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Posted Aug 01, 2011 in: Edit Completed Date?
Score: 4
  • Ron
  • Posted: Aug 01, 2011
  • Score: 4
It is amazing to me that the ToodleDo developers have been giving the same brush-off answer to this request for at least three years now (see below).

It may still be your opinion that the ability to modify the Date Completed field is relatively unimportant. If so, then you reject the contrary opinions of the many users who have been clamoring for this functionality for so long. You also ignore the simple logic that if ToodleDo is to serve as an accurate tool for tracking what has been done, and when, as well as what remains to do, we users must be able to correct errors we make in checking off tasks.

I so hoped you would address this longstanding request in the latest redesign, but no. You have made time for scores of other tweaks, some quite useful and others not, but not one of them is as important to me and many others as adding the ability to correct the Date Completed field.

I just renewed my subscription, mostly because learning yet another new app is too much trouble, so I'm not going to blather about going over to the competition, etc. But I find your foot-dragging on this fix rather insulting, and no doubt many others do as well.

Posted: Jul 29, 2008
+ - Score: 0 Quote

There is no good reason why we have not made the completion date editable through the website. It is just a matter of time for us to implement it.

It is our opinion that the completion date is one of the least important fields and that it is not a big deal if it is off by a day or two, so we have been prioritizing other features (like advanced search and multi-edit) above making the completion date editable.

In an ideal world we would have unlimited resources, but we don't, so we try to focus on things that provide the maximum benefit.

I'd be happy to manually edit that one task for you. If you want me to, please use the "contact us" form to give me permission to look at your list and give me the details about which task you want edited and how you want it edited.

This message was edited Aug 01, 2011.