
Search results for "Posted by frankie.toodle"
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Posted Nov 24, 2018 in: Sort Order Change After Editing Search
Score: 0
When I change a saved search and search again, the search result sort is kind of reset. I find tickets sorted by start date which is utterly useless for me. Did anybody have the experience.

This message was edited Nov 24, 2018.

Posted Jan 13, 2017 in: Due Date & Repeeting Tasks
Score: 0
So a yearly recurring task will be due always on the same date, correct?

Posted Jan 12, 2017 in: Due Date & Repeeting Tasks
Score: 0
Hi Folks,

I am pretty sure, this question has been asked before, but I was unable to find it using search.

If I have a repeating task including a start and due date. How will those be set, when the task is repeated?


Start Jan 1, due Feb 1, repeating Yearly from Due Date.
If this Task is completed, what will the repeating tasks dates be?
a) just like above
b) Start Feb 1, due Mar 1

Many thanks in advance.

Score: 0
Hi Hafiz,

that is very unfortunate. I simply cannot work without views. Hope you'll add this feature in a later version. For the time being, I will have to stick with TaskUnifier, even though it has its own drawbacks.

Best regards,

Posted Apr 08, 2014 in: Toodledo 2013 - The Year in Review
Score: 0
This was a year of several new features. Still I am waiting for some approvements in handling tasks and the usability of the web interface for some time now.

- ability to set a end date or number of occurences of repeating tasks
- ability to make tasks dependent upon another
- greater flexibility entering task dates by email
- web interface supporting saved searches
- web interface supporting saved searches
- web interface supporting saved searches...

But with the arrival of new features like outlines (which I'd really like to use, but they're still not mature enough) or notes (which I don't need, as I am using Evernote), I am afraid, not much more will be happening regarding tasks (which brought me to your service in the first place).


Posted Apr 08, 2014 in: TaskUnifier slow
Score: 0

I did an extensive test of TaskUnifier as I need my tasks off-line as well as online. I found its functionality totally complete, there was nothing missing, saved searches are handled pretty good.

What I didn't like though, that it was running terribly slow. After each action within the interface, I was waiting seconds for a reaction of the program. This is currently the dealreaker for me. I am runnung Win8.1 on a relatively new laptop.

I would also appreciate a way of configuring the user interface to show a bigger font. It gets terrible small on a HD ultrabook.


Score: 0

I did just recently start to evaluate your software. But I came to a possible halt very early on: does your program not support saved searched / views? After playing a little, it just seems like a one-to-one desktop variation of the web interface provided here.


Posted Jan 29, 2014 in: Dating Tasks By Email
Score: 0
Hi Jake,

I know, because I got a similar comment 2 1/2 years ago. Just wanted to show I'm still interested :-)


Posted Jan 28, 2014 in: Dating Tasks By Email
Score: 0
I_m a heavy user of adding tasks per email. But entering a specific date is a bit cumbersome. Say I want a task to begin on November, 30 I add ">2011-11-30". It would be more convenient to have a shorter phrase like ">30", meaning the next day being the 30th of a month. ">Sep" may stand for the first day in September.That would be much shorter, less error prone, and perfectly in line with phrases like ">tue", meaning next Tuesday.

Posted Jan 28, 2014 in: Best Android App(s)?
Score: 0
I'm happy this Ultimate-ToDo. Features and customizability are great, interface's a bit messy though.

Posted Jan 28, 2014 in: Dependent Tasks
Score: 0
I too think, this is a good an missing feature. I wasn't aware that there are task managers offering this... I'll have a look into it.

Score: 0
I'm supporting this request. Using Toodledo mainly on Android devices via Ultimate Todo List which offers different views using different filters and sort oderes, I was very surprised that this isn't a feature on the web site already. Seems I have to by me a software for Windows if I want this to work. Thinking about Task Unifier.

This message was edited Jan 28, 2014.

Posted May 10, 2012 in: Improvements to Email Importer
Score: 0
I'd like to have a way of shortening the date entries even further:

#15 stands for a deadline at the next 15th day of a month
#jun stands for the first day of next June

That would be much shorter, less error prone, and perfectly in line with phrases like #tue, meaning next Tuesday.

Posted Oct 25, 2011 in: How to add a task from a URL?
Score: 0
Posted by mickem:

The reason being I want to automate adding task by selecting text using autohotkey.

// Michael Medin

I like the idea of using AHK. Please keep us informed.

Posted Oct 25, 2011 in: Entering dates
Score: 0
Here is a feature request, I entered quite some time ago. I now want to discuss it and maybe find some followers on the theme:

I am a heavy user of adding tasks per email. Over time I realized, that entering a specific date is a bit cumbersome. Say I want a task to begin on November, 30 I add ">2011-11-30". It would be more convenient to have a shorter phrase like ">30", meaning the next day being the 30th of a month. That would be much shorter, less error prone, and perfectly in line with phrases like ">tue", meaning next Tuesday.

One step further you might even allow ">Sep" standing for the first day in September.

What do you think?

Posted May 23, 2011 in: Updated CDN
Score: 0
Posted by Toodledo:
Noscript is a pretty non-standard way to use the internet.

Hear! Hear!

I'd say NoScript is a factual standard by security aware internet users. And as one of those I don't like the idea that information I don't know of is send to an Amazon service. Tasks may include private data.

I consider feature as critical and really would like to know, what is send to CDN.

Posted May 12, 2011 in: Suspend repeating tasks
Score: 0
If they are repeating from their completion date you can just let the become overdue and complete them after your holiday.

If the repeat from their due date, you will have to change that on every task. You can achieve that by searching for the due date and than bulk edit.

Posted May 11, 2011 in: Notebook
Score: 0
Is anybody useing the notebook? I tried this feature but it is very, very basic and I doubt it is of any use as you cannot even print one or a collection of them. And I haven't even tried to sync the contents.

Any recommendations for site that give me a functionality similar to Outlook and do sync to an Android device?

Posted May 09, 2011 in: Frustrated attempting to use Palm TX
Score: 0
I am a Palm user for nearly 15 years and I will migrate to Android until Autumn. Palm is history! And I am tired of workarounds.

Score: 0
Though support is indeed very helpful, I cannot get this to work reliably. Syncing only happens every now then - I am talking once to twice a day... So I am going to live without access to my task while on the road :-(
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