
Search results for "Posted by harsh.modi"
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Posted Sep 06, 2015 in: Toodledo Redesign Plans
Score: 2
Thanks for improving the printing behaviour significantly - recently.

At this time, I am finding 3 main issues which a lot of people want.

- Easier collaboration without different cumbersome workspaces (easy to assign tasks to people/contacts)
Addition of comments to tasks by different people involved in the task

- Ability to make a daily plan

- Dependent tasks

Could you please advise on the timeline to make this happen.


Posted Jul 09, 2015 in: Toodledo Redesign Plans
Score: 0
Hi Bridget,

I am a very avid user of toodledo on the web as well as android. On android, I have to say I use Ultimate to do list, which is far quicker with a better interface. The quick add task icon is the center piece where I can quickly add something to an inbox folder from my phone.

I feel three main things you need in user design right now are:

- Multi select tasks and multi edit (instead of multi-edit for all tasks on the page - which is just a select all) - Currently when I am on a desktop, I do this on my phone using ultimate to do list and sync it back to the desktop.

- Printing whatever is on my page is a huge problem. The print dialog needs to be there and needs to be rich.

- Delegates - this is the single biggest reason why I am unable to get my consultants and rest of the organization to use this. This needs delegates. I currently use folders for delegates but its really messy. Along with this feature there must be a way to send them a task list reminder. You can add a toodledo ad to the email or sms which will popularize it and entice them to use it. Delegates could also be used for peers or external consultants or anyone who needs to use it.

- I have tried using tags for delegates but it needs to be richer on communication - a delegate should have a phone number, and an email with an sms server to allow people to send reminders.

Posted Mar 12, 2015 in: how to manage ongoing tasks, delegates
Score: 0
Most of my tasks involve making sure other people are working, and most of them involve ongoing work.
I'm sure there are many in the same boat.

After using toodledo diligently on a daily basis on the web app as well as android phone through Ultimate To Do, I have some serious feedback to give. I dont use HOTLIST etc, but I have my own saved searches which show me exactly what I need at that time.

(1) Several times I want to touch on a task for today and then it should be off my list for today. I have not figured out a quick way to do this. Would appreciate any feedback I can get. My search only displays items that are due today or tomorrow or without a date. I tried to change the due date everyday, but that creates reminders for those tasks on the due date. I cant turn off reminders because I need it for other tasks.

(2) I work with a lot of delegates, who are either my staff, or consultants. A couple of them use toodledo. Theres no good way to work with delegates. I just add their tasks to a folder with their name. There are several who dont work with toodledo. I would love to save them as delegate folders and any new tasks with due date should go to them via sms or email. If they could get a daily sms or email with what is pending from them, that would also be great.

I feel delegate management is a huge need, and fail to see why toodledo is not implementing it.
Addressing the need of people to work with other people that are not toodledo is huge. No task manager is doing that yet. That will drive a lot more adoption when people start seeing the value.

In fact, I can even pay a small amount for each delegate, or you can include a certain number of non member delegates in your subscription.

I have read on the forums that delegate feature requests from other members have been coming for a long time, as far back as 2009.

If anyone has a workaround, would really appreciate it.
