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Score: 0
  • drbunt
  • Posted: Apr 25, 2015
  • Score: 0
This request goes back for years!! Do you people EVER get to your "to-do list"?? Maybe you should consider using some form of computer program to organize that list. May I suggest one with multiple levels of sub-subtasks? Droptask seems pretty good at that...

This message was edited Apr 25, 2015.

Posted May 19, 2011 in: subtasks only go down one level?
Score: 0
  • drbunt
  • Posted: May 19, 2011
  • Score: 0
Posted by Claudio:
Posted by grossermanitu:

You can add as many subtasks as you want, but having 3 or 4 levels of subtasks would be an unusually complex project to track using task management software.

OK, I seriously don't get how ANYBODY out there simplifies there lives to the extent that they could say THAT!!! Virtually anything I do has 3-5 steps involved, which are each dependent on the one before. e.g. Let's say I want to construct ANYTHING, it requires a minimum of: 1) design the widget. 2) go to Home Depot for widget parts. 3) Build the widget... or let's say I want to make capucino. There's 1) talk to the wife about it, 2) do some on line research about the available machines, 3) compare prices on the chosen model at the local stores, 4) go to ebay and actually buy one. ...and having to repeatedly muck around through scores of distracting parallel subtasks, rethinking which needs to get done next, over and over and over, or - instead of setting up a hierarchy and just checking off boxes - having to move everybody over to the next peg, manually, to maintain something in the 'next action" frame just doesn't seem to respect the uncluttered, de-complicated, organize once and eliminate distractors way of GTD!

Also, in Toodledo, you can use Goals and Folders (or even Contexts) as additional levels.

...which effectively means having to create some kind of entirely non-intuitive secret "code", to have to hold in my mind, such that not only do I need to prioritize things, but I need to invent, then remember, a different language using about fifteen words which don't mean what they meant for the past 53 years of my life.... and then go hunting through various subgroups of subtasks (that aren't actually even labeled as subtasks now, remember?), thus entirely eliminating the ability to glance at a list of only next action items, and choose one for doing...