop doing to speed things up. I have a couple of questions about your method (and I'm guessing David Allen does something similar);

1. Do you ever review your project list and wonder if you have done a certain task that you had planned to do but then forgotten?
2. When planning a project, how do you identify and then handle tasks that cannot be done yet?
3. Do you make reflective notes during the weekly review to keep track?


Score: 1
Posted by Purveyor:
Actually, it's not "the posts that say".
It was one post by Salgud. He was being facetious. Or, maybe sarcastic. Perhaps even sardonic.

I can't believe I didn't see the sarcasm, I must have been half asleep from reading the novel about the perfect system :-)

This message was edited Nov 15, 2012.

Score: 0
This thread confuses me - the posts that say 'amazing, the first perfect man-made system i've run across'... What? Where? I'm not being funny but wksims say quite a lot without actually talking about his 'perfect' system. The title 'Why GTD doesn't work' is followed by a system that seems GTD-like to me. We all tweak GTD to fit changing technology.

I repeat, where is the perfect system?

Score: 1
Posted by PeterW:
I assumed that manual sort was reflected on the iPhone app.

I use Appigo Todo which does allow manual sorting of all tasks. It doesn't sync the sort order with Toodledo but it's not a big deal for me.

I have bought Appigo Todo to compare with the Toodledoo app and you're right, it is a better app that allows manual sorting. Cheers for the recommendation.

Score: 1
Posted by PeterW:
Toodledo does allow manual sorting of subtasks so you don't have to pre-pend your task name with numbers if you don't want to. You need to turn this on in your account settings.

That's true and is fine for the web toodledoo but it doesn't carry over to the iPhone app (at least I don't think it does). I'm thinking of using Dave's idea for manually sorting tasks so they appear correctly on the iPhone - anyone got any better suggestions?