ForumsQuestionssort by status...

sort by status...
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Posted: Aug 28, 2011
Score: 0 Reference
Sort by status is not putting things in a logical order. I would like to see Active, Next Action first/second, others I'm not to concerned with. IE: what do I need to work on now.

PS: Sort by importance does not work for me. Dates seem to though a mess into the order. Would likely work great for work, but for my personal tasks I just use the date as a hopefully I can work on, but with weather, appointments etc. I just use dates to forecast what's next but Active/Next are always tops.

Additionally, a second sort order would be great. IE: by date, status, alphabetically... Even with all your folder/context/status... I never get things in a realistic order, but a sub-sort would help. Even if you just gave this on the default page I may not have to reorder my tasks numerous times to get the desired output.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Aug 28, 2011
Score: 0 Reference
You can sort by status, and you can also sub-sort and even sub-sub-sort. Can you please let us know in what way the status sorting isn't working? I just tested it and it worked for me.

Here is some information about importance:
Folke X

Posted: Aug 28, 2011
Score: 0 Reference

"Next action" is the GTD term for what you or I perhaps more intuitively would have termed "current action", "immediate action", "first action", "now active" or something like that - in other words the first to be done.

I suppose it is smart of Toodledo to adhere to GTD terminology (despite its peculiarities) since GTD has quite a few followers.

In addition, Toodledo have implemented a number of other statuses, some of which are definitely GTD and some of which are perhaps their own enhancements (but I don't know for sure, as I never read the GTD book). The statuses Active and Hold I believe are Toodledo's own inventions, and I make use of them to identify the second and third wave in my main pipeline. Actually, I make use of all the statuses, almost all of them the way they were probably intended. I think they are very useful.

As for sorting, I think your problem actually begins before that. First of all you need to create a saved search for what you really want to see (and don't want to see). This you might call a hotlist. Actually you will probably need several such saved searches, as you probably need a variety of predefined hotlists for different purposes, such as Today's work, today's private, week ahead, while out and about, etc ...)

For a "today" type hotlist you would typically select the tasks that have:
due date before tomorrow
status is next action
whatever other things you would like to include. (In my case I have some error checking that catches any incompletely entered tasks, and this mechanism also serves as a temporary inbox in case I am too busy to enter all task details straight away.)

For a "some time ahead" type hotlist you might alter your scope a bit, for example:
due before tomorrow or in the next 15 days
status is next action or active or planning
but perhaps exclude trivial routine reminders

You can have a second and a third sorting order in addition to the primary one (see the navy blue bar). I normally have Star as my second sorting order. I use the Star to increase the "granularity" of the status, perhaps especially on a temporary basis (it is so quick to turn off and on), but also to maintain some degree of uniformity when occasionally I change the primary sorting order, say, from Status to Goal.

This message was edited Aug 29, 2011.
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