
Search results for "Posted by balint.farkas"
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Posted Jan 13, 2015 in: New Section: Habits
Score: 2
Ditto - I have 5 habits and none of them are in my inbox for today.

Results for previous days have been preserved without data loss, however.

Anyway, I love this Habits section, it's something I didn't even know I missed! :)

Score: 0
When editing tasks, every ninth or tenth edit ends in a "Sorry something went wrong and we cannot save this" message box.
There are several things wrong with this:
- Why are these errors so frequent? They shouldn't pop up at all - the site should keep retrying until it succeeds, and if it fails for 3-4 repetitions, THEN it should prompt the user!
- Why a modal message box? It is very annoying and breaks the workflow!
- I can't simply redo the failed edit, because the client believes it DID happen - I have to first manually undo, THEN redo it!

Taken together this means that when editing tasks, one can expect an annoying modal popup complete with sound effect several times each minute, one that should NOT even pop up were the site competently written, AND then have to meaninglessly undo and redo the edit just to get the action repeated.

Toodledo is otherwise professional and great, but this is just godawfully annoying and looks like a lazy programmer's solution. Please dedicate some resources to fixing this!

(And no it's not my internet connection, I have very stable and high bandwith internet access, and this issue is reproable from home, from work, from on the road etc. It's Toodledo.)

This message was edited Oct 09, 2014.