Search results for "Posted by mlb32704"
Author | Message |
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 14, 2019 in: Date/Time Stamp on Export Files - Requested 4/14, 5/15 & 3/19
Score: 0
Please scratch my last post - I can see that this change has already been made in production. It would have been more productive for my personal purposes as a simple date stamp at the end of the file name (i.e. completed.csv 31419) but I've waited SO long for this enhancement, I'm definitely fine with the simple random numeric identifier. Thanks for finally listening to me :)
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 14, 2019 in: Date/Time Stamp on Export Files - Requested 4/14, 5/15 & 3/19
Score: 0
Wow, that's great news on being pushed to production. Thanks for the update. Do you have an estimated time frame as to when this will be a deliverable? I'm assuming that this will be an enhancement that is available in the free product, please let me know if that is not the case. Thanks.
mlb32704 |
Please see the other Question about this exact same issue in the Forum, titled "Page reload when task completed".
Purveyor provides a easy to understand, simple solution to follow, in terms of completed tasks disappearing when the page automatically refreshes. Basically, you've got to modify your default settings to use the newer version of tasks (, which gives you a slightly different look and feel, but it grays out completed items, puts a line through them, but otherwise leaves them alone until you choose to refresh the page. |
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 14, 2019 in: Page reload when task completed
Score: 0
Purveyor's post is spot on, easy to follow, and works like a charm. Follow the link to modify the settings, choose the new version under Tasks, wah lah. You've got to deal with the new look and feel, but no more automatic page refreshes. It behaves like before -- it grays completed tasks out and sticks a line through them, otherwise they are left alone until I choose to refresh the page. Thanks for posting Purveyor.
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 14, 2019 in: Page reload when task completed
Score: 1
This is a very bad change, please change back or make optional.
mlb32704 |
I just noticed the same thing and I have the same response. I like getting that last look at all of my completed tasks before hitting "refresh" to get rid of them and get a new view of uncompleted tasks. Moreover, every once in a while, I check off a task by mistake, forget which one it was, have to unhide completed tasks and search for it, etc., etc. This new functionality should be optional.
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 08, 2019 in: Date/Time Stamp on Export Files - Requested 4/14, 5/15 & 3/19
Score: 0
NOTE - this is the third request for this enhancement. I made the original request in April 2014, then again in May 2015, and now with the new management in place, I'm hoping to finally get a positive response. The old topic was locked for discussion, nobody seems to have any interest in this functionality but me, but I keep asking. Is there any chance that this will ever get done?
-- The backup utility assigns a unique numerical code to each backup, so I don't have to manually change the file name each time I save it to the same backup location on my hard drive. -- The export utilities for completed and uncompleted tasks, as well as notebook exports, do not assign any sort of unique identifier, so I have to manually insert the date at the end of the file each and every time (i.e. "toodle-current4114.csv"). -- Any thoughts to assigning some sort of identifier, preferably the date, to these three export files? -- Yes, I save all three export files as well as the backup .xml file each week. I recognize that the .xml file includes everything, but in a pinch, I can load up .csv files in Excel for any missing tasks, old notebooks, etc. Please advise, thanks. |
mlb32704 |
Posted Sep 13, 2017 in: Task to Note Conversion Feature
Score: 3
I'm not sure if this already exists, or if anyone else has ever suggested it, but I had an idea for basic users such as myself.
In my daily use of ToodleDo, many times an existing Task will grow arms and legs. When it becomes too much for one line, I'll start attaching and editing a note until I have all of this information in a Task that I have now cut and paste manually to create a note from. Not sure if it's even possible or how hard/costly it would be to implement, but it would be nice to have an option to just "convert to note". I could edit or dress it up once it made it over to Notes, but at least it wouldn't be lost when you checked it off as a completed task, then you have to unhide completed tasks and go looking for it, etc. Just a thought, thanks. |
mlb32704 |
Done. Support Ticket # 66407.
mlb32704 |
Just like the title says, I am posting a bug report on the latest version of the iOS app, it is clearly hanging up all over the place.
Examples include, but are not limited to: - Extended period after checking off task before you can make any other selection - Screen will freeze up and any function you select will be delayed - Scrolling is frozen until control lets up from the last task selected - Non or delayed response to selected items, resulting in erroneous selections, clicking several screens ahead, etc. - App freezing up while typing, or waiting for characters to appear at a snail's pace after typing them You get the idea. I would say that it was limited to just me but my wife is experiencing the exact same thing, and she has a different iPhone, uses ToodleDo completely different than me, we have different groupings and totals of tasks, notes, etc. I'm willing to bet that someone else is experiencing the same thing. Started recently, so I'm guessing that there was a recent update. Please fix, thanks. |
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 09, 2017 in: Updated Layout - Three Issues and One Request
Score: 0
Jake, thanks for the response. Your explanation of the scrolling issue makes perfect sense. I just tried it again and it didn't happen, I was able to rapidly scroll up and down without issue. Unfortunately, folders just won't work for my needs, I did try them and actually I do make use of tags and categories but I get the most out of ToodleDo by simply reviewing all tasks, which I sort by tag, priority and due date. That's fine for me and has been fine for years. I'll make do with whatever the new ToodleDo offers, and I will continue to shoot updates on any bugs as I see them. All the best, thanks again.
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 08, 2017 in: Forum post notification emails?
Score: 0
I know that I have asked this same question in the past, and I can't help wondering - why not?
Most forums that I belong to send you a notification message via email when someone has replied to either your post, or anyone else's post in the forum, depending on how it is set up, and obviously if you are watching/following that particular discussion. It is very difficult to remember to go in and check each and every discussion that I am watching or following. This is probably something to reconsider down the road, it's a great helpful feature for the user base that actively supports ToodleDo. |
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 08, 2017 in: Updated Layout - Three Issues and One Request
Score: 0
This message was edited Mar 08, 2017. |
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 08, 2017 in: Updated Layout - Three Issues and One Request
Score: 0
Hi Jake:
1.) I don't have keyboard shortcuts enabled. Your tip for clicking on the "All Tasks" category up top does work and refreshes, but it's an extra keystroke. It would be great if you could bring back that original functionality from the previous version. I keep forgetting then hitting F5 as a temporary measure. 2.) I did not know about the double click trick, that works, at least for me. Again, I don't need to set any times, alarms, etc. but I'm an exception to the ToodleDo rule (aka a to do list simpleton), as you know. 3.) The only way for me to show you the issue would be to video via iPhone and send you Dropbox link or something. A picture will not really show the issue. Let me know if you would like to go that route. I am using Google Chrome. Thanks. MB This message was edited Mar 08, 2017. |
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 08, 2017 in: Updated Layout - Three Issues and One Request
Score: 1
It's probably just me and a matter of getting used to it, but so far I've been playing around with the new layout from a basic usage perspective as I always use ToodleDo. The new layout looks nicer, but overall the old layout is more user friendly. That's my opinion, sorry. Not that I would imagine ToodleDo is ever going to stand still and remain the same even if it worked perfectly fine before it was "broken", but the old version was fine, sorry.
mlb32704 |
Posted Mar 08, 2017 in: Updated Layout - Three Issues and One Request
Score: 0
Trying to get used to the new layout, I think I like it but I'm not sure yet.
Three definite issues: 1.) In the previous version, after adding a task, if I hit the "All Tasks" button out to the left, it would refresh the screen. Now it doesn't do that. It actually doesn't do anything. If I want to refresh, I have to F5 etc. Not sure if that is correct or not. 2.) When adding a new task, regardless of what date I select (today, tomorrow, etc.), I have to click outside of that pop up calendar dialog in order to get back to a place where I can see/edit/add the task. That's definitely not right. When I click on a date, it should immediately go back to the previous main add task dialog. 3.) Something very flukey/funky about scrolling up and down my entire list of tasks. I have a lot of them granted, and they are not organized into folders, they are all in one place. When I use the sidebar tool to scroll up and down, down in particular, it keeps popping up on me and not letting me go down all of the way. I have to continuously push that sidebar tool down to see more and more of my list. If I slowly let it digest a few tasks, I can work my way down my entire list, same for going back up. That's not good. My one request - the addition of the three items to the left of each task really pushes the whole task to the right significantly. And those three things are not customizable. Maybe they can be in a future release. I do like some of the other function movements and layout changes. But no, I am seeing absolutely no increased speed in refresh rates or the like, as was alluded to in the quick advertisement for the new version when I switched over. Thanks. This message was edited Mar 08, 2017. |
mlb32704 |
Posted Sep 21, 2016 in: BUG - iOS app lower toolbar function on iPad
Score: 0
Update - this is a SPORADIC problem. Sometimes shutting down and restarting ToodleDo will fix this problem. Sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes that problem doesn't happen at all, and then it pops up again. Curious as to whether anyone else is experiencing it? Maybe I need to reinstall ToodleDo on my iPad, or something has cropped up in terms of compatibility with iOS10 or something?
mlb32704 |
Posted Sep 21, 2016 in: BUG - iOS app lower toolbar function on iPad
Score: 0
When viewing ToodleDo Tasks on an iPad in either landscape or horizontal mode, the left most option in the bottom toolbar is the last option selected along the top left toolbar (i.e. All Tasks, Hotlist, Folder, etc.). When you first fire up the application, you have one option in that left hand corner, but as you select additional options, they just lay on top of each other in a big unreadable mess. I don't actually understand the need for having that option in the farthest left hand corner at all, as it does not appear in the lower toolbar on my iPhone. Nevertheless, if it's meant to be there, it's not looking or working correctly, it's a bug. Either for me, or for everyone. Thanks.
mlb32704 |
Posted Sep 19, 2016 in: Scrolling Sidebar in Chrome Gone? Or Was It Ever There?
Score: 0
NEVER MIND. I added a column and the toolbar dropped off to the right. I just had to scroll over to the right. DUH. Sorry.
mlb32704 |
Posted Sep 19, 2016 in: Scrolling Sidebar in Chrome Gone? Or Was It Ever There?
Score: 0
Further clarification - for TASKS. Any TASK view that I pull up now has no right side scrolling control toolbar. NOTES has one on the left. The forums have them in the right place on the right. But I can't seem to pull one up in any task view. Help.