Search results for "Posted by cashreg"
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cashreg |
RSS feeds:
In the forums, be able to have an RSS feed of a particular category and also of a particular topic. That would make it very easy to keep up on ideas shared by all users. Right now, it appears that the RSS feed is only for items from the News section. |
cashreg |
In the views, it appears that the tabs are only in alphabetical order or in the case of folders, the order that they are in the folders list. It would be helpful if we could select the order of the tabs in each view. For folders for example, from a selection standpoint in the dropdown, alphabetical is preferred, but on tabs, I'd like to order them based on the ones I use most. And for tags, it appears that it shows the ones that have the most items for the tag, but I'd like to order them alphabetically. |
cashreg |
It would be very helpful if we could select the order in which columns are displayed on the screen in toodledo. I see that we can select which columns are displayed, but not the order. Having them in the order that is most comfortable to the user would definitely accelerate data entry |
cashreg |
I haven't been able to find a posting of any kind of Toodledo wishlist. So, I figured I'd post some things here.
SORTING: Is it possible to have a sort associated with the tab that you set the sort up on? For example, every time I go to the Hotlist tab, I'd like it to sort by importance then date due. But when I click on the Recently Modified tab, I'd like it to sort by Date Modified. I've tried doing this, but it seems every time I change the sort, it changes it for all tabs, not just the one I was on. It would be great if it only changed it for the one I was on. |
cashreg |
Is it possible to get RSS feeds for the various sections of the forums?
When I add the RSS while I'm on any section, it only gives me an RSS feed for the News section. has anyone been able to do this successfully? |
cashreg |
Posted Nov 29, 2009 in: Can the data in the dropdowns be sorted?
Score: 0
Nevermind, figured it out.
cashreg |
If you don't want to save changes you've made in an existing task, is there a way to do it at all?
ie: I make a change to a note in a task, then decide I don't want to do that, how do I cancel the change? |
cashreg |
Is there any way to have completely mouseless data entry with Toodledo?
I've found some of the shortcuts, but it'd be nice to be able to enter the data for a task and then just hit a shortcut key to save it without having to mouse to a button. I can do this with some of the fields, but not with the Notes field. It'd also be nice to do this form the Notebook... maybe something like Alt-Enter or Ctrl-Enter like other apps use? Also, it'd be nice to be able to scroll thru lists with the arrow keys. Is that possible? And when you're in a new task that you don't want to save be able to hit the ESC key to get out without having to mouse over to the cancel text. Thx, Cash |
cashreg |
Posted Nov 29, 2009 in: Can the data in the dropdowns be sorted?
Score: 0
Is it possible to sort the data in these dropdown fields on the Task Entry Window:
Goals Context Folder Thx, Cash |
cashreg |
Posted Nov 29, 2009 in: Are there any hotkeys available in Toodledo?
Score: 0
I want to be able to do some things quickly and easily like add a task... are there any hotkeys that allow me to do this?
cashreg |
Posted Nov 27, 2009 in: Newbie needs help on organizational approach to toodledo
Score: 0
I'm a GTD and toodledo newbie. I'm the guy that David talks about who has captured everything on lists, but don't have them organized, so they don't get acted upon.
So, I'm trying to figure out how to set things up in Toodledo. The thing that most baffles my thought process is projects. The way I think about projects is best shown by example: My project is to write an inventory system. Some of the major tasks would be: - Interview Users - Design System - Build System - Test System - Implement System But each of these has sub-tasks. For example, for the task Design System: - Layout dataflow - Design GUI - Determine datastructures And then each of these has subtasks. For example, take Design GUI: - Determine Major Windows - Determine Common Windows - Determine Common Fields And then each of these has it's own subtasks. For example, take Determine Major Windows: - Determine Input Fields needed - Determine Display fields needed - Determine which common fields need to be used - Layout the position of the fields - Layout the order etc., etc., etc. And on top of that, I need to figure out some folders for myself. So what kind of folder would I find this in? Career? Work? ABC Corp? Inventory Project? And this is just one project amongst all the things to do. Can someone point me to some reading material which will help guide me on setting things up from a structure/thinking process to make GTD work for me? |
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