
Search results for "Posted by tdDavid"
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Score: 0
  • tdDavid
  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
  • Score: 0
Posted by scott:
How do I get the list of tasks (really all screens) on mobile app to not overlap with each other. It's illegible.

Do you have your font zoom level set to a high level? We have tested the app with various zoom levels and phone screen sizes but it looks like this one may have been beyond what we tried.

Can you share a screenshot of your phone's zoom level and the iPhone model you have?

Thanks again!

Posted Oct 28, 2022 in: Next gen app fails to login
Score: 0
  • tdDavid
  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
  • Score: 0
Posted by Sergey Shevchenko:
I'd love to try out the new app, but I can't: O can't get past the login screen. Or opens up, I enter my correct user and password (verified), click the button: the progress bar at the bottom briefly flashes, as if the app actually begins logging me in, but then I'm still at the login screen.

I even tried opening a new account for a different email address and using that — nope, still the same story.

Please help!

Hi Sergey,

Can you file a support ticket with your phone model and OS version?

Kind regards,

This message was edited Oct 28, 2022.

Score: 1
  • tdDavid
  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
  • Score: 1
Posted by pabert:
When I try to view something in the “View Tasks By” section on the left it gives me a double vision view. In other words it shows both the original options and the new options on top of the old options. To back out of the this I have to press the symbol in the upper left hand corner.

Can you file a support ticket with a screenshot and your phone model?

Kind regards

This message was edited Oct 28, 2022.

Score: 1
  • tdDavid
  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
  • Score: 1
Posted by densitylag:
Also an Android use who has installed the new app in my phone alongside the legacy one. For some reason, the Notes entries are not all visible in the Notes tab of the new app.
Also, the Habits tab does not exist in the new app.
Dark mode does not exist in the new app, which is a problem for me.
Most crucially, when I update something in the new app, for example completing a task, it does not always update in the web version of Toodledo. Sometimes it does, but other times it does not.
Beyond that, the new app works well.

Thanks for checking out the Next Gen app and taking the time to share your feedback!

To get your Notes, can you try to log out and log back in?

Dark Mode is currently supported, but it follows the Dark Mode setting in iOS/Android. For now, if you'd like Dark Mode, you can turn on your phone's Dark Mode.

Can you provide more details on your changes that don't show up on the desktop web? Do the changes show up on other devices (eg an iPad or another phone on Next Gen)? The desktop web currently does not refresh unless you explicitly reload the page. This particular topic is probably easiest over a support ticket so that you can attach screenshots, other details, etc.

Kind regards

Score: 0
  • tdDavid
  • Posted: Oct 28, 2022
  • Score: 0
Hi Lowell,

Thank you for attempting to try out the Next Generation app!

We're not able to find any indication that your account has logged into the Next Generation app.
Is it possible that you installed the latest TestFlight version of the Legacy app?

You can find a comparison of the app icons (and instructions) here:

(If you'd like to be extra careful about your data, you can grab a copy of your data here )

Kind regards

Posted Jul 30, 2021 in: July Update on the Blog
Score: 1
  • tdDavid
  • Posted: Jul 30, 2021
  • Score: 1
Check out the latest update on our blog:

Score: 2
  • tdDavid
  • Posted: Jul 13, 2021
  • Score: 2
Hello there!

We've updated our blog post ( ) to give you a very brief intro to the new owners. We will be introducing each of us individually in the coming weeks.