Search results for "Posted by SES21"
Author | Message |
SES21 |
Posted Aug 12, 2015 in: Redesign progress: Navigation bar
Score: 0
Aaaaccckkkkkk! The new font isn't nearly as crisp on my screen as the old. I actually prefer the old size/style whatever but I can live with the new if you'll just clean up the edges. What do you need from me to see what I mean? I haven't reloaded one of my two Toodledo screens yet so I can give you an old & new screenshot if that will help. Please let me know because I can not stand this fuzzy type! I actually have used a better than FHD screen for years for this very reason.
SES21 |
Did you open a ticket or report the problem via the "stopped" messsage? That will get technical detail to the TD dev team!
SES21 |
Posted May 08, 2014 in: Task Due time in Android App 1 hour later
Score: 0
Thanks, Jake!
SES21 |
Posted May 08, 2014 in: Task Due time in Android App 1 hour later
Score: 0
Posted by Jake:
It is in beta testing right now. Should be soon. Jake, where can I find the latest beta change logs? I'm not sure what has just recently changed & I always like to look before I leap! Also, since I'm glomming onto this topic. Where has all the beta discussion moved or has it just gone quiet on G+? |
SES21 |
Posted May 08, 2014 in: Multiple alarm reminders (I mean multiple lead times)
Score: 0
I'd like to see multiple alarms also. While snooze would not be my first choice because you might not be able to easily make it visible on multiple devices, I'll take it if that's all I can get.
What I'd really like is to be able to set multiple alarms on a task & choose how each alarm is delivered. For example, browser/pop-up x time ahead & SMS a different (closer to due) time ahead. So consider this a vote for both the selectable alarm locations feature request & the multiple alarms feature request! I'm pretty sure both of these are already on the tlist somewhere... |
SES21 |
In the meantime, would Tags work?
SES21 |
Posted May 08, 2014 in: How to set an alarm related to a start date/time?
Score: 3
+1 for alarms for Start Date/Time!
I have many tasks that don't have to be done on a certain date but I need some nag to remind me to think about doing them. The best idea I've come up with for those would be Start Date/Time alarms. I use Due Date modifiers for some similar things but these don't really fit as well with that usage. I already end up assigning pretend Due Dates to some tasks just so I can get the alarm & I'd rather move further away from assigning arbitrary Due Dates than to create more of them! |
SES21 |
Posted by UgoMars:
...snip... One thing is really bothering me: I cannot sync manually. I'm being told I need to turn on auto-sync even if I want to sync manually, and it doesn't make sense to me. Most apps can sync manually without having auto-sync on. I don't want to turn auto-sync on as it's a battery hog. I have a battery app that decides on the sync frequency according to what I want and turning auto-sync defeats that. ...Snip... Not sure how your battery app works but this idea may be of help. Go to Android's Settings, Accounts & Sync, Toodledo, uncheck Tasks then get out of that. Now go into Toodledo, tap the vertical ellipsis, tap Refresh. I'm pretty sure that should get you a manual sync. Another alternative would be to go into Toodledo's Settings, Sync Frequency & set it to something like 6 hours & just use Refresh if you want it to sync sooner. HTH |
SES21 |
Jake, I'm glad to hear that TD wasn't affected by the problem! I came to the forums to look for info on that & I found good news.
As for the N5 on KitKat, you might want to check at Google. There may be something in particular with Android/Chrome related to a special version of OpenSSL called (I think) mod_spdy. Sorry I don't know a lot more to offer...but please do let us know what you find out in case other users have the same problem. Thanks! |
SES21 |
It would sure be helpful if those having trouble would post here what version level of the app they're using. That way, those of us who aren't having trouble could try to avoid that version...or know what we might be in for!
SES21 |
Posted Apr 07, 2014 in: Task and Notebook Exports vs. Backup
Score: 0
You might want to take a close look at the differences in behavior if you have to use that backup/export to get info back into Toodledo. They don't all work the same.
I make backups every 2 weeks (just feeling gutsy, lucky or dumb) & get 5 files: backup, Export & 3 CSVs for current, completed & notes but I've never had to use it to load my info back into TD. |
SES21 |
Posted by coolexplorer:
SES21, Your remarks indicate you have invested emotions in MyToodle App. It was a fine suggestion and we all would like the native app to work perfectly with the Toodledo web application. However, without Saved Searches (a basic feature for a lot of users) it is practically useless to some people. Hope to see Saved Searches added soon so that we can give it a real test drive. :) Au contraire, not vested emotions in the app per se, just tired of hearing people grutz about the things it doesn't do yet rather than give positive input. It wasn't that long ago people were begging for a native Android app; now they're complaining that it's not far enough along to suit them. I have to admit I've never quite understood people's dependency on Saved Searches. I guess I just have a different work style but I find I can quickly find anything I need by just picking a particular view. Obviously, they're important to you & others, though, & I know that's something that's touted for the web interface so I hope you get it soon! |
SES21 |
Posted by kordi82:
Question: For the official Andorid app - is there any workaround to be able to add task with single stroke of a button? <snip> Not sure if this will work for you or not but, under Settings, Notifications, you can opt to have a permanent notification for quickly adding a task. This message was edited Apr 06, 2014. |
SES21 |
i decided it was time for me to chime in here since I so strongly encouraged Jake to talk with Phuah about the MyToodle app...
MyToodle seemed like an excellent starting point to me because: 1. From the beginning, it was designed with the intent of being 100% compatible with all of Toodledo. Not a To-Do app that happened to work with Toodledo but an app that existed solely for the purpose of using TD on Android. 2. Because it's a young app in its development, it wouldn't come with a lot of baggage either in terms of users being set in their ways (..."but it used to work this way & I want...") or a developer who had other ideas & intentions for his app. 3. It's lightweight, uncluttered, & ripe for additional features without a code monkey on its back. Yes, I also use DGT GTD & UTL (& sometimes others) on my own Android. They often frustrate me because they've been around a while yet they still don't support some features I expect for compatibility with TD & I don't see those devs rushing to add them either. For example, DGT has very limited sort options & wants to stick a due time on every task that doesn't have an actual time assigned & call it overdue when it's not complete by noon. DG is in the middle of a complete redesign of his app, which I've looked at & felt was still overly complex. It's an open beta if you want to go join & provide feedback. UTL on the other hand does not properly handle alarms at all when there's no due time & instead wants to alarm in the middle of the night! It also doesn't support Due After dates & there are no signs that the UI is going to be updated any time soon. That said, both apps & others work well for some people &, if you resemble that remark, by all means keep using it. I still use both for certain things but MyToodle quickly became my daily driver because of its clean interface & tight integration with TD (& Phuah's responsiveness to feedback). No, it's not fully fleshed out yet but that's kind of the take a great start & continue developing it into the best possible companion app to TD available on Android! If you don't want to use it, then don't...I seriously doubt Jake will disown you. But please don't just whine about your favorite app not being selected. Instead, how about making positive feature requests/suggestions for things you'd like to see added? Keep in mind its sole purpose in life is to be fully compatible with TD web - not to do your laundry & comb your hair for you. After all, it was only ~6 weeks ago that you didn't even have an official app to talk about! TL:DR - there are a lot of good reasons to choose a young app that doesn't have all the bells & whistles yet. If you really care about the official app, you'll come here to make constructive suggestions, not cry about what things it doesn't do yet & that x app is better. Okay there, I've gotten that off my chest & I'm done with my soapbox now. If anyone else wants it, have at it! This message was edited Apr 06, 2014. |
SES21 |
Check here:
SES21 |
Posted Mar 23, 2014 in: Allow parent task to be sorted according to a subtask
Score: 0
Have you tried showing subtasks inline instead? Then on the web interface, you can click on the subtask icon & it will immediately show all the tasks, including the parent, grouped together right there. Click again & the hierarchy goes back away again. I find inline view instead of indented also gives me a good way to keep the low priority substask clutter out of the way. It works well for me...YMMV!
SES21 |
That automatic alarm creation is either coming from your settings in Toodledo via Defaults or from whatever app you're using. TD doesn't create alarms on new tasks by default. If I had to guess, you're using Ultimate To-Do List, which does not properly handle alarms that don't have a Due Time set. It doesn't appear that the developer plans to fix it either - since the problem has been there a long time! |
SES21 |
I don't understand why people complain about the site's looks anyway but then I'll take function over form any day! I'd rather they work on adding features/functionality than making it look pretty, especially if that glam makes it load slower - which it likely would.
SES21 |
Posted Mar 23, 2014 in: Android app alarms an hour late since DST change yesterday
Score: 0
I still have all my alarms going off an hour late. When I turn them off & then back on again, do I have to do that in the app or can I do it on the website? There are a lot of them & the site would be much faster!
SES21 |
Posted Mar 23, 2014 in: Problem with latest Android update
Score: 0
Jake, sorry for the slow response! Yes, it was after that latest update. I don't recall exactly what fixed it but I think I tried clearing cache, then data, then uninstalling & reinstalling actually fixed it. With this auth change, is it still possible to run 2 accounts in the app? Not that I have 2 but it was something appealing that I might want to use in future.