
Search results for "Posted by coolexplorer"
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Posted Mar 07, 2017 in: Smart Add for the Android app
Score: -1
I disagree that the Web Client works better than the Android App on an Android mobile device. I tried it out via Chrome but had a lot of difficulty even moving around or opening menus.

The Android App has improved a lot however (with custom saved searches) and I am using it.

Hope the TD website continues to get improved offline support, since my internet is sometimes flaky.

Score: 1
[ I had raised a service ticket reg. "Saved Searches menu not appearing on my mobile", this has been resolved with recent app update ]

In TD Web, Sort and other criteria are being uniquely saved for each 'Custom Saved Search' list. This is not happening on Android.

Can the search and other criteria for each list be synced between TD web and Android App so that we have seamless use on the PC and mobile?

If not is there a way to save the individual setting on TD android mobile?

Score: 1
Sorting Priority in Toodledo :

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This message was edited Feb 14, 2017.

Score: 0
When is the Beta version being transferred to the Main site? It has great features and beta testers have already wrung out the bugs.

Posted Feb 04, 2017 in: Saved Searched - Android App
Score: 0
Posted by Jake:
Yeah, we haven't figured out this bug yet. Its working for most people, but for a small number of people, the saved search menu isnt being populated. We are working on this. If you can update your ticket with any relevant information that might help us, that would be great.

Thanks Jake. I love TD and am a brand advocate. Once the android bug is fixed I will rely on TD as my complete Task Management eco-system.

Score: 0
Posted by Vicfrances:
Hi guys,

Can I move tasks manually under filter sort "Due Date"?

I like to see my tasks organized by date, but inside every day I would love to move them up or down, can I?

Thank you so much

I too would like this capability which presently does not exist.
In the meanwhile have you tried using 'Time am/pm' within the Due Date menu to rank tasks in order of doing. It requires a bit more fiddling but may work for you.

Posted Feb 02, 2017 in: Saved Searched - Android App
Score: 0
I was excited to hear that you (TD) had recently included "custom saved searches" in your android app, as this was the primarily reason I continued to use "Ultimate ToDo List" android app. On TD web my 15 odd saved searches work perfectly.

I am however unable to access the long-awaited "custom saved searches" on my mobile Samsung Note2 (android 4.4.2).
In the saved search tab the drop-down menu is not working and the downward pointing arrow is aligned to the left (unlike in the other tabs where the drop-down menus are working).

Issue is not resolved as of date.

Ticket # 64951
Subject My 'Custom Saved Searches' of TD website not showing in TD Android app
Created Jan 17, 2017 05:44 pm
Product Toodledo on Android

Posted Jan 29, 2017 in: Android App Update v6.0.2
Score: 0
Posted by Christoph Dollis:

Is it an Android version thing? Mine works well on 5 and 6.

I am using android 4.4.2.
Under the Saved Search button it is showing ALL my Tasks. i.e. the drop-down menu does not work.

This message was edited Jan 29, 2017.

Posted Jan 27, 2017 in: Android App Update v6.0.2
Score: 0
Posted by ykphuahmy:
"What happens when you click on the triangle? Do you see a list of saved searches? Or they are all blank?"

Chris : Triangle (downward arrow) doesn't work. Nothing happens (despite me having 10 to 15 Custom Saved Searches on TD Web, and they work fine).

This message was edited Jan 27, 2017.

Posted Jan 26, 2017 in: Android App Update v6.0.2
Score: 1
Christoph Dollis,

Thanks for trying to help me out.
From your screen-shots I can see that you are able to access your TD web 'Saved Searches' on your mobile app.
Unfortunately I am unable to get anything in the drop-down menu. See my screen-shot which shows my 'first saved search' i.e. !Pinned (my daily routine- not shown in the screen-shot) and then all my tasks separated by Contexts. None of my other 'Saved Searches'. Notice that the drop-down arrow is justified to the left.

How are you getting colorful descriptive icons to the left of your dividers? Freaks me out - I want them. :)

This message was edited Jan 26, 2017.

Posted Jan 25, 2017 in: Android App Update v6.0.2
Score: 1
Context : I updated to the latest Toodledo Android app version 6.2.3 hoping that the long awaited "Custom Saved Searches" would start working after bug correction. No luck. I am on android 4.4 on a Samsung Note 2.

Problem : In all other Task menus the down arrow (at the top left of the screen) appears a bit to the center of the screen, allowing for access to a drop-down menu of options.
On clicking the 'Saved Searches' option the down arrow (at the top left of the screen) appears justified to the left of the screen, and does not show any drop-down menu of options (i.e. the custom saved searches I created on the TD website).

Note : I have created a support ticket but was just directed to a forum link which shows that some users have this problem. I have just cleared the cache, deleted and reinstalled the TD android app and re-synced my data. Problem still continues.

Looking forward to some solution as 'Custom Saved Searches' was the only thing preventing me from switched from 'Ultimate ToDo List' app to the native one.

Regards, Chris

Posted Jan 08, 2017 in: Shopping list ?
Score: 0
Instead of using different tabs (Lists, Outlines, etc.) I use only the TD Task tab for everything. This is how I use it for my shopping list :

1. I use 'Custom Saved Searches' both on TD Web and the Android app ("Ultimate ToDo List").
2. I made a parent "Shopping list".
3. Under the parent I made a master shopping list of frequently repurchased items as subtasks.
4. All are given the context Buy and the location "Phone" or "Outdoor" (I use the Location function not for actual geographical locations, but for doing contexts.
5. All are marked priority "Negative" or Low if you choose i.e. an inactive template of things to be purchased regularly.
6. When I want to remind myself to purchase something I just check my Shopping List 'Custom Saved Search' and star those items I need.
7. Some one time items I just add under Buy and star it and later delete after purchasing.
8. The 'star' is like magic and puts it in my Today Hotlist no matter the priority.
9. After I purchase the item, I 'unstar' it, and it recedes into the background (out of view) to fight another day.

Kindly let me know if there is a better way to have a shopping list in my main Tasks tab. I am sure there must be.

Score: 0
Posted by cj:
I kind of like like idea of a progress checkbox ... showing %done. I know - this is sort of a combination of using the Status field and Start Date/Timer ... but having a progress field would indeed be a little productivity booster. So +1 that ....

I can see how a progress bar could be a motivator.

An alternate way as per GTD would be to clarify/break down bigger tasks (projects) into bite-able sizes of 5-15-30 minutes each so that we don't need a progress indicator, but just a done or not done check-box .... to progress the project as a whole.
If you turn the checked tasks display on it could show how much of a project is done and what is left, in addition the timings given to each task (if you use that field) could also help show the progress made.

Maybe what can be considered is for the TD program to total the amount of time of all sub-tasks of a Parent (Project), and display the hours of work left.

This message was edited Dec 15, 2016.

Score: 0
I have been using TD for ages with advanced custom search views, etc, and for the life of me, this is the first time I am hearing of this feature.
Obscure, but thanks. Will try it out.

Score: 0
If you are on android try 'Ultimate To Do List'. I have been using it for 3 years. It syncs perfectly, has a lot of cool features, custom views, etc.
It has a tiny one button widget on your home screen that if pressed once allows you to directly enter a new task.

Posted Dec 11, 2016 in: New Section: Lists
Score: 4
I agree that the TD compartmentalization / silos are preventing powerful use of the central Tasks module. Thank God for the in-line Notes in Tasks wherein one can make small notes, lists, etc.

If in a TD re-design Outlines, Lists and Habits and also Goals could be properly integrated into Tasks it would be much more powerful and more used.

Score: 1
Although I use the android app 'Ultimate To Do List' (which syncs perfectly) and not the native TD app, it is sad to observe that no one from TD has bothered to answer this conversation thread of customer complaints for the last one year.
Jake is otherwise quite prompt in addressing customer questions and feedback in other conversations.
Probably TD is not able to give enough attention to Android just yet.

Posted Nov 29, 2016 in: How to order my tasks
Score: 1
Toodledo is very powerful and customizable, but one of its key shortfalls is that it does not allow a user to sort the tasks in the Hotlist in the users preference of doing.

Once I have selected the 15 odd (small & big) tasks I want to do today, it does not allow me to sequence them and determine what I should do first, second, etc.

There are some tasks I would like to do first thing in the morning, and some post lunch, or in the evening when people return from work.
The tagging system does not work effectively (I have played around with using sequence numbers 1,2,3, and morning, evening, etc).

Please appreciate that I plan my tasks the previous night and would not like to again expend decision making energy and motivation on picking a task to do each time, all over again, several times a day.

Could something be done to allow manual sorting of one list only -- the final Hotlist and custom saved search Hotlist only. 99% of the task data base need not be sorted, as I am aware it goes against the rational of self-selection on which TD is based.

Posted Oct 21, 2016 in: A-la Carte Pricing Model ?
Score: 1
The suggestion makes sense.
I am a Silver subscriber. I don't need Collaboration at all, but could use Attachments.
I have found a work-around for attachments, but its a bit tedious.

If space on the TD server is too costly, you could offer a way for Silver subscribers to link to documents in the subscribers own GDrive, Dropbox, Onedrive, etc. This would be accessible across desktop and mobile OS.

Evernote has recently collaborated with Google to link to documents in GDrive.

Score: 0
Basic idea of the semi-hidden Parent is good. Implementation needs improvement.
It will be good if it shows as the beginning text (first 15 characters of the parent) of the pop-up when hovering over a sub-task.

Appreciate your constant attempt to improve the service.
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