
Search results for "Posted by Concetta.reda"
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I have subscribed to my Toodledo calendar (combo option) on outlook.

When I have an task that only specifies a start date or due date (no time), then that event is shown at 12:00 am on outlook. How can I make these types of tasks automatically be shown as all-day events?

I've looked into my Outlook calendar settings and have not found an answer. The same thing happened when I subscribed on gcal. Can I fix this from the Toodledo side?


UPDATE: After having played around, there is no way to have an all day event, unless the tasks has a different start data and due date. I've tried doing things such as today 12:00 am to tomorrow 12:00 am, which is an idea I picked up from another forum question on this topic, but no luck.

Related question referenced above:

This message was edited May 02, 2017.