Search results for "Posted by Peter S..."
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Peter S... |
That's exactly what's happening with me... future start dates. This whole topic reminds me of "3 Amigos"... "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!" :) |
Peter S... |
I have the badge set to show the number of starred items. I just noticed that it includes starred items that aren't displayed due to filters. This is counter intuitive... I chose to hide these items from view (mostly future tasks) so it seems logical to not want to include these in the count. I don't know if filtered tasks are filtered when the badge is set to show the number of tasks with some other quality, but the same thing would apply.
I hope you will agree with me. It would be a shame to turn off the badge as not accurate for this reason. Thanks...... |
Peter S... |
Posted Dec 19, 2009 in: What's the interest in a full desktop client for ToodleDo?
Score: 0
I completed the survey. I hope you will keep us posted here and allow for some discussion.
There is also this project: Though they don't seem to be starting with 1:1 feature compatibility with Toodledo. |
Peter S... |
Posted Dec 17, 2009 in: Status would be more useful if I could customize or edit
Score: 0
+1 !
Peter S... |
Posted Dec 10, 2009 in: TaskAngel for Windows syncs directly with Toodledo
Score: 0
For me these would be the highest priority:
Subtasks Goals Reminders I'm still fairly new with TD, so I'm sure some of the other features will become important. But these three are fundamental. Thxs |
Peter S... |
Posted Dec 09, 2009 in: TaskAngel for Windows syncs directly with Toodledo
Score: 0
Can you address the 1:1 mapping of taskangel with toodledo? Are there any aspects that don't match up or where we would have to modify what we are doing to integrate TA into our routines? Thanks...... |
Peter S... |
Posted Dec 07, 2009 in: Suggestion for Firefox plugin - Stars
Score: 0
We were talking about the Fx plugin in another thread so I realize this is the "slim" version. I just realized that there is no ability to star a task, new or existing, from within that interface. I would like to request this addition. I'm getting quite dependent on stars for my focus list and the firefox plugin for quick entries.
Thanks...... |
Peter S... |
Posted Dec 07, 2009 in: Adding Color to the iPhone app
Score: 0
Can you say more about getting started with this? I am unfamiliar with emoji, though I have seen reference to it (them?) in app listings.
Thanks.. |
Peter S... |
Posted Dec 04, 2009 in: Firefox plug-in inconsistency
Score: 0
Posted by Toodledo:
I'm sorry. I should have paid more attention to your first post. The firefox plugin uses our slim mini-website ( which currently doesn't have a "hide future tasks" filter, although we plan to add one in a future update. Good to hear it's in the works. Thanks! |
Peter S... |
Posted Dec 03, 2009 in: Suggestion: iPhone LockInfo plugin
Score: 0
Posted by toodledo:
Hi, I love toodledo, use it with Informant Pocket on Iphone. But I do have the same issues. I would like to lockinfo to show my star Todo. I understand toodledo don't want to get involve for legal issues with a$$le. But is there any API we can use or information, if we want to build our own pluggin? Cause I emailed LockInfo's author and he said he put it on the list. I don't know what that means in timeframe, but he seems willing. (I thought that, under the circumstances, he should have either said he put it on the todo list or he put it on the list to do. :-) |
Peter S... |
Posted Dec 03, 2009 in: Firefox plug-in inconsistency
Score: 0
Posted by Toodledo:
You need to turn on the "Hide future tasks" filter. That seems to only allow hiding tasks with due dates at least 1 month in the future. On the iphone app, if I have a task due in 7 days and enter a start date of two days from now, it won't show up until two days from now. Are we talking about the same thing? This message was edited Dec 03, 2009. |
Peter S... |
Posted Dec 03, 2009 in: Firefox plug-in inconsistency
Score: 0
I love the firefox plugin. It is by far the fastest way for me to do quick task adds when I am at the computer. One minor inconsistency, but one that really gets in the way for me given my method, is that items with start dates in the future still show up in my starred list. On the iPhone, items with future start dates don't show up in the starred list until that date.
Hmmm, I just checked TD website and found the same thing. Future start dated items are showing up in my starred list. Am I missing something here or did I find an anomaly? |
Peter S... |
Posted Nov 30, 2009 in: Add the Star List to the website
Score: 0
Posted by Proximo:
The Toodledo iPhone app has a Star list which is what I use to determine the task I am working on Next or have committed to doing today. The Star List is not found on the website and I must mimic the function by using custom search. C Could we please add this to the website? I think the website and iPhone app should match each other in areas like this to keep it uniform. Just a suggestion. P.S. I like the Today list so much on the iPhone app because it's a practice used on many GTD based sites. This is what we call the Focus List. This is the way I'm using the Star list also. I review all tasks each morning and star the ones I'm focused on for the day. I would like to see an option to have just starred items included on the hotlist so we could have that emailed each day. |
Peter S... |
Posted Nov 30, 2009 in: Suggestion: iPhone LockInfo plugin
Score: 0
Posted by Toodledo:
Sorry. We are iPhone developers and we have to play by Apple's rules. I understand. Just disappointed. |
Peter S... |
Posted Nov 29, 2009 in: Suggestion: iPhone LockInfo plugin
Score: 0
Posted by Toodledo:
It looks like you are using a hacked or jailbroken iPhone. Toodledo does not support iPhones that have been hacked. Phooey! I wouldn't own an iPhone if I couldn't make it functional! |
Peter S... |
Posted Nov 29, 2009 in: Suggestion: iPhone LockInfo plugin
Score: 0
I'm getting up to speed with Toodledo web and iPhone. I had the Appigo's ToDo listing showing on my LockInfo screen via the LockInfo plugin, but it is too cumbersome to keep everything in sync when I am using the Toodledo iPhone app to work with.
If this is tackled, I would love the option to only show starred tasks on the lockscreen (my current focus list). Here is a link to a screenshot of my lockinfo layout. This is the homescreen, but the lockscreen is the same except there is "slide to unlock" instead of the icon dock at the bottom. The screen also scrolls down to view more that is on my todo list ... This message was edited Nov 29, 2009. |
Peter S... |
Posted Nov 29, 2009 in: iPhone Section on the Forums
Score: 0
I second this idea!