
Search results for "Posted by cyrilgodart"
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Posted Sep 20, 2015 in: Progress Report - August 2015
Score: 0

The improvments to the interface and to bring simpler tools to most users seem to have made good progress and
we certainly all benefit from them, to a lesser or greater extent.

I would like to add my voice to that of the people who are wondering if you can resume dedicating some time to
the core Toodledo that brought many to switch to your app and remain with it.

Lest I forget, I would like to ask again is some consideration could be given to the following points.

Improving the Task Notes field editor:
I use Toodledo as a task planner as well as a note retention. The reason is that when time are sufficiently complex the
way you planned them is also a reference to how you should do it in the future. The steps I take to subdivide my plan
of actions is a valuable thought process that I often want to retain and I want to keep tracks of it. So I do not discard it.
When actions have been executed and their dates is in the past, I keep them in the "past" stack by setting them to
priority "-1" and marking their status as "reference".
Evernote is the tool to take notes but switching application is sufficiently cumbersome that I prefer to work with only one
tool that performs sub-optimally on some tasks.
Improving the note editor however would go a long way in facilitating this approach.

Search and filter functions:
The search and filter functions share a lot of underlying concepts. They are one of the very powerful feature of Toodledo.
I would like to see them better integrated and brought to first class citizens in Toodledo universe. A few suggestions would be that the "Main" page can support filter/search views defined by the user. Ideally the ribbon could be entirely and dynamically defined by the user. If I never use tag, I would like to replace that default Tags filter by one I craft myself: "Urgent Tasks to be done in less than an hour that are due in the next 3 days".

Display of classifiers:
After a few years, the number of Folders, Context, Locations I am using reach the limit of manual processing. I am aware
this is probably a very particular use of Toodledo but I have in excess of 30 folders and I am happy with these. I would like to be able to sort, possibly group these both automatically and manually, dynamically. I particular, I would like to be able to have several defined way of presenting this information possibly depending on the context, at least with set name such as search.
It seems that both this requirement and the previous one are linked and that a bit of brain storming would show that you can treat both with one single approach.

Better integration of ancillary tabs:
For more advanced users, the Notes, Lists and Outlines tabs are more a trap than a blessing because the wonderful
Task interface largely does not apply to it. Search/FIlters do not apply uniformily to all these items. I have argued that
everything that is done by these tabs could have been implemented with the combination of Tasks and Subtasks. Which
would have meant that all Tasks algorithms would work seamlessly and the same development effort would yield compounded results, instead of the current situation where work on the Lists is taken away from work on the tasks.
In the current set up, a global search on all tabs, however and as a minimal feature, would improve the product.


Posted Feb 02, 2015 in: Performance on PC Web interface
Score: 0
Hi Jake, Salgud,

Thanks for both replies.

I am relieved to hear that caching is still on the table.

I must say that Salgud is on to something about his comments. What made Toodledo
a bit daunting at the begining but so convincing after a while compared with say
Remember The Milk is the power and flexibility of Tasks Management, in particular
the search/filtering. The issue when you use Notes or other tabs is that you
lose the whole arsenal for a large part.

I use Toodledo as a timeline continuum. As tasks' dates become obsolete they become
references that I like to remember, search or filter in rigourously the same way. If
I need to take active action when a task cease to be in the future, it becomes unmanageable.
However caching is the perfect solution for this. We change very few tasks a day compared
with the ones we accumulate. The mobile web site was supposed to help from that point of view
with the automatic HTLM 5 off-line mechanism but somehow I have never managed to get used to


Posted Jan 29, 2015 in: Performance on PC Web interface
Score: 0

I am aware that I might be using Toodledo in an unconventional way, keeping
a lot of tasks as references with possibly long notes and managing them with
what might be an unusual high number of folders and goals. As years pass by,
the responsiveness of the site decreases, specially when switching to
Folder or Goal view.
You were mentioning at some point buffering, which in the case of redisplay
of tasks would be a perfect solutions. Is this something that has been
pursued or has some priority in your task lists ?


Posted Dec 15, 2014 in: Missing outlines and lists
Score: 0
My outlines and lists are back.
I'll post a ticket to understand how they did disappear for a couple of days as I had already notice something similar in the past, albeit on a shorter time span. Best.

Posted Dec 12, 2014 in: Missing outlines and lists
Score: 0
I did create a support ticket. Can you confirm ?
Is there a place where I can see my support tickets and their progress ?


Posted Dec 06, 2014 in: Missing outlines and lists
Score: 0

I see that my outlines and lists tabs as empty.
I am not sure what happened but I certainly did not
delete them intentionally.

Can you please revert ?


Dr. C. Godart
Platinum subscription

Posted Oct 06, 2014 in: Search for Date Modifiers
Score: 0

Is there a way to search for date modifiers ?

I use "Optionally On" quite a bit but if I forget to set it off and there is no repeat, the task is automatically deleted which can imply lost reference data.


Posted Jan 16, 2014 in: Repeat until done...?
Score: 0
I found a satisfyng solution as suggested on your FAQ:
- create a Template folder with most common types of Task
- clone these as needed modifying only parameters

Posted Jan 16, 2014 in: Repeat until done...?
Score: 0
Hi Sabina,

"Optionally On" does the job perfectly. I actually would like
to use it as my default way of inputing the tasks. I need
to set the following parameters:
- Repeat to "Dayly
- Due Date to Today
- Modifier to ptionally on
Is there a way to have default inputs for tasks ?


Posted Jan 14, 2014 in: Repeat until done...?
Score: 0

I may not be using the software optimally. So this is more a question than a suggestion.

I have come to use TD mostly through the calendar view. However, I find myself spending a lot of time dragging tasks from today to tomorrow when I could not complete them. I have come to think that a feature "repeat until completed" with the standard repeat periods would avoid this chore.
So, say: Buy balls at the tennis club is something I can do only on Saturdays.
I would set:Task: Buy Balls -- Location: tennis club -- Repeat->Until done --- Frequency Weekly. TD would then carry on repeating the taks (effectively updating the due date) until I have effectively completed it. When completed, TD would cease to repeat the task.

What's your thought ?