
Search results for "Posted by User1344195748"
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Is there any way to make the Gmail sidebar gadget work still? or has that been completely phased out?

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I spend most of my day in Gmail (google apps), or Chrome in general. I have a wide screen monitor, which of course results in a lot of waste on the side of the screen. I'd like to always have my hot list displayed on the sidebar of either chrome or gmail. Is that possible? I found this old thread that talked about gmail gadgets, but it looks like they've been deprecated (thanks google!).

I found the google calendar version and its a step in the right direction, but it too will be deprecated, and I don't spend nearly as much time in calendar as I do in mail.

In my case, options like opening a second browser and just sizing my windows to always show the second browser wouldn't work. I use 7 virtual desktops, each with three physical monitors, so that is a potential of 21 instances of chrome running simultaneously. I don't want to have to manually position each one. The idea is I want something always on and always obvious to keep my top priorities at top of mind.
