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Posted Oct 20, 2011 in: Edit Completed Date?
Score: 0
Posted by Toodledo:
The completion date can be edited by our API, so there is probably a 3rd party tool that will allow you to do this. It isn't yet possible via our web interface but it is still on our to-do list. I know that there are some things that have been on our to-do list for a long time. This is because our list is not a first-in-first-out kind of thing. It's large and ever-growing and constantly being reprioritized. We cant do everything immediately and some things just don't float to the top.

Dear TD Administrator:

Thank you for listening to a customer (me!) and for your input. I am not about to leave TD over this and I think some of the other posts have distorted my intent and are frankly condescending but your input is what I hoped for from TD. Thanks.

Posted Sep 23, 2011 in: Multiple Timestamped Notes for Task
Score: 0
Breevy is very cool. Thanks for the suggestion.

Posted Sep 23, 2011 in: Edit Completed Date?
Score: 2
Quote - It is our opinion that the completion date is one of the least important fields and that it is not a big deal if it is off by a day or two, so we have been prioritizing other features (like advanced search and multi-edit) above making the completion date editable.

Reply - In some environments having an accurate Completion Date can be very important. I would strongly encourage TD to raise the priority of make this an editable field. It would also be helpful if there was an option to specify a Completion Date other than Today when completing a task.

Posted Sep 07, 2011 in: Multiple Timestamped Notes for Task
Score: 0
I really love the new GUI. It is very intuitive and functional. Great Job. One feature that would be very helpful to me is to be able to have multiple, timestamped notes for each task instead of one large note field. I would use this as a journal or record of the progress on completing a task.

Posted Jul 20, 2011 in: Edit Completed Date?
Score: 2
Is there any way specify a completed date different from today's date when completing a task or a way to edit this field after the task is closed?