
Search results for "Posted by neilbonavita"
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Posted May 23, 2010 in: What we have been doing recently
Score: 0
Hi Toodledo,

I was a rigid RTM follower and tried your product a few times over the years and found it too cumbersome. Then, not sure why, I just switched over and love it!! Thanks for a great product. I think it is because of all the hard work you put into it and it seems much easier and more user friendly.
one of the features that I miss with RTM that I can't get to work on Toodledo is that using a program like ReQall, I could leave myself a message, "RTM Call Bob Smith on Thursday at 5PM" which was sent to gmail and forwarded directly into my RTM account without me having to change anything like adding the date and time and folder. With Toodledo, I have to get to my computer or keyboard and log in and manually fix it. Any chance of making this work? Either by adding a connection to ReQall or a direct voice input to Toodledo? Again, you've won me over I just miss being able to leave myself reminders in the car or while walking between meetings etc.
Keep up the good work!!
