
Search results for "Posted by gtfricks"
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Score: 0
  • gtfricks
  • Posted: Apr 22, 2015
  • Score: 0
Thanks for the reply. I did some additional testing and it seems to be working now as I would expect it to be. Very strange. If it happens again, I'll submit a ticket

Score: 0
  • gtfricks
  • Posted: Apr 22, 2015
  • Score: 0
I recently started using the Optionally On due date modifier for recurring tasks that can slide, but I need to be reminded to work on them every so often. When I mark the task as complete, the task is regenrated at the next interval (Daily, weekly, etc), but no longer has the Optionally On modifier. I want to mark the task as complete, for a record of what I did, so I don't want to just leave the task alone and let it regenerate.

For example, I have a recurring task to work on writing a paper for Mon, Wed and Fri. On Monday, I'm busy and don't get to it, so a new task shows up on Wed. On Wed, I work on the paper, mark it complete, and the task shows up on Friday, but as Due On, not Optionally On. If I'm busy again on Friday, I would prefer the task pass to Mon, rather than going overdue on Friday, requiring input to change the due date.

How can the regerated task retain the modifier?