
Search results for "Posted by littlebear"
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Score: 0
Hi. Thanks in advance for your help.

So, according to the Help info.:
The Future Tasks filter "will hide or reveal tasks that match *any* of these criteria. 1) Have a start date that is more than 1 day in the future. 2) Have a due-date that is more than X months into the future, where X is a number that you can set in your account settings. 3) Have a due-date that is more than 1 week in the future and have a due-date modifier."

In my account, it seems as if the "Hide Future Tasks" filter only adheres to criteria #2 above (the value set in the account setting). Tasks with a due date that is more than 1 week in the future that also have a due date modifier (for most of my tasks, it is the default "due by") *still show* when the "Hide Future Tasks" filter is on--so criteria #3 doesn't appear to be working in my account.

Or, am I not understanding this filter correctly? (It is the same behavior in any listing, tab or sort.)
