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Posted Jul 06, 2020 in: Outstanding Issues with New iOS Update
Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 06, 2020
  • Score: 1
Posted by jzamoras:
I the meantime, try taskangel app for iOS.

Task Angel = very slick! I like it, it seems to do everything that Toodledo does, synced up very fast, gotta pay $1 if you want notes lol I think that I can handle that. My one beef so far would be no visual separation between tasks for different days, like Toodledo, but that is not a showstopper. Again, thanks so much for the heads up.

Posted Jul 06, 2020 in: Outstanding Issues with New iOS Update
Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 06, 2020
  • Score: 1
Posted by jzamoras:
I the meantime, try taskangel app for iOS.

Wow, thanks for the heads up. Will do, very much appreciated.

Posted Jul 06, 2020 in: Outstanding Issues with New iOS Update
Score: 2
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 06, 2020
  • Score: 2
This is a running list of issues that I have encountered since the latest iOS update:

- With a lot of trial and error, I was able to sort my tasks correctly again. I sort by tags within dates. However, every time that I enter or exit the Toodledo iOS application, the application resorts my tasks incorrectly. So I have to literally select "Sort", then open the 1st sorting criteria and hit done, each and every time, to get the tasks to display correctly. Right now, this is my top issue, and it is forcing me to temporarily use the Toodledo Web page on my iPhone instead of this newly updated iOS app.

- Under each task there is now a huge amount of empty space for an attached note. This is useless and distracting.

- Nagging red icon under Settings to buy a subscription? No thanks. How do I get rid of it?

- All notes have a huge amount of space in the actual note contents before any actual words, but when I click on the note to delete the extra space, in edit mode, the note looks fine. It just displays outside of edit mode with the space, there is no way to fix this.

- Some tasks are shaded in blue, others are white. No rhyme or reason no pattern it makes no sense and it is very distracting.

- Sorting in Notes is broken...alphabetically my notes now run A-Z, with all of my notes that start with lower case letters (i.e. eBay, iPhone, etc.) at the end of the list. Like the major Tasks sorting issue that I previously mentioned, the Notes display incorrectly until I tap on the first sort criteria, which I have to do each and every time that I enter or exit the Notes section of the iOS app. But unlike Tasks sorting, I cannot get those lower case letter items to display in correct order, even after I have updated the sort criteria.

- Specific Repeat information (e.g. Daily, Every Monday, etc.) has disappeared from individual Task items, I have to select a Task to see that detail.

These are additional issues that my wife has encountered:

- Hundreds of old tasks got added to the app that she’s going to have to review and work through
- App is not syncing with tasks beyond today.
- No folders for tasks in the app.
- No notes synced in the app.

And now, the soap box speech....

I have been using Toodledo for 15 years give or take. I use it for the basics, but my wife and I depend on those basics in terms of organizing and managing our daily lives. This is by far the worst iOS app update that I have ever seen. I have been somewhat removed from these forums for a while, but I am absolutely shocked at the number and extent of complaints from users both new and old, as well as the complete lack of response from Toodledo to these issues. I have been mostly happy with Toodledo throughout the years, and I've never had a reason to shop around until now. The fact is that Toodledo no longer shows up in casual Google searches for the "best task manager", or "best GTD application" or even "best task list". It was hard dealing with Jake, but Jake cared both personally and professionally about Toodledo and its customers, he listened and responded to issues, and took action across a wide range of customer needs versus wants. I just don't see any of this happening from Toodledo anymore, and I'm concerned that this might be the beginning of the end. Which is a shame, because the legacy of this app and its customer base is really something special, I would hate to continue seeing it go in the direction that it is going.

I do come from an IT background, but it doesn't take an IT person or rocket scientist to understand the basics here - you've got to thoroughly test an application update before even thinking about releasing it to the general public. And you never ever do an update like this without advanced notice to the customer base, and you never ever do it on a holiday weekend. That's just basic common sense.

Bottom line - this new update is an unmitigated disaster.

Oh and the Apple Watch app? The one that we've been waiting on for years? It's beyond useless. Who needs a running list of their Hotlist items, which you have to click on individually to get minimal data about? It looks awful, and provides little value. We've all waited a long time for the new Watch app to happen, we can wait a little longer. Back to the drawing board on that one, maybe put it on the back burner of priorities until you get these iOS update issues squared away.

This message was edited Jul 07, 2020.

Posted Jul 06, 2020 in: Update????
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 06, 2020
  • Score: 0
Posted by mike9365:
This may or may not be the right place to post this question, but it is associated with the update and comments...
I've been a user of Toodledo for about 10 years now. I'm not a "power user"; but I am dependent on the app, primarily to keep track of events. So, I had a subscription and one time, then rolled back to the free version, which mostly serves my needs. I'm not opposed to paying, but just haven't needed the features.

So, I see and IOS update but it doesn't work nad, in fact, I can't even find Toodledo in the app store at this time. My app works and syncs hoswever. So, I looked at the forums to see what was going on. I understand that there are current issues with the update. The forum reminced me, hosever, that there is no automatic backup with this app. I guess I've just becomed accustomed to using that feature on others and didn't notice that it was missing until someone mentioned doind a csv export. I have enough in app that I need to do that. I couldn't find anything obvious, so I went to help. I states that I should be able to click on my profile and select import/export. That is not available from my profile using either the app or the web version.

Can someone lend a hand here? I merely need to back up my data (especially with users reporting the loss of data after the update) and export seems to be the only option, but the help screen on Toodledo is no help.

Mike, I can definitely help you.

I got burned years ago when I found out that there is no automatic backup and only a certain amount of data over a certain period was available if you needed to look back. Since then, every week without fail, I backup four files. You will find each of these under the option "Import/Export/Backup":

- Under Backup/Restore, download the Backup file. This is an XML file that I believe can be used to restore everything but I've never used it for that. The only thing that I have ever used it for is to export Toodledo data to another task management application :) Could come in real handy real soon!
- The three important files that you are looking for are under the CSV Import/Export option. They include CSV Tasks Export (both Uncompleted and Completed Tasks) and CSV Notebook Export (below those options, only if you use Notes).

With those four files, you can pretty much do anything. Hope this helps, good luck.

Posted Jul 04, 2020 in: Update????
Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 04, 2020
  • Score: 1
Where to start with the iOS update....

- Took forever to get tasks sorted right again, a lot of trial and error. I sort by tags within dates, it was a nightmare.
- A lot of empty space and rearranged details within items which is going to take time to get used to. Really looks worse.
- Huge section under items to add notes, I use notes often but it’s a real waste of space and distracting.
- Nagging red icon under Settings to buy a subscription? No thanks. How do I get rid of it?
- Every note I’ve ever written under Notes got synced, including a ton of them that were deleted ages ago.
- Every note has a huge amount of space in the actual note contents before any actual words, but when I click on the note to delete the extra space, in edit mode, the note looks fine. It just displays outside of edit mode with the space, nothing I can figure out to do to fix it.
- Some tasks are shaded in blue, others are white. No rhyme or reason no pattern it makes no sense and it is very distracting.
- Sorting in Notes is broken...alphabetically my notes now run A-Z with all of my notes that start with the letter I at the end of the list.
- I wish that I had done a screenshot of how my ToodleDo iOS app looked before the update, it seems like either the layout has changed, lots of information/categories missing, etc. it’s like I can’t even tel what was there to try and fix to make it look right again.
- Every time I go in or out of the app I have to resort to get it to list items correctly. Every time, it does not maintain my preferences. My first sorting criteria is Due Dates arrow “up”, I have to go into sort criteria, change it to “down” then “up” again, what a nightmare. It takes forever to do and sometimes it’s hanging up to the point that I have to exit and shutdown the app completely.

Those are my issues so far. And my better half says:

- Hundreds of old tasks got added to the app that she’s going to have to review and work through
- App is not syncing with tasks beyond today.
- No folders for tasks in the app.
- No notes synced in the app.

Other than that, great job Toodledo. What do you do for an encore?

And thanks for the heads up on a major upgrade during a holiday weekend. What were you all thinking???

FYI, I am a long time basic user, and for the first time in probably 15 years I am actively shopping for a ToodleDo alternative. That’s how bad this update is.

This message was edited Jul 05, 2020.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 05, 2020
  • Score: 0
Thanks for the update U.

My final update for the evening...just spent the last hour deleting hundreds of dupes in my Toodledo "all tasks" list. This after I tried numerous ways to clean up old Toodledo data that just kept on populating Google Tasks every time I synced. And that after I deleted thousands of completed Toodledo items that it turns out I didn't have to delete in the first place.

The integration I worked on this evening with GTasks just doesn't work. 2DO doesn't work., Todoist, TickTick, Things, you name 'em, none of them work. How hard can it be to put out a basic app that simply shows you the current list of tasks for the day, or something similar? Maybe keeping it to a simple list is the solution to getting a solution out sooner?

Bottom line - until Toodledo puts out another Apple Watch app/complication, I'm done trying to find an alternative. There isn't one.

This message was edited Feb 05, 2020.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 05, 2020
  • Score: 0
Another update - I'm going with the following temporary workaround...

Using GSyncIt to sync Toodledo tasks with Outlook tasks, and Outlook tasks with Google Tasks

Using the GTasks app to view on Apple Watch.

Only drawback so far is no complication for GTasks so I have to select it as an app from my App Layout but not too big of a deal.

Maybe Toodledo will get around to a simple actual list of daily tasks for the Apple Watch some time soon?

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 05, 2020
  • Score: 0
Update - the 2Do - Toodledo sync only works if the 2Do app is open and you’re literally looking at it. Not a good solution. 2Do wants me to use Dropbox for real time/background updating but that would mean using 2Do instead of Toodledo which is not an option for me. Back to the drawing board....

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 05, 2020
  • Score: 0
Despite several posts over several years at this point, there is no update on the availability of an updated Apple Watch app/complication for Toodledo coming any time soon. All that I have been looking for is an Apple Watch app that would display my running list of Toodledo tasks for the current day, that's it. Having the ability to add/modify/delete/mark complete on the Apple Watch and have it update Toodledo would be a bonus, but not required from my standpoint.

I decided to put some serious time into looking at all of the possible alternatives. I have a piece of software that allows me to populate/synchronize Outlook and Google Tasks with Toodledo data, so there were a number of ways for me to come at this. I was basically looking for a to do list app that works on Apple Watch, then worked my way back from those solutions to see which if any could play with Toodledo, or one of the other apps to be populated and synchronized with Toodledo data.

I could not figure out how to make, Todoist, TickTick or Things to work for these purposes. Either the account required a premium membership to just to find out if it would even work, or the vendor states that they don't talk to this app or that app, or it didn't play with Windows (Things), or I could import data but not sync regularly, or it just flat out didn't work. I wasn't looking to spend money or do damage in the way of duplicate/lost data, luckily I was able to test those four solutions out pain free.

So what did work? 2DO. It's free, it was easy to set up, works like a charm, syncs regularly, and provides me with the daily list of tasks view on my Apple Watch that I was looking for. AND it syncs changes made on the Apple Watch (add/delete/modify/marked completed) with the actual Toodledo list, so that's an added bonus. Sold!

Bottom line - assuming that Toodledo won't be releasing an Apple Watch app/complication any time soon, 2DO is your best bet imho.

Posted Feb 03, 2020 in: Tasks not showing up in iPhone app
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Feb 03, 2020
  • Score: 0
Just for kicks, I decided to check out both Tick Tick and Amazing Marvin. I guess I'm just used to the ease of use and layout of Toodledo, I like TD a lot better sorry. I've been a customer for a long time, but I only use it for the most basic of functions so I don't have too many complaints (APPLE WATCH!), aside from that as long as it keeps on ticking and doing what it does, I'm still happy.

Posted Jan 31, 2020 in: How to download as excel
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jan 31, 2020
  • Score: 0
I backup my current and completed tasks to CSV files every week via Toodledo download (Tools>Import/Export/Backup>CSV Import/Export). You can easily open up a CSV file in Excel.

Posted Jan 31, 2020 in: Tasks not showing up in iPhone app
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jan 31, 2020
  • Score: 0
Has anyone recently experienced missing tasks when comparing lists from computer to device etc.?

I've noticed this a few times now...I haven't narrowed it down to one time versus repeating tasks, or any other criteria. So far, it only happens on the Toodledo app for the iPhone, it doesn't affect the Toodledo app on the iPad, or any view on any computer of the Web page itself.

Right now I am looking at a list of five tasks remaining for the day. Four out of five of them are repeating tasks, and three out of those four are daily repeating tasks.

On the Web page I see five. On my iPad I see five. But on my iPhone I see four. I have tried manually shutting down the app on the iPhone, and rebooting the iPhone, I still see only four tasks. I can't see a way to logout of the iPhone app so I guess my only alternative is deleting then reinstalling? That's kind of a pain. I also double checked all the sort fields across devices, they are all the same.

Any idea what's going on?

Posted Dec 09, 2019 in: Alexa I
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 09, 2019
  • Score: 0
Update - there are several IFTTT applets out there for creating tasks on Alexa that get copied to Toodledo tasks. Unfortunately, I don’t use folders or priorities, I have everything in one big list and I sort by date then by tags (01, 02, etc.). It works and I’ve been using that Toodledo setup for years. So IFTTT works but it adds the task to the very bottom of my task list of 450+ tasks, with no date and whatever tag I gave it. I need to figure out a way to modify this IFTTT applet to allow me to set a date, or just set it to default to today and then I can move it out until whenever.

Or Toodledo can do the work and make a proper integration between Alexa and Toodledo :)

Posted Dec 09, 2019 in: Alexa I
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Dec 09, 2019
  • Score: 0
Right now, in the Apple iOS environment, Siri can add tasks to iOS Reminders, which automatically get synced to Toodledo tasks via the Toodledo “Reminders Syncing” option.

I’m looking for the same kind of functionality with Amazon devices supporting Alexa. I want to ask Alexa to remind me about x, and somehow get x copied from Alexa’s reminders to Toodledo tasks.

I’ve seen a few requests in the forums on this one. It sounds like at least one user has successfully gotten this to work via IFTTT, I would be very interested in understanding how they did it, and I will try it on my own and post any successful results. I’m pretty sure I could do it using Alexa to populate, then have populate Toodledo via Zapier or similar integration solutions, but that would involve a lot of work, a lot of interim steps, and money.

I’m guessing that this one will be on the roadmap indefinitely, but I have to believe that I’m not the only one interested in getting Alexa to add tasks to Toodledo. Is there an official date for release of this feature by Toodledo? If not, has anyone come up with a way to do this?


This message was edited Dec 09, 2019.

Posted Jul 21, 2019 in: Where is the Apple Watch 4 App??
Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Jul 21, 2019
  • Score: 1
I've seen a dozen posts on this topic in forums, and I remember reading something from someone at Toodledo posting in these forums or release notes that it was on the roadmap or in process, but I've heard nothing since. And I see no new posts on the subject.

This is an important one. Looks like a few people have actually left Toodledo for competitive products because of it. I would never do that, love Toodledo, but I do need an Apple Watch 4 Toodledo app. Btw, I tried 2Do for a while but it didn't update correctly, so I'm done with it.

What's the story? Is this really going to be happening any time soon?

Posted Apr 12, 2019 in: ToodleDo Sync to ? For Apple Watch
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Apr 12, 2019
  • Score: 0
Purveyor, the 2DO solution works great for me, thanks again.

Not only can I see a running list of my Toodledo tasks for the day on my Apple Watch's 2DO app, but 2DO has a little graph that you can set up on the main screen (they call it a watch face complication) that actually shows your progress towards completing all of your tasks for the day. Very satisfying.

I was really knocking my head against the wall trying to find a solution here. Initially I wound up using GSyncit to sync my Toodledo tasks to Outlook, then Outlook up to Google Tasks, then using an app called Gtasks to display on the Apple Watch. Worked fine initially, then crashed Toodledo all over the place on every computer and device I had, and created multiple dupes that I had to manually go in and delete, took hours, nightmare.

The 2DO setup was a cinch, immediately started populating everything and displaying on both the iOS apps on my devices as well as the Apple Watch. The only drawback that I've seen so far is that updating the queue sometimes takes a while, but that's fine.

Not sure so don't quote me but I believe that I have correctly tested this and I'm pretty sure that it works both ways - I can add, delete, modify, etc. on 2DO and it will update Toodledo, and vice versa. Without machine language, dupes, crashes, etc. So far :)

You know what would make all of this a lot easier? An actual Toodledo app for the Apple Watch 4 :)

Thanks again for heads up on 2DO Purveyor, I really appreciate it.

Posted Apr 11, 2019 in: ToodleDo Sync to ? For Apple Watch
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Apr 11, 2019
  • Score: 0
Purveyor, appreciate the suggested apps that sync with Toodledo. Did I spell that right this time? :) I think that you've been around as long as I have, wasn't it ToodleDo way back when and then it changed to Toodledo when the logo changed? In any case, my bad, thanks for pointing that out. And thanks again for the response.

Posted Apr 10, 2019 in: ToodleDo Sync to ? For Apple Watch
Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Apr 10, 2019
  • Score: 0
Just got an Apple Watch 4, and there’s no ToodleDo app for it. Yet. It sounds like it’s on somebody’s roadmap at ToodleDo but it involves a complete rewrite of an app that was done for older Apple Watch models. So, I’m not going to hold my breath.

Looking into alternatives, specifically, other apps like ToodleDo that have corresponding Apple Watch apps that I can somehow populate and sync on a regular basis with ToodleDo. For example, I have an application called GSyncit which will sync tasks between ToodleDo and Outlook, but then I need to find an Apple Watch app that will manage Outlook Tasks, no luck so far.

To be clear, I am NOT switching from ToodleDo, I love ToodleDo. This is the ONLY functionality missing off of the Apple Watch that I am really missing. And I don’t even care about the ability to add, delete, modify etc ToodleDo tasks, I just want to be able to see a running list of my ToodleDo tasks for the day on the Apple Watch. That is all.

Aside from waiting for the ToodleDo team to release a new Apple Watch app, does anyone out there have any other ideas?


Posted Mar 14, 2019 in: Forum Notifications?
Score: 1
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Mar 14, 2019
  • Score: 1
Back in 2011, I created a feature request to send email notifications out when someone replied to a forum post that was on my watchlist. The answer back then was, no, so 8 years later I thought it might a good one to ask about it again. This is very standard functionality for basically every newsgroup that I participate in. Apple Communities, for example, sends me an email whenever somebody posts a reply to a topic that I am watching. With ToodleDo, I either have to guess that someone replied to a post, or just check often. That's silly. Apologies if somehow I'm missing something but I have never received an email telling me that someone posted on a watched ToodleDo Forum topic. This can't be that difficult, please reconsider including this functionality in a future update. Thank you.

Score: 0
  • mlb32704
  • Posted: Mar 14, 2019
  • Score: 0
OK, I just rechecked...the identifier is in fact, the date. Well, it's sort of the date.

Today's completed, current, notebook csv exports are stamped with "190314" at the end of the file names. I'm guessing that somewhere that is a format that makes sense as a date, but not in the US. Is it possible to rearrange those digits so that they provide the "correct" or more popular date format of "031419" instead?

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