
Search results for "Posted by oholymike"
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Score: 0
Thanks all for your replies. Disappointing news, but I appreciate knowing at least it's doing what it's supposed to do.

Just so I fully understand though: if I have a tasked called "Visit uncle Louie" set to repeat every fifth Thursday, it's impossible for me to look ahead and find out the next time I'm going to be doing that, correct?

This message was edited Nov 21, 2015.

Score: 0
I set up "Exercise" as a daily repeating task starting today (11/18). But when I click on the calendar view icon on the left (the one without the "31" on it) and look at future dates, it doesn't appear on any day except for today. Is there a way I can set it so I can see all the tasks that will be due on a given future day? Under the Filter eye icon, I've checked all three options under "Show on Calendar" (Due, Starting and In Progress are all checked), but it still only appears on today. What am I doing wrong here?
