
Search results for "Posted by nealchau"
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Posted Nov 27, 2022 in: Daily list and actually doing it
Score: 0
  • nealchau
  • Posted: Nov 27, 2022
  • Score: 0

I've had toodledo for years and then tried todoist and then just gave up didn't seem worth paying for and went to gcal and bujo on paper now back to toodledo because of the features on the free level. However unless i set a time i don't get a notification and id like a

daily summary of tasks every morning.. is that possible?

And more importantly I find that no matter the app or paper or whatever the tasks get done almost never or glacially slow, anyone find any books or techniques that actually worked for real?


Score: 0
  • nealchau
  • Posted: Mar 18, 2021
  • Score: 0
Hi Charlene - how did you export toodledo into todoist? Todoist's import requires a certain CSV file but i don't think Toodledo exports in that format?

i like todoist's UI the best, but tick-tick's non-premium free functionality seems to be the richest. im looking for app notifications, recurring tasks, exportablility, keyboard shortcuts, and easy import from toodledo. so far tick-tick's ios&android notifications worked out of the box on their free tier, whereas none of the others' notifications are currently working even on their premium tiers (im in the trial periods). also tick-tick appeared to have a kind of daily review alert which helps to get all your inbox to 0, also habits, and their notification snooze is nice, has e.g. later tonight, tomorrow etc.. otoh rtm and todoist seem to have good keyboard shortcuts. any suggestions for toodledo alternatives that might fit these use-cases would be appreciated!

(also my toodledo seem to be working fine - i've been using it for years and i've got lots of tasks in it, never really noticed any degradation.. that said, i did really like tick-tick's inbox 0 and some of the other features i've been seeing on the other platforms)


This message was edited Mar 18, 2021.

Posted Jul 27, 2012 in: losing duedates when importing from RTM
Score: 0
  • nealchau
  • Posted: Jul 27, 2012
  • Score: 0

I am following the instructions to export RTM lists as ical events and then importing them, but most tasks are losing their duedates. What should I do?
