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I've been just now reading the GTD book and have started basic the collection phase using ToodleDo. So far so good. I have been thinkning about Projects and how to manage those in ToodleDO using subtasks.

At this point we only have on level of subtasks. So what I have started doing is just creating my Top Level project with a + and then a short name. ex.
+EXUPG Exchange Server Upgrade

Then when I add a sub task I will label it with a - and the short name and a 3 or 4 digit number for sorting.

So I may label the first subtask
-EXUPG 0010 install server

and then

-EXUPG 0020 test server


I seperate the initial number spread to allow me to enter tasks in between.

I could also renumber items as needed to move them around.

Still working on things but thought that might spark some interest.

For me it is far easier to do a little manual coding as above then to try to use some other Project Management.
