Search results for "Posted by dannyw0011"
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dannyw0011 |
Posted Jan 24, 2012 in: New Mobile Website with Offline and Android Support
Score: 0
Will give the beta a try and let you know how it works.
dannyw0011 |
Thanks for all you've done this year. While you may get a lot of feedback on the forums, Toodledo is still by far the best task manager out there! Looking forward to January!
This message was edited Dec 29, 2011. |
dannyw0011 |
I'll throw this in. If I were a developer, I'm not sure what approach I would take. I could see advantages and disadvantages whether a developer posts their development plan.
However, to see another approach, look at the support forums for Ultimate To Do List. The developer, Dave, keeps a tally of requests and posts them in the forums. He devotes development time to the top requests. For Ultimate, you pretty much know what the next release will bring. |
dannyw0011 |
... a play on words, not a disagreement on business strategy.
dannyw0011 |
Posted by Salgud:
Customizing the Status is on "the list". And we don't define that "list" either! |
dannyw0011 |
Posted Dec 20, 2011 in: My Personal Information Management System
Score: 2
Thanks for sharing. Your system is very well thought out. It's nice to see the entire workflow process and how Toodledo ties into it.
dannyw0011 |
You can only select a status from the pre-determined list. You cannot define the list.
dannyw0011 |
Posted Nov 28, 2011 in: There is NO reminders checkbox
Score: 0
Under the top row, look under Tools > Alarm / Reminders.
dannyw0011 |
I have been going to "View All Tasks" and using Explorer's "Find on this page," have searched for keywords. It's aggravating, though, because when viewing all tasks, it seems to take forever to pull all the tasks up, and then Toodledo locks up. None too elegant.
dannyw0011 |
Instead of making projects into separate folders, I personally keep tasks and subtasks in one folder and projects in a separate folder. I use the project name as a description and not necesarily as anything actionable. When I started out, I had tasks, subtasks, and projects all in one folder, but I found it distracting for a non-actionable project description to show up in an actionable tasks list.
dannyw0011 |
Posted Oct 19, 2011 in: Best iPhone App to use with Toodledo?
Score: 0
Posted by Purveyor:
[quote]Posted by dannyw0011: <DIV class=quote>Too bad you're not on Android.[/quote]Why?[/quote] While I've never used an iPhone app, I've found that Ultimate ToDo List for Android does a great job syncing with Toodledo. At least I've never had a problem. And it also has saved searches, the biggest plus for me. Features have always been UTDL's strongpoint. It has received complaints about it's UI, though. The developer has been taking UI suggestions and he is working on a revised UI that should be out within a month or so. |
dannyw0011 |
Posted Oct 19, 2011 in: Best iPhone App to use with Toodledo?
Score: -1
Too bad you're not on Android.
dannyw0011 |
Posted Oct 15, 2011 in: Can I have toodledo remind me to do something every 90 minutes?
Score: 0
Nagging reminders would be great.
dannyw0011 |
Posted Oct 11, 2011 in: Don't Understand Notebooks
Score: 0
Notebooks can be used for bits of information that you might need but which aren't truly tasks. For example, I list the size of my house air conditioning filter (which I can never remember otherwise when I'm at the store to buy replacements), mileage of my last vehicle oil change, procedures to perform certain actions, etc. I refer to them often.
dannyw0011 |
Posted Oct 08, 2011 in: Advantage of using Tooledo over my regular email/calender
Score: 1
I have a friend who uses his calendar as a task manager. If he doesn't complete his tasks on the day he shows, he has to keep moving to another day since they aren't truly specific to any particular day. I know this would prove frustrating for me.
In Toodledo, you can list all of your tasks. If they have to be tied to a date, you can do so. If they don't (as most of mine are), you can simply list them. You can set descriptive fields for each task, such as how important they are, where they need to be done, how long they will take to do, etc. and you can configure Toodledo to only show you those tasks that fit the criteria you set up. And you don't have to move them from day to day, as on a calendar, if you don't complete them on the day shown. |
dannyw0011 |
One additional request not relating to task management... when posting on these forums, an ability to preview the post, particularly when using HTML tags, would be helpful. I know you can edit after posting, but I guess from other forums, I am used to previewing and fixing any errors before posting.
dannyw0011 |
Posted Sep 29, 2011 in: Saved Search Sorting Requests
Score: 1
After much thought and design (thank goodness for MindManager), I am finally getting Toodledo set up as a "mostly GTD" system that meets my needs.
Toodledo's customizability is robust compared to other systems. And the Saved Searches, once properly set up, are where I spend most of my time. Great care needs to be taken in setting up proper filters. As I was designing the filters I use, I thought it might be helpful if users posted their filter designs, explaining the results they produce. It would probably help others who might be setting up their systems, as well as be a way to let others check for errors. Your thoughts? But the main reason for this post is to address two frustrations I have when navigating my saved searches. And I know these have been requeted before, but their absence creates a hardship. - I request that sort criteria be saved for each individual saved search. - I request a fourth sort level. I'm not certain how difficult these would be to implement, but at least for me, they would lower the "frustration level." |
dannyw0011 |
Posted Sep 26, 2011 in: Backup and Restore Options
Score: -1
Thanks for implementing this feature. This is something that was much needed.
dannyw0011 |
I found where Toodledo had responded to this question elsewhere in the past that after the third level of sort, the precedence would be random. However, after rearranging the sort criteria and then changing back, and after signing out and back in to Toodledo, it appears my idea of random may be different from Toodledo's because the tasks' order remains the same. There has to be some logic to the precedence.
dannyw0011 |
If I sort tasks by…
1. Due date 2. Priority 3. Star …they are grouped under due date headers and sub-sorted by Priority and Star My question is…once the tasks are sorted to the third level of Star, what decides the Starred tasks’ listing precedence at that point if they all have the same priority? I’m doing this under a saved search and cannot seem to figure the precedence. |