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Getting Started
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Posted: Oct 06, 2011
Score: 1 Reference
Is there anywhere I can read up on getting started? I saw the faqs and links but looking for a getting started section. For a newbie it seems pretty scary!

Posted: Oct 06, 2011
Score: 0 Reference
I've also just signed up and am now sitting looking at the screen wondering where to start!

Posted: Oct 06, 2011
Score: 0 Reference
I'm a dive in and start messin' around type, so this may not work for you. I'd start by creating a task, then just look at the default fields that are displayed when you create a new task. If you "get" them, great, just enter the values. If some are not clear, start digging in the Help screens. Most of the basics are there. One thing, most of them are based on the old format, so features and menus won't be where they say they are. I guess all you can do about that is just start hunting. The good news is that TD is not very deep (with a few exceptions), most of what you'll use regularly is pretty obvious if you just look around.

Don't try to do too many fields when you start, just use the ones you know you'll need. Add more as you realize you are missing something important. Most of the time, it's one of those optional fields.

At some point, you'll need to develop a strategy as to how to use TD. There are a lot of decisions to make along the way. You can always get help from the experts here, or, if they're not available, I often jump in and give advice anyway. :)

Try not to be intimidated - worst case is you abuse a few electrons, and they forgive easily I'm told.

Posted: Oct 06, 2011
Score: 0 Reference

what do you want from a task list? This is the first question you can ask yourself, after that create a task and see if all those fields mean anything to you.
If they do then start entering your tasks, if some fields don't mean anything then disable them in the settings and enable others.
Toodledo has a lot of fields but most are self-explanatory so try to enter some of your tasks and see what you can check out.

If you need any thing just give a ring in the forums

Posted: Oct 08, 2011
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by teri_1317910755:
Is there anywhere I can read up on getting started? I saw the faqs and links but looking for a getting started section. For a newbie it seems pretty scary!

Actually, Toodledo is one of the least scary systems out there. Mainly because it doesn't force you down any particular road. The bit that is scary is having to decide, as alexandremrj says above, what you actually want. My advice would be to go to settings and de-select as many of the Fields/Functions as you dare and get started. Read the Help files, hang around the forums, then re-instate the Fields/Functions as you see fit. And do all of that with the certain knowledge that Toodledo is head and shoulders better than anything else out there. You just need to spend some time adapting it to your needs.
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