
Search results for "Posted by David Coyer"
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David Coyer

Posted Jul 22, 2009 in: Iphone Sort Order
Score: 0
Ok, I lied. It actually seems the Iphone sort is sorting Descending Date Added, then Ascending Time added.
David Coyer

Posted Jul 22, 2009 in: Iphone Sort Order
Score: 0
I know the following:
1. You set the Iphone sort order via the button at the bottom of the task screen
2. The order of your "Field and Default" settings will control secondary sorting.

However, I am seeing the following:

My sort order is set to SORT BY DATE ADDED. My field settings has Due Date as the top field. When my task list is viewed, however I see:
If I have entered 2 tasks today and neither have a due date, they are both sorted to the top of the list, correctly, but they are then sorted by name.
IOW, I enter task ABC today at 8:00am. I then enter task DEF today at 9:00am. In task view, they show as ABC then DEF. However, with the same sort applied on the web site, it correctly shows DEF then ABC. It seems the web site is using time as well as date to sort, where the Iphone is only using date.
Is this correct? Can you change the IPhone to use the same behavior as the web site?
