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Score: 0
Posted by Toodledo:
This behavior can be adjusted in your account settings under "Subtasks". You can choose to have nested subtasks appear if their parent's don't match.

I confess that I have not played with subtasks, since I am not yet a Pro subcriber. I am going off of your article on subtask and referring to the behaviour noted there about subtasks not showing in "Due Today" etc. when nested. Is this now configurable?


Score: 0
Are there any plans to address the issue of nested subtasks not showing up in "Due Today", the "Hotlist" or the (I think, not a Pro subscriber yet) "Starred" lists?

Is this a desired feature, or a bug?


Posted Jan 30, 2012 in: Why not full GTD support?
Score: 1
The longest thread in this forum, with 278 replies spanning 2+ years, is "Proximo's DTD Setup". The discussion is all about trying to make GTD work by working around the features TD is missing to implement a GTD system directly.

How can you be surprised I would ask why not implement features to address those limitations?

Score: 1

Score: 0
It looks like the sort order is global across a given view. I would like to be able to set sort orders differently for each of my searches.

Is this possible today? If not, how would I request this feature?


This message was edited Jul 13, 2011.

Posted Jun 15, 2011 in: Why not full GTD support?
Score: 0
The inbox is where anything enters the system, in ToddleDo or otherwise.

If you do not use an inbox, you are either not adhering to GTD's primary guiding principle of free-form capture, or you are capturing everything in another inbox and not placing them into TD until a weekly review time.

I am not talking about forcing a system on TD, I am talking about adding some features as options. Those that do not wish to use them can disable them (like an inbox). But, the inbox is not the problem: they are mostly in the area of Projects.

If you look through the majority of this forum, most of the discussions revolve around solving a small set of missing features.

There are many different workaround solutions that have been proposed, but most are just different attempts to solve the same small set of problems.

This message was edited Jun 15, 2011.

Posted May 23, 2011 in: Why not full GTD support?
Score: 0
With GTD having enough interest to warrant it's own forum section and given the posting volume here, could that be a sign that Toodledo should consider enhancements that fill in the gaps in GTD support?

Most, if not all, of the disscussions here revolve around working around a small set up limitations. There have been many alomst complete solutions devised by the community, but why not begin a discussion of feature enhancements to complete the GTD implementation?
