Search results for "Posted by Fred_Foote"
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Fred_Foote |
Posted May 31, 2012 in: How to post a jpg or other image to Forum?
Score: 1
Can someone explain in detail how to post a jpg or other image to the forum using a link to an outside photo site or with some other method? It would help me post an image of an iPhone screen that illustrates an issue I'm having. Maybe others have screen prints of problems or solutions that they'd like to illustrate as well. I'm looking for the right syntax and codes EXACTLY. Thanks!
Fred_Foote |
Doesn't this capability exist already? When I go to Organize > Files, I see a little number indicating how many tasks are linked with each file. What am I missing? It seems that that's exactly what's being requested above.
Fred_Foote |
Posted Dec 17, 2011 in: Multi-Edit suggestions: change "deleted" and "completed"
Score: 0
Just an idea. When I'm doing a multi-edit, two of the choices are "Deleted Y/N" and "Completed Y/N". I think that they are in the wrong tense, grammatically speaking. I think they should be in the present tense as choices in the present: "Delete Y/N" and "Complete Y/N". Doesn't that read better? If you agree and these wordings are changed in a future update, I'll know I made my contribution to the task-world. Ha!
This message was edited Dec 17, 2011. |
Fred_Foote |
You are much smarter than I am. :)
Siri struggled with finding "Toodledo" -- I guess it's sort of a weird contact name for it to find. So I created a contact with my Toodledo email address but gave it the name Gitter Dun. This was an easy contact for Siri to recognize and your idea then worked like a charm. Thanks. This message was edited Oct 23, 2011. |
Fred_Foote |
Posted Oct 23, 2011 in: Where is my "Sync" button go?
Score: 0
Why does the Sync button dim for a minute or so after you tap it? I like to sync manually (for some reason) but I then have to wait between adding tasks to sync again. It's sort of annoying to have to wait.
Any thoughts as to why this delay has been built in? It's not in Appigo's ToDo. Do you suggest I change my settings to Snyc on Edit? |
Fred_Foote |
This is less than half-baked but I'd be curious to see if it can be refined by others:
If I dictate a note to Siri (eg, if I say "Note that I need to call Bruce") then Siri creates a note on my iPhone -- I need to call Bruce. So far, so good. Then if I EDIT the note (why I have to EDIT it is a total mystery), it sends a copy of the (edited) note to my Mail Inbox (and, incidentally, to a new "Notes" section my Apple Mail). Still with me? I then created a RULE under the Preferences of my Mail program that if a "Message Type" = "Note" arrives in my mailbox, then FORWARD the message to my Toodledo account. Here's another glitch. The Rule is marked to be active but doesn't seem to work unless I take the MANUAL step of APPLYING the rule in the Mail program. Anyway, all this rigamarole ends up then working and the Note ends up as a task in Toodledo. Can some pros out there clean up and improve upon this? I think there's a solution here somewhere! If it's perfected, all you would need to do in Siri is simply dictate new notes! |
Fred_Foote |
Posted Oct 07, 2010 in: Due dates won't stick; they somehow disappear
Score: 0
I have a group of to-dos that seem to mysteriously lose their due dates. I think the common denominator of them is that most of them were originated from having been emailed a to-do with an attachment to Toodledo at my unique Toodledo email address. All of the troublesome ones have either a note, an attachment, or both.
It seems it doesn't matter what I do to these tasks in terms of modifying the due date -- whether I change the due date as a multi-edit, for instance, or on my iPhone, or whatever. Sooner or later the due date disappears and it's screwing me up. Any thoughts? This message was edited Oct 07, 2010. |
Fred_Foote |
Posted Oct 04, 2010 in: Total Estimated Lengths by Subtotal or Category
Score: 0
If you highlight the javascript below and drag it to your Safari bookmark bar (and then give this bookmarklet a name), then after any sort in Toodledo you can see how long the subtotals will take per subtotal. For instance, if you sort by Tag (and if the tag names are A, B, C and D, then clicking on your new bookmarklet will tell you how long you've estimated it will take -- in total -- for each Tag. Hope this is clear!
javascript:var%20o=0;var%20o2='';var%20o3=0;var%20s='';var%20sd='';var%20myto=0;var%20it='';var%20v= 0;var%20d=document.body.innerHTML;var%20c=document.getElementsByClassName('sep');for(i=0;i<c.leng th;i++){if(i+1==c.length){myto=9999999;}%20else%20{myto=d.indexOf(c[i+1].innerHTML);}s=d.substring(d .indexOf(c[i].innerHTML),myto);%20sd=s.match(/len[^>]+>([^<]+)<\/span>/ig);for(j=0;j<sd.len gth;j++){if(sd[j].indexOf('none')%20<%201){%20sd[j].match(/(\d*\.?\d+)%20min|(\d*\.?\d+)%20hour/i );o=o+(isNaN(RegExp.$1)?0:RegExp.$1-0)+((isNaN(RegExp.$2)?0:RegExp.$2-0)*60);}};if(typeof%20c[i].inn erText=='undefined'){it=c[i].textContent;}else{it=c[i].innerText;}v=(o-0)/60;o2=o2+it+'%20-%20'+Math .floor(v)+'%20hours and '+Math.round((v-Math.floor(v))*60)+' minutes\n';o3=o3+v;o=0;};d=new%20Date();var%20o5=d.getHours()+':'+('0'+d.getMinutes()).slice(-2);d.s etMinutes(d.getMinutes()+(o3*60));var%20o4=d.getHours()+':'+('0'+d.getMinutes()).slice(-2);alert(o2+ '\nTotal%20Estimated%20Lengths:%20'+Math.floor(o3)+'%20hours and '+Math.round((o3-Math.floor(o3))*60)+' minutes\n\nCurrent%20time%20-%20'+o5+'\nEnd%20time%20-%20'+o4); Thanks to atsushi.hirata for the original code. Thanks to Eric Tucker of First National Bank of America for modifying it. This message was edited Oct 04, 2010. |
Fred_Foote |
Thanks! Hope it gets specifically mentioned as a fix when you do fix it (lot lumped in with a broad reference to "assorted bug fixes" like some companies understandably do when announcing updates to save time and focus on the more important stuff).
No need to reply. |
Fred_Foote |
I'm using Safari on a Mac. For me it basically sorts into "Daily" and "Other" -- I was hoping it would sort the "Every 1 days" "Every 3 days" "Every week" and stuff like that.
This message was edited Sep 25, 2010. |
Fred_Foote |
I've tried sorting a list of to-dos by the "Repeat" field and it doesn't seem to work for me. Is this a bug?
Fred_Foote |
Posted Jun 09, 2010 in: New action button and moving note icons
Score: 0
Any chance that we could, in the near future, utilize a [command]+[delete task] after clicking the new clickable icon that looks like a lego block? My hope is that a [command]+[delete task] would allow us to skip the next dialogue box (a slightly annoying extra step) to confirm the deletion of the task. Don't know if I'm being too clear. Anyone else get this and agree? :)
Fred_Foote |
Posted by frederi825:
I would like to see a "refresh" button of some sort on the iPad app. Unless I'm missing something, after making an update on a task or checking one off as completed, there's not good/easy way to refresh the app and see the new and improved list. Any thoughts? I'd rather stay with Toodledo's app for the iPad and iPhone which I generally enjoy. Let me just clarify my desire quoted above. What I do when I'm ticking off and adjusting to-do's is do a few items on my screen and then periodically hit the "d" key to resort and refresh the screen (by date, in this example). Thus, the "d" key functions as a refresh key for me. If there were a way of doing a similar thing in the iPad that would be great -- that is, hitting a single key to reset the list and bring it up-to-date after having made a few changes. This message was edited May 14, 2010. |
Fred_Foote |
I would like to see a "refresh" button of some sort on the iPad app. Unless I'm missing something, after making an update on a task or checking one off as completed, there's not good/easy way to refresh the app and see the new and improved list. Any thoughts?
Fred_Foote |
Posted May 10, 2010 in: Links in Emails not working
Score: 0
When I get mail in Apple's Mail program, occasionally I'd like to turn that into a task. Let's say it's an email telling me about a web site I should visit. Well, when I FORWARD that email to my T'do email address, it works fine except that the link in the text of the original email is gone because it's been converted into plain txt.
Any advice? UPDATE: Just tested another email and links in it worked fine. I think I need to rethink the type of email that didn't work for me before. It may have been more than simple text with links; it may have been some sort of html page or something. (I'm not savvy about this stuff.) This message was edited May 10, 2010. |
Fred_Foote |
Posted May 07, 2010 in: Security changes to signin
Score: 0
Thanks so much.
Fred_Foote |
Posted May 03, 2010 in: Staying logged in on the website
Score: 0
I'm adding my voice to a desire to make logging-out-upon-exiting the default behavior for safety. With some password programs, logging in when one specifically wants to (and knows the passwords) is not so time-consuming.
Fred_Foote |
Posted Apr 02, 2010 in: Bookmarklet : Display the length by items and end time for tasks
Score: 0
Works swell! May I be so bold as to ask if the bookmarklet could be modified so that the final result is expressed in hours and minutes rather than just hours? In other words, 1 hour, 40 minutes (preferred) instead of 1.67 hours (currently) Am I being presumptuous on your time, or what?!! Thanks for giving it a thought, anyway. This message was edited Apr 02, 2010. |
Fred_Foote |
Posted Apr 01, 2010 in: Bookmarklet : Display the length by items and end time for tasks
Score: 0
Sorry, not sure how to run Bookmarklets. Read something about it but I'm still not sure how it works. Any easy tips -- I'm fairly good with new stuff. Thanks!
UPDATE: Figured it out -- highlighted your Bookmarklet, dragged it to Bookmarks bar, gave it a name ("Atsushi Special") and now I can "run" it when in Toodledo. Thanks! This message was edited Apr 01, 2010. |
Fred_Foote |
Posted Mar 30, 2010 in: Bookmarklet : Display the length by items and end time for tasks
Score: 0
Can you do one for "Priority"? That would be great -- sorry I don't know how to write these myself.