Search results for "Posted by garyo"
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garyo |
Posted Nov 12, 2009 in: Android/Palm Pre feedback needed
Score: 0
Seems OK on my Android phone (G1, latest Cyanogen ROM); the screen-slide is a little sluggish but otherwise looks & works fine.
garyo |
Posted Jul 24, 2009 in: Non-repeating tasks with Optionally On
Score: 0
Posted by robbiejg:
Hi, Here's my understanding: if you set Optionally On to a repeating task and do not complete it that day, it automatically moves to the next day. If the task is not a repeating task and Optionally On is set and you do not complete it, it is deleted. Waitaminit, ToodleDo silently deletes tasks in this case??? Even if they're not completed? Oh no, now I have to go back and look at all my tasks to see if any got deleted like this. I thought "optionally on" just meant it wouldn't get marked *overdue* after its date. Like "I should do this by Monday, but it's OK to delay," rather than "I should do this by Monday, but if I don't get to it forget about it altogether!" Is this really true? I think it makes Optionally On pretty useless then. |
garyo |
From wikipedia (under "Parting Phrase"):
"Tootles" "Toodaloo" "Toodledoo" (from the French phrase à tout à l'heure) It basically means "goodbye" when spelled with two o's at the end, so it's a pun on that word. This message was edited Jul 10, 2009. |
garyo |
Is it just me, or is it the case that if one doesn't have Due Time enabled one only gets options for reminders 1, 2, 3... days in advance, and not options for reminders xx minutes in advance? I'm fine with everything being due at noon, but I'd still like to get a reminder that morning without having to enable Due Time (ok, I guess that's not a huge deal in terms of real estate).
garyo |
TooDo (Edouard Mercier's app) may be dead. He hasn't updated anything since March. It no longer works with Cupcake (Android 1.5). I would certainly like to see a working todo app that syncs with ToodleDo! I'm using the web version now, but if I'm in the subway that doesn't help.
garyo |
Posted Jun 03, 2009 in: Two big updates and 6 little ones
Score: 0
One more minor thing, regarding the new popups (which are great btw): mousing off the popup to the right, top or bottom closes it as expected, but mousing off the left side doesn't close it. This happens on Firefox 3(winxp) and Safari (OSX). Additionally, if the task has an opened note, mousing off the right side of the popup (over the note) doesn't close the popup.
garyo |
Posted Jun 02, 2009 in: Two big updates and 6 little ones
Score: 0
One minor thing about task/subtask sorting: if you have "Show recently completed" turned on, your completed tasks with subtasks get bumped up to the top, even though they're completed (even if the task and all subtasks are completed).
garyo |
I normally sort by importance and that works great. But if I click (say) Status, to sort by it, then how do I get back to Importance? This is the only way I know:
* Click Sort at the top (opens sort box) * Click first Sort By field, drag down to Importance * Click Sort button (actually sorts) * Close Sort box (optional) This is a lot of stuff. Am I missing something? |
garyo |
Posted May 11, 2009 in: Bug report: ToDos 10/20 years out wrap around to the past
Score: 0
Indeed switching to a different date representation is not that easy, though there are proposals and methods (using an unsigned for time_t is one, 64-bit value is another).
In the interim, perhaps it would be helpful to clamp time_t values to the valid range, on the theory that even if it makes them not correct at least they're still in the future? if (t1 + tdiff < t_1970) tresult = t_2038 else tresult = t1 + tdiff Another possibility would be to use Julian Day numbers instead of Unix timestamps... but that's more work. And while we may not be using ToodleDo in 30 years, it's entirely possible that the ToDo lists we make today will get ported forward to other systems. Mine comes from PalmOS in the '90s originally, and that's where I originally entered my 10-year repeating passport expiration reminders. So it's not all that unreasonable to enter a date far in the future for a ToDo. |
garyo |
Posted May 10, 2009 in: Bug report: ToDos 10/20 years out wrap around to the past
Score: 0
I have an appointment that repeats every 10 years ("renew passport"). I completed it, so I check it off. Next time I refresh, I still see it, even though I have "hide future tasks" filter turned on. Why? Because the date has wrapped around to Dec 31, 1969. (I might have checked it off twice due to this, so it might not have wrapped until 20 yrs in the future.) Perhaps you're using a 32-bit Unix date representation. We're not all that far from 2038 when that date representation will fail, but in ToodleDo's case perhaps the wrapping is happening even earlier?
garyo |
Posted May 06, 2009 in: Suggestion: more fields in multiline mode, or way to enter field
Score: 0
Unless I misunderstand, you get the same set of fields in single-line and multi-line modes. I like single-line mode usually. What I'd really like is to NOT have to have all my seldom-used fields (add note, delete, start date, repeat) show up in the single-line view, but be able to separately enable them in multi-line only.
Actually what I'd really like even more than that would be a right-click menu, or a single drop-down at the end of single-line view, that would enable me to delete, add a note, set a start date or repeat, etc. without taking up a column. As it is now it's too wide to fit my browser on most monitors. ps: Quicksearch is the greatest! When did that show up?? |
garyo |
Posted May 05, 2009 in: Toodledo Slim, which mobile browsers work?
Score: 1
Slim works beautifully on the Android mobile browser (1.1 and Cupcake 1.5).
garyo |
Posted Apr 14, 2009 in: 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month?
Score: 0
Duplicate it, then set one to repeat 1st thu, the other the 3rd thu?
garyo |
Posted Apr 08, 2009 in: Interesting Thread over at the "Remember the Milk" Forums
Score: 1
Another "me too": started with RTM, used it for a few months, started to get frustrated, looked around for alternatives, saw the above-reference postings, checked out TD, and now here I am, just having canceled my RTM account.
Not that TD still doesn't have work to do, but the communication is way better and the feature set is already on parity (better in some ways, not yet in some ways) so I feel like I made the right decision. And yes, I have a pro acct. PS: Frossie, love the site analytics graph. You are way too clever. |
garyo |
Posted by frossie:
I am not sure I follow - you just go to the context view, and chose "at home" and toodledo will only show you those tasks in that context, and new tasks will default to that context. I use that all the time - in particular I have a "leaving home" context for things I need to remember to take and/or prepare when leaving in the morning which has proved to be a godsend. About the choice of contexts: Like Proximo I do use Phone and Computer as contexts (as well as location based ones) and do find them useful. Yes, I can ask for those contexts at home or at work or at the coffee shop, but the point is that they enable me to go on a roll - sit down, make a bunch of phone calls and then go do something else. Even though I have a phone at work all the time, I make my phone calls when my officemate is on a break, as hearing somebody on the phone can be distracting. So as soon as he leaves clutching his mug I hit the phone context and go. So my contexts are: home, leaving home, work, leaving work, in town (what some call errands), phone, computer, project (I think I picked this from Proximo). While this doesn't allow me to make a simple mapping ("I use contexts for location"), in practice it works very well for me. I can't use the Context view because it shows me too much stuff and not enough stuff. :-) My main view is a saved search that filters out far-future tasks (>7 days from now), and includes both work context and no-context (in case I forgot to set the ctxt). Unfortunately if you're in a search view, you can't get the context to default to anything (as far as I know). Frossie, I'm surprised you don't need to use a search view as standard too, to show all your (work OR phone OR computer) contexts, since a task can only have a single context in TD. Now if ToodleDo would let me modify the implicit search that happens underneath its standard views, while still letting me set fields to default values when creating new tasks, I'd be in heaven :-). |
garyo |
Posted by Proximo:
Posted by roddyt: Posted by Proximo: When I am at work. I don't care about home related task or anything else.... If you use folders for projects, then you should use contexts for "home" and "work". ... Roddy I appreciate all the neat work arounds shared here, but that in itself is the problem. There should be no work around for managing Projects and Task. This is at the core of any software that is considered a Task/Project Manager. You see. I don't believe in the "Home" context or "Work" context. That is not a resource. I can have a work related task that requires me to research online to find the answer. I can also have a home related task that requires me to research online. You see, the context for both of these task is "Online". Not work or home. That is a location. Context should be @Computer, @Email, @Phone, @Meeting, @Online, etc. Projects should be managed inside of any area of focus. I consider the Folders an area of Focus. Work Folder, Personal Folder, Business Folder. Now that I have focus, I can filter my task specifically by the resource needed to complete them. If you use folders for individual projects, you will have to jump between Work related task, Work related Projects, Personal Task, Personal Projects, etc. This is why Folders don't work as Projects. This is my opinion of course and I respect the opinion of others. Proximo I think I'm with Roddy here, rather than Proximo. If I'm at home and thinking "What should I do next?" I find it very convenient to use Context as "home". I don't particularly care if the thing I'm going to do next will involve the phone, or the computer, or a shovel; I can gather my resources as needed. So I don't think I would like Proximo's @Phone, @Computer contexts. They would not help me get things done. On the other hand, almost everything on my list can either ONLY be done at home, or ONLY at work, or ONLY while shopping. Contexts work really nicely for me here. In fact I wish Toodledo would let me set a "current context" and default new tasks to it, and only show tasks in that context by default, effectively letting me tell it where I am. (Geolocation to come in the Android version I hope :-)) Doing it this way frees Folders to be GTD projects. I cheat on this and don't make a new folder for every one, I'd have too many, but the big ones get folders and the little ones piggyback in the same folders and I can use tags to distinguish them since tags are very lightweight. I just set my standard view to a search: Soon@Work, which finds all tasks due in <7 days (or overdue or undated), with context of work (or none, in case I forgot to give a task a context). Similarly for Soon@Home. This is not too bad. I too avoid subtasks, they don't seem to work at all in the way I would need. Perhaps when they're fixed I'll switch to a mode where small Projects get a master task, and the subtasks are the actions. (ps: hope the quoting comes out right here, I don't see a "preview" button...) |
garyo |
Posted Mar 29, 2009 in: Editing Multiple Tasks - Without a Search
Score: 1
Another "me too" -- searches just can't get you all the way to the exact list of tasks that need to be updated, typically. There's always a few that need to be manually excluded or included. I like the ctrl-click to hilight the entire line idea.
Best workaround I've found is to reserve the use of the star for this. Don't use it for anything else, then when you want to bulk update some tasks, star them and search for starred. |
garyo |
me too! (Plus would save space if you could optionally *only* show the color block for priority, like rtm.)
garyo |
re: multiple contexts, I keep my contexts really simple: Home, Work, Car. I typically view my tasks filtered by context so I don't see the work tasks at home. Someone above suggested using "no context" for a task that could be done anywhere (in any context), which is great except there's no easy way to set a filter "Work context OR no context". So I guess I'd like to be able to filter in this way.
I could switch to using saved searches always I suppose, but the standard views are otherwise pretty nice, and convenient. |
garyo |
Posted Mar 29, 2009 in: Feature request: faster task entry w/ Context
Score: 0
(Sorry, just realized this ought to have been in the Questions forum, not tips & tricks.)