ForumsNewsHello from the new (as of July 2021) Toodledo team!

Hello from the new (as of July 2021) Toodledo team!
Author Message

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jul 12, 2021
Score: 2 Reference

We have an exciting announcement that we posted on our blog:


We are excited to announce that we have just joined the Toodledo community as the new owners of Toodledo! (Transition from the previous owners to us began a bit over a week ago.)

We know that there are many long-time, loyal and enthusiastic users of Toodledo, and a change in ownership always brings uncertainty. We understand your frustration with the slow progress and communications from Toodledo over the past year due to understaffing with (and other obligations of) the previous owners.

We are committed to the future of Toodledo. Toodledo has the potential to remain the most flexible and full-featured productivity tool available, and we are completely focused on this vision.

Most importantly: the app, the familiar experience you count on, and your data will not be going anywhere.

We are in the process of getting ramped up on the feature requests that have been made via forums, support tickets, and We recognize that there is a lot of work to be done to continue Toodledo’s growth, while at the same time ensuring that we don’t jeopardize the familiarity, flexibility, and power of Toodledo that you have come to know and love.

As we finalize the transition over the next few of weeks, our first and most urgent priority will be resolving the existing support tickets. Since it will take time to get through them, if you have a particularly time sensitive issue, please feel free to reply on your support ticket to flag it as such.

We will of course be sharing more information soon. You can expect an update with more information by the end of the month.

We know we have a lot of work to do to rebuild confidence in Toodledo and hope that you will give us the chance to prove it to you!

Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any questions or thoughts!

~The new (as of July 2021) Toodledo team

This message was edited Jul 12, 2021.

Posted: Jul 12, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Shouldn't the address to the roadmap be

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jul 12, 2021
Score: 1 Reference
Yes! thank you for catching that :-)

Posted: Jul 12, 2021
Score: 3 Reference
That really is great news!

This gives me confidence to continue to use Toodledo.

This message was edited Jul 12, 2021.

Posted: Jul 12, 2021
Score: 3 Reference
How about starting by telling us who "we" are?
Nothing helps instill confidence more than a sudden, secret, anonymous takeover.

Posted: Jul 13, 2021
Score: 4 Reference
This really is good news. I was a Toodledo user for many years, but like many others, I jumped ship after it became clear that the previous owners were letting it stagnate. I see you've re-enabled the forums. Increasingly after the previous owners took over, a large chunk of the new content posted by users had been complaints, and no doubt that's why they disabled the forums altogether!

I'd definitely consider returning to Toodledo if I saw signs of development and investment, and I'm sure other people would too. Toodledo has been great, and it could be again...

Posted: Jul 13, 2021
Score: -1 Reference
Too bad, I already moved on. Even free ticktick is better than paid toodledo. best of luck!

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jul 13, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Hello there!

We've updated our blog post ( ) to give you a very brief intro to the new owners. We will be introducing each of us individually in the coming weeks.

Posted: Jul 14, 2021
Score: 2 Reference

Posted: Jul 15, 2021
Score: 4 Reference
Good to hear the positive news which I also received from you by email.

As I replied in email, you have put my mind at rest as I had been considering a move. However, being in my late 70s and with an "elderly" state of mind I was not looking forward to change.
My memory is not what it was and I rely on Toodledo many times each day, often for what many people would consider mundane or even trivial reminders but without it I would be kind of lost. It is so helpful when notes/reminders are available on all my devices wherever I am and whatever the time of day (or night!).

Thanks again for the good news and best wishes for the future.
Keith Tesler

Posted: Jul 17, 2021
Score: 3 Reference
Glad to here somone will be loving toodledo again!

Posted: Jul 20, 2021
Score: 5 Reference
This good news. I’m using another program, but if Toodledo returns to its former glory and the iPhone app starts to work again, I’ll come back.

Posted: Jul 21, 2021
Score: 3 Reference
Wow, this is GREAT news!

I am a longtime happy Toodledo user and forum participant. Love the product, not so much everyone associated with it since Jake left. I use Toodledo for the basics, but I use it each and every day. It took me months to get Remember the Milk and Simple Note set up to the point that I could use it, if and when Toodledo ever pulled the plug. Which at least for now sounds like it isn't happening anytime soon. I am glad to hear that Pink Java is out of the picture, they were useless and non-responsive. The final straw for a lot of users was turning off these Forums, that was just uncalled for, unprofessional and an outright slap in the face of the user base. I am hopeful that the new team will take a good look at the current product (which is perfectly fine imho), keep the things that work and make sense, and leverage Toodledo's loyal and long term user base to help make improvements where needed. Most importantly, I hope that the lines of communication will remain open in terms of updates from ownership, requests from the user base, etc. Of course if there is anything that I can do individually to help, please just ask.

Famous last words but I'm thinking that any new ownership has to be better than Pink Java, right? :)

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jul 22, 2021
Score: 4 Reference
Posted by mlb32704:
Wow, this is GREAT news!

I am a longtime happy Toodledo user and forum participant. Love the product, not so much everyone associated with it since Jake left. I use Toodledo for the basics, but I use it each and every day. It took me months to get Remember the Milk and Simple Note set up to the point that I could use it, if and when Toodledo ever pulled the plug. Which at least for now sounds like it isn't happening anytime soon. I am glad to hear that Pink Java is out of the picture, they were useless and non-responsive. The final straw for a lot of users was turning off these Forums, that was just uncalled for, unprofessional and an outright slap in the face of the user base. I am hopeful that the new team will take a good look at the current product (which is perfectly fine imho), keep the things that work and make sense, and leverage Toodledo's loyal and long term user base to help make improvements where needed. Most importantly, I hope that the lines of communication will remain open in terms of updates from ownership, requests from the user base, etc. Of course if there is anything that I can do individually to help, please just ask.

Famous last words but I'm thinking that any new ownership has to be better than Pink Java, right? :)

Hi there and thanks a lot for your message.
Yes, we completely agree that shutting the forums down just because the community started discussing alternatives was not cool.
We took the initiative to have these switched back on as soon as we took over ownership.
Although there has been a lot of negative discussions like searching for alternatives, we want to keep the line of communication open. Each of your feedback is valuable in terms of improving the product, the service and in summary the community.

We look very much forward in interacting with the community and also appreciate the reach that we have with you.
We have worked off almost all tickets, are working on stabilizing the core and are getting ready to ramp up the user base in the next few months.

If you have any questions or remarks please don't hesitate to reach out. Either via forum, ticket or email.

Best wishes,

Posted: Jul 24, 2021
Score: 0 Reference

Is emoji support (in task & notes section, it works in outlines & lists) on the cards? Really hope it’s soon!

This message was edited Jul 24, 2021.

Posted: Jul 25, 2021
Score: 4 Reference
Great news. It looked like the previous owners nearly ran the service into the ground and alienated a lot of loyal users.

I moved on to another product, after almost a decade of using Toodledo, but will be keeping an eye on this space.

Best of luck !
Scott Florack

Posted: Jul 26, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by frogboy:

Is emoji support (in task & notes section, it works in outlines & lists) on the cards? Really hope it’s soon!

Just use Windows key + period key.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jul 28, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Ummagumma:
Great news. It looked like the previous owners nearly ran the service into the ground and alienated a lot of loyal users.

I moved on to another product, after almost a decade of using Toodledo, but will be keeping an eye on this space.

Best of luck !

Hi there, here is our roadmap with user requests and the votes on each of these requests.
As you can see, Pamela is working on it:

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jul 30, 2021
Score: 2 Reference
Dear Toodledo community,

if you haven't seen the latest blog post yet, please have a look over here:

Posted: Aug 01, 2021
Score: -1 Reference
Sure, but TD Tasks only supports a very basic subset of Emoji. Vast majority convert to ???? after a few refreshes.

Think it’s 2bit ones not 3 or 4, if I am not mistaken.

Lists & Outlines & Habbits have full emoji support, whereas Notes & Tasks do not.

Posted by Scott Florack:
Posted by frogboy:

Is emoji support (in task & notes section, it works in outlines & lists) on the cards? Really hope it’s soon!

Just use Windows key + period key.
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