Search results for "Posted by piyush_soni"
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piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 23, 2010 in: [UserStyles] Toodledo - MacOSX v1.0
Score: 0
Posted by piyush_soni:
(I noticed in ToodleDo Focus it doesn't dynamically update the task count on changes, in this one it does. ) My bad. When I install as a user-style, it works correctly for both the styles. When I install the themes as a user-scripts, doesn't work for both. Not a problem as installing themes as styles is the right thing to do. |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 23, 2010 in: Please hire a UI Designer
Score: 2
Are you installing these styles as user-scripts(through GreaseMonkey) and not through Stylish? I was having a big lag too when I was doing that, but after installing the Stylish add-on there is no delay at all. The reason of that is, the author (of Stylish) is not doing the conversion of style->script in an efficient manner, and all those png files etc. are downloaded each time you load a page. He should have used the GM special '@resource' tag for those, which downloads the resources just once on your local machine and uses from there on. |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 23, 2010 in: [UserStyles] Toodledo - MacOSX v1.0
Score: 0
Thanks for making sure my script works! (I noticed in ToodleDo Focus it doesn't dynamically update the task count on changes, in this one it does. )
One thing I noticed: The 'Plus' and 'Minus' signs in the tasks lists should be the opposite of what they are right now. Shouldn't they? Currently they do collapse and expand respectively, but should do the opposite. They are correct for the other panels and links like 'Collaborators' and 'Filters' etc. Other suggestions: 1). The internal notes section of any task (class name: "note") is currently the same background color as the page. Could you add a 'little' hint of some other color (grayish?) for their background so that they are more distinguishable than the rest of tasks? I am not qualified enough to suggest how to do that though :). 2). I would still love a hint of any kind of a separator between two tasks. The fine dotted line which was there in the original ToodleDo was fine enough, though I don't know what majority feels about that. Again, any kind of divider/separator you decide would be better than I do. 3). Some buttons in forums like 'Search this topic', 'Search All forums', 'Edit Post' are still the old style. Even without these it looks very professional and nice! Thanks for that again. This message was edited Dec 23, 2010. |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 23, 2010 in: Don't grab my F5 Key please !
Score: 0
This is the key many people use really frequently. And as you know, since ToodleDo doesn't automatically update new tasks added via other sources, we have to refresh it more often than not - and its really annoying when F5 does something else. Btw, is auto updating the webpage(like Gmail/Yahoo do on new emails) on your ToDo list?
Anyway, I don't really care if I don't get the 'extreme convenience' of quickly toggling the Sort panel, please give me my F5 key back! Thanks! Piyush |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 23, 2010 in: Existing filters in Search
Score: 0
I noticed it today that the existing (context) filters don't work in Search by default. I know it is 'Search' - so I can edit it to show only what I want, but I'll have to do it for all of them :(
Do you plan to have it in future? |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 23, 2010 in: [UserStyles] Toodledo - MacOSX v1.0
Score: 0
Hi earnjam,
Yes, he's probably talking about the ToodleDo Multi-Edit userscript installed. I noticed it too because I have that installed, but didn't mention that here because it's not from the official ToodleDo website. This is the problem not only with this theme, but the 'ToodleDo Focus' as well. It'd be great if you could do something which works well for both the people who have it installed and who don't. :) |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 23, 2010 in: x days before the 3rd Thurs option
Score: 0
+1 for manually picking up the dates.
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 21, 2010 in: Task counts on Search tabs
Score: 0
Ok. I looked into it, and it was an easy change. Actually, creating new search was working fine until I did the latest persistent tab changes. When we create a new search, it loads the search page again but the new search doesn't have any id (-1) so the script got confused what to switch to. It behaves correctly now.
You should install from the same link again. Also, if you are using Firefox, now the script will automatically notify when a new version of this is available. Except this notification everything else should work in Chrome as well. |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 20, 2010 in: [UserStyles] Toodledo - MacOSX v1.0
Score: 0
It really amazes me sometimes what all things people can do just with CSS. I am a programmer and I have recently come to believe anyone can do programming with some training. Not many can make things look really good though. Great work!
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 20, 2010 in: Task counts on Search tabs
Score: 0
Aaah ... Sorry Dalker, I wrote the above before seeing your message.
Yes, I see the problem you are talking about on my machine. This is the beauty of having multiple people testing your work - you can never test it all alone. Will look into it next weekend, or much before that if I'm getting bored with my work. :) |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 20, 2010 in: Task counts on Search tabs
Score: 0
Thanks, glad it helps some people out there.
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 19, 2010 in: Task counts on Search tabs
Score: 0
Humm ... interesting. I never noticed that and don't deliberately do anything like that.
@ToodleDo, if you are reading this, is it the case that an xmlhttprequest made to your server with the search URL will make the server 'think' it was the last open tab? Anyway, though currently there is no way 'as clean as I want' for solving this problem, I have updated a new version which should make sure you are in the same tab you were before doing all these background searches. I have tested it again in both Firefox and Chrome. Note: This one time, please make sure to uninstall the previous version before installing the new one from the same link. This is because I have changed the script name to match to what is there on the webpage - so it might keep two copies and do weird stuff. |
piyush_soni |
Oh ... no one is there to help poor people :( ...
:) :P Yeah. May be the future is that, but right now I'm just waiting for the right Android phone to come out. Till then, may be my simple java phone would suffice and I'll probably have to start writing an app myself. But it's a pain downloading all those Phone emulators, Java Micro Edition etc., and start learning mobile development intricacies ... hummph .. |
piyush_soni |
I think he might have meant 'session expiring', meaning it logs you out.
This message was edited Dec 18, 2010. |
piyush_soni |
No one is keen on writing a Mobile Java application which can sync with ToodleDo and provide offline support? Is everyone having iPhones and Androids these days? :(
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 17, 2010 in: [UserStyles] Toodledo Focus
Score: 0
I am using the standard Grid Mode, and I now know what was the reason of it going out of my screen only when this style is enabled. Yes, I probably had set the columns width manually by dragging, but I mostly keep the todo bar hidden so it didn't go out of the screen. With the theme enabled the tab names come to the left so it adds to the total width making my tasks list go out of the screen. I reduced the overall width of all columns now to take care of this. One change you can do is : without the theme, even if the tasks table goes out of the screen horizontally, the 'Add a Task' link still always stays at the right top corner, while in your style it is sort of bound to the #main Div, which could be corrected. Thanks for the great work anyway! |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 15, 2010 in: [UserStyles] Toodledo Focus
Score: 0
I don't know if it's just me, but on my 1200 x 800 laptop the task list goes out of the screen bounds (horizontally) so have to use scrollbars when I really shouldn't need to. Even the 'Add a Task' button is completely out of the screen. When I disable the theme, it doesn't happen. At first I assumed you would be using a fixed width for the '#main' div, but looking into the code it seems you aren't. I noted if I remove the
right: auto !important; it fits the main div exactly in my screen. But I'm certainly not good in these CSS things so leave it to the expert. Thanks... |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 14, 2010 in: [UserStyles] Toodledo Focus
Score: 0
Posted by twangus:
Can you update to the latest release and let me know if there are still any problems with notes? Wonderful ! :) Thanks a lot! I see that the forum buttons are changed to the new theme as well. Nice! |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 13, 2010 in: [UserStyles] Toodledo Focus
Score: 0
Posted by alexandremrj:
Minor issue with me is the note field that, when emailed, the text is all becoming running text instead of formated. Yeah. This is very important :(. All my notes have lost the new line characters and the text is all wrapped into one giant paragraph. |
piyush_soni |
Posted Dec 13, 2010 in: Missing completed tasks that are less that 6 months old?
Score: 0