Search results for "Posted by Salgud"
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Salgud |
I just tried this out. In the old notes format, if you're not in Edit mode, Pageup moves the entire page up. If you're in Edit mode, the cursor moves up one page in the note.
In the new Notes format, it moves up one page within the Note. Using Chrome, Win7. |
Salgud |
Thanks, Jake.
Salgud |
Posted by DanH_2:
I see that it is now possible, in the release version as well as the beta, to enter /+3 or /-3 on the Quick Add Task line to set a due date 3 days in the future or the past. Until I read this message, I had somehow missed this feature. It might be useful, but I don't understand the logic of how it works. If I enter /+3 in the Quick Add line, the default interpretation is a start at 12:03am. How many of us would want to schedule a task to start in minutes after midnight? How often would this be their intent? Three days from today is also listed, but we have to move down in the list to get that. Why? Shouldn't this be the default interpretation of /+3? Can you please explain the thinking on this? Or, just add it to "the list". |
Salgud |
I try to apply this rule to everything I do, including task management:
"Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away ..." Antoine de Saint Exupery I think Allen gets this. |
Salgud |
Posted Mar 22, 2016 in: Please allow user to still keep the "old note behavior".
Score: 0
Posted by Long Vu:
The new note layout (click to edit, search all content at once) has been rolled out for a few days. I actually prefer the old layout/behavior, here is why: - most of the time, I just want to copy/paste my note, not edit it. But if I miss click, it'll put me in edit mode and I can accidentally modify my note. With the old behavior, I stay in read-only mode until I explicitly click on "edit". - when searching, I actually like it that it first search *only* the note title and then, if I need, also search note content. I write my note title carefully so I can find them later. So searching the content immediately will return too many false positive unrelated results, aka spam. So for these above reasons, please have an option for users to still keep the old behavior. I am okay with the new look and feel, I just prefer the old "behavior". Thanks. Have you considered the fact that if they keep the old version, they now have to maintain 2 versions of the Notes feature. Of course, when the new task management interface went into effect, a few people wanted to keep the old. This is the perpetual issue of the software developer. Some will always want to keep the old version. Which means that after a view years, they're keeping 3 or 4 old versions, and every time they update, they just add another. And new users coming aboard have to figure out which of the many versions they want. In some places, this is called "Android". :) Unfortunately for some, software must move forward. |
Salgud |
Thanks for your reply, Purveyor. I plead guilty to hyperbole! The part relevant to this discussion is at the beginning:
"Reminders of actions you need to take fall into two categories: those about things that have to happen on a specific day or time, and those about things that just need to get done as soon as possible. Your calendar handles the first type of reminder. Three things go on your calendar: • time-specific actions; • day-specific actions; and • day-specific information" Any time-specific action is on a separate document, the calendar. So you end up with 2 lists, one with non-time specific tasks, one with time-specific tasks. I found I was always trying to juggle the two, because BOTH TAKE TIME. And because of those hybrid tasks, like writing a report. While most of the report can be written at any time, the report is due at a specific time. In my experience, this is awkward in GTD. Meetings are much the same, where a lot has to be done before and after, and can be done any time, but the meeting itself has to occur at a specific time. When you integrate your calendar and your task list, they work together and everything is in one place. The best improvement TD could make is to combine the two, like in Pocket Informant, which is what I use for my personal task list/calendar. I would probably never have used TD if PI had a desktop version at that time. There are other lesser issues I have with GTD, but this was the deal-breaker for me. I'm not saying it's a bad system, only that it's flawed. All systems are to some degree flawed, including mine. I think a big part of choosing a task management system is in deciding which flaws you can live with, and which you can't. As I indicated in my previous post, I borrowed heavily from GTD because it has many great strengths. I just can't work well trying to keep two separate task lists when I don't feel it's necessary. YMMV. This message was edited Mar 22, 2016. |
Salgud |
Don't think that's possible, it's embedded in TD all kinds of ways. Maybe you just have a strong negative association with that word? I'm close to retirement myself, and I intend to keep using task management software (not TD, don't need all that muscle) after I retire to plan trips, personal projects, and doctor's visiits! They'll still be tasks to me anyway.
Salgud |
You can use the filters available in the upper right corner by clicking on the Eye icon. You can also create Saved Searches to give you customized views of your tasks, including filtering out completed tasks.
Salgud |
Just a counter point to Frank's suggestion: I have found that after many years of using electronic task managers (Since the early DOS days and Sharp pocket organizers) that, for me, setting artificial due dates only creates more headaches. I spend more time updating fake due dates, often the same ones over and over, than I can afford, and just creates a very high maintenance task management system.
Instead, I've created my own Hotlist (using a Saved Search) to obviate the need for artificial Due Dates. It includes tasks with a Next Action status, regardless of whether they have a Due Date or not.The tricky part is to be able to see those other Active tasks without Due Dates when necessary. So one of the views in my Weekly Review list is "Active, No Due Date" to make sure I review those tasks on a regular basis. With a tool as sophisticated as TD, it takes a while to figure out a system that works for you. In my experience, only the simplest of strategies is accommodated by TD out of the box. For a more sophisticated system, you need to roll your own using Saved Searches, wherein lies the real power of TD that allows you to create a system that truly works for you. I would also caution users about the drawbacks of GTD. While I have blatantly stolen what I think are it's best aspects (which are many), I have avoided what I think is it's weakest points. Primarily, that is Allen's belief that appointments/meetings are not tasks, and are omitted form GTD consideration to be handled some other way. I consider the meetings/appointments I do each day as just as much tasks as the ones with no Due Dates, just a particular kind of task, which have to be accomplished virtually every day, and need to be incorporated into my day as much or more than the tasks do. Many of the tasks I do are in preparation for, or a followup to, one of those meetings that don't exist in GTD. Just a thought. The good news is, whatever way to choose to go, TD can accommodate it, and you can get any needed support from some experienced users in these forums. |
Salgud |
Nice enhancements! Looks a little better, more consistent with the other features. Not having the Edit button a plus, always wondered why we had to do that. Thanks!
Salgud |
Posted by info_1395434132:
Please help. I love lists, I love toodledo. I have read and tried to implement GTD. But my toodledo list is way too long and overwhelms me every time I look at it. This leads to two problems. 1.I don't look at the list as regularly as I need to and miss things that are regular recurring events 2. I fail to enter things that I need to do. I have tried using tags, folders, context - they all feel unnatural to me. Stars are not terrible, but I end up with too many items starred (to try to filter them out) and again, overwhelmed. And priority is the same issue. I was a paper list & calendar girl for years when I was moved to google calendar to better integrate with my husband. But in order to do that effectively, I needed to give up the paper altogether (it was a crutch). So now I am struggling with the lists. Any suggestions? Many thanks! It sounds like you're a bit overwhelmed by all that TD offers. I would suggest you trim it down, and select just a few basic features to start. Something like Due Date, Priority, Folder, or whatever sounds the best to you for what you're trying to accomplish. Work with these for a week or two, or as long as it takes, then reassess, deciding which to keep, which to remove, and maybe an additional one that sounds like it might help. View it as an experiment - there is no failure as long as you learn from each step. It would probably speed the process to come to these forums at least once a week and review those posts that seem relevant to your efforts. And certainly you want to ask questions as you need to. There are a lot of friendly, knowledgeable people here (I'm one of the mostly friendly ones) who are happy to help. It takes time to learn something entirely new. If you're used to paper task management, switching to electronic is tough at first. You have wisely picked one that can start simple and grow with you as your comprehension of how it works increases, so half the battle is already won! Now just be patient with yourself and learn at your own pace, and before long, you'll be one of the Masters of TD. |
Salgud |
Unfortunately, it is the custom in these forums to downvote anyone who posts an unpopular opinion. Doesn't have to be in any way inappropriate, just not what people want to hear. First forum I've participated in (been participating in them since they came into existence many years ago) that is that way. |
Salgud |
Posted Mar 07, 2016 in: We Need Examples of Search Criteria
Score: 1
Sounds like a great idea to me. I think it would be very useful if TD created a new forum for it, so we wouldn't have to spend hours searching other forums to find Search Criteria. I would certainly post some of mine, and be very interested in seeing what others have done. Maybe suggest in the first post a standard format for Search Criteria. I've always used
Task | Contains | XXXX But I'm open to any clear format. TD Search Criteria are tricky because they don't have full Boolean search capabilities, and working around that can be very challenging. This would help immensely! |
Salgud |
Thanks for fixing the spelling of my name!
Salgud |
Posted Mar 04, 2016 in: The Real Power of TD, Saved Searches
Score: -1
Okay, so you have a flat tire, and only a box wrench to remove the lugs. It would be better if you had a socket wrench, but you don't have one in your toolkit. So do you curse the box wrench, or fix the tire with it?
Notice you've gotten no replies other than mine in 2 days, indicating that the "hard way" is the only way other than the "even harder way" you've mentioned. Your choice, of course. Meanwhile, my tires fixed and I'm headin' down the highway. Best of luck! |
Salgud |
Posted Mar 02, 2016 in: The Real Power of TD, Saved Searches
Score: -1
Posted by dave.erwin:
(yes I know there are ways to batch edit tasks, but I'm not really interested in that). Reconsider. It's like saying, "I want to fix my car, but I don't like wrenches." This message was edited Mar 02, 2016. |
Salgud |
Posted Mar 02, 2016 in: Can't sign in to Bookmarklet
Score: -1
This morning, for the first time I can remember, The bookmarklet is asking me to sign in, and won't accept it. I logged out of TD to make sure I had the right password, and it works fine there. Any suggestions?
Edit: Went back a while later, problem gone. This message was edited Mar 02, 2016. |
Salgud |
Bellamy abcdefg
Salgud |
Nice! But there is a spelling error in one of your quotes. It's my last name! :)
Salgud |
Posted Mar 01, 2016 in: Saved Search for custom repeating tasks?
Score: 0
Thanks, Jake.