ForumsQuestionsConfused - can I have tasks on certain days without due date?

Confused - can I have tasks on certain days without due date?
Author Message
Jen B

Posted: Aug 07, 2011
Score: 0 Reference
I would like to have certain tasks on certain days, like a cleaning schedule. I would like them to show up on certain days but not be dependent on me to keep updating them to change the date due... sometimes I go a couple weeks without opening my Toodledo and then everything appears to be past due.

Is there a way to do this? I hope the question is clear, had a hard time putting it into words

Posted: Aug 07, 2011
Score: 0 Reference
It seems that you could use a "date modifier":

"Optionally on:
You can also designate a task as optional ...
if the date passes and you have not completed the task, the task will be automatically removed, or moved forward if it is a repeating task."

When you set the Due Date, the default is "Due by". You can change this to "Optionally on".

This message was edited Aug 07, 2011.
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