Search results for "Posted by Acustk"
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Acustk |
Posted Feb 27, 2009 in: Popup calendar start with Monday
Score: 1
Posted by kunicki:
Is it possible to modify the default start day of the week for pop calendar. I prefer to see the calendar start with Mondays. Chris Optional would be nice for those of us who prefer it the current way. Thanks. |
Acustk |
Posted Feb 27, 2009 in: Task defaults now work on our slim webpage/gadgets.
Score: 0
Is it also possible for you to load our default values when we add tasks via the simple html link? ( ) |
Acustk |
Posted Feb 11, 2009 in: automatically change due date if task isn't completed?
Score: 0
If automatic roll-forward of dates is implemented, I suggest that it should be optional with both a global setting and a per task setting.
Examples: I may have a repeating task due 2/01/09 that I'm late completing this time. I don't want the date rolled forward because I want the next instance to be 3/01/09, not a month from a rolled-forward date. I actually value being able to see what I'm "Overdue" on. With dates rolled forward you would never be able to tell that anything is overdue. Alternatively, I may WANT dates to move forward so I can automatically see them on the "Due Today" list. So, if implemented, I think there should be global preference settings such as: ROLL FORWARD DEFAULTS FOR NEW TASKS: Roll Forward Past Due Dates to Current Date: Yes / No Roll Forward Repeating Task Past Due Dates to Current Date: Yes / No Also, I suggest making a visible field (check box) for each task when entering a task and also when viewing all tasks that can toggle whether that task's date gets rolled forward at midnight or not. Les |
Acustk |
Posted Jan 29, 2009 in: Repeating task on 29, 30 and 31 or last day
Score: 0
I've run into that problem too with no successful workaround.
I noticed from the help that we CAN use "On the LAST FRIDAY of each month", for example. It would nice if we could also say "On the LAST DAY of each month." From the Help section: Format 2: "On the X D of each month". Where X is a number or numerical word (first, second, last, etc) and D is a day of the week (Mon, Tue, Wed, etc). Examples: On the second monday of each month, On the last Fri of each month, On the 3 Sat of each month. |
Acustk |
I use contexts to separate them. One for "home" and one for "work." Then I filter by "work" when I'm at work and filter by "home" when I'm at home.
Works great for me. |
Acustk |
Posted by charlotte:
[quote]Posted by creative: <DIV class=quote>How do you backup the data in the Notebook? Can you export it to XML with the rest of the task data and use it as a backup file?[/quote][/quote] If you click on the Export link in the sidebar and scroll down to the "CSV Notebook Export" section, you can download and save it as a CSV file. |
Acustk |
Posted Dec 17, 2008 in: Please Retain HTML Version (for mobile phone access)
Score: 0
With all the potential updating of this great web app, this is just a proactive plea to please keep the HTML version in existence.
For those of us with basic cell phones (i.e. not smart phones), using the HTML version ( through Opera Mini ( appears to be the most viable option for mobile access. ["Slim" still has display and operability problems on "dumb" phones -- and, besides, HTML through opera mini seems much more functional to me.] So, please, please keep HTML access as an option! Thanks... [edit: spelling] This message was edited Dec 17, 2008. |
Acustk |
Yes, check these two help pages: |
Acustk |
I found a work-around for texting tasks to Toodledo until the Twitter connection is working again. I can use my phone carrier's SMS to Email gateway.
For AT&T, I text to 111. The message takes the form of: my_toodledo_email_address (task to add) ...where my_toodledo_email_address is your email address setup under ToodleDo's "import" link. The task must have the parentheses around it. Setup and save a text message template and you won't have to retype the email address each time. For AT&T, text to 111. Otherwise find your carrier's gateway at: |
Acustk |
Can anyone confirm that adding tasks with Twitter IS working for them?
Thanks. |
Acustk |
Still no go on Twitter. Tried removing the connection and re-establishing it. Twitter shows that I'm following and being followed but the connections page of Toodledo still says I need to confirm with a code (which I've done directly from Twitter's site).
Hmmm... any ideas? |
Acustk |
I've tried adding tasks over the last few days with my phone using Twitter but they are not showing up on Toodledo. When I login to I see them in my "sent" folder, so I know they're getting that far at least. Have not had problems before adding with Twitter.
Anyone else having problems? Could it be something with the new server? Thanks. |
Acustk |
Posted by Toodledo:
We have updated the dividers when sorting by due-date or start-date to have sections for tasks that are overdue, due today, due tomorrow, and due in the next week. A nice improvement. Thanks. This lets you immediately see first thing in the morning what is due today. Also, seeing the "overdue" label compels you to either get those things done or get them rescheduled. Great idea. |
Acustk |
On #2... Excellent. Thank you.
Acustk |
Posted Jul 20, 2008 in: Request for "Due Date" visual enhancement options
Score: 0
Hey ToodleDo,
I'd like to suggest two user-optional enhancements to the "Due Date" display field. 1) When viewing the due date, I find it is also helpful to quickly see what day of the week that is. For example, right now it displays as: Jul 23, 2008 ...but it would be even more productive for me if I could choose for it to also display as: Jul 23, 2008 (Wed) Perhaps under the date format option in account settings you could have an additional checkbox for "Display day after due date." 2) Secondly, it would enhance my productivity if I could opt to see how many days until the "Due Date". So it might look something like this: Jul 23, 2008 (3 days) These do take up more column space, but if they are user options it sounds like a win-win. Thanks for a great application. Acustk |
Acustk |
How do I create a search for oversue tasks? I tried the following and it seems to work. No matter when you run it, it return everything overdue from "today's" date. Due Date | "is within the last" | 1,000 days |
Acustk |
Very nice. Thanks!
Acustk |
Posted by Toodledo:
...pick the new values and hit the save button to update every task on the page in one easy step. I notice that after updating the changes it returns to a blank search screen. Is it possible, instead, to have it return to a list of the edited items which shows their new values? Just would be nice to see a visual confirmation of the changes instead of having them disappear from view. (Thanks very much for the ability to multi-edit) |
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