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Score: 0
  • amf4
  • Posted: Apr 25, 2016
  • Score: 0
I'll often mark repeating tasks as complete, refresh, then go mark them as incomplete again. That makes the repeat move to the next instance and leaves me with an editable task to work with.

I've got a bunch of tasks which repeat every week, and I've actually reached the point where I go through at the beginning of the week via a pair of saved searches (one for all but the parent tasks, then one for just the parent tasks, so I get all the pieces when I'm done), mark everything complete, then via a third saved search for things completed today, mark everything as incomplete again. It lets me edit tasks as the week goes on as I need.

Note that this strategy only works for tasks that repeat from their due date, so if you have any that should repeat from their completion date, I suggest putting a tag on them that you can exclude in your searches.

Score: 0
  • amf4
  • Posted: Jan 04, 2015
  • Score: 0
(I know Toodledo can't provide support for third-party applications, but it looks like the developer shows up here sometimes, and this bug is so bizarre that I'm kind of also checking to make sure I'm not the only one who sees it.)

I *love* the new look and new functionality in version 3.1, but I've noticed it's still got an old bug with repeating tasks where the start date and end date aren't the same and the task repeats on a particular day of the week. (I've no idea why this particular combination does strange things.)

Say I have a task with the following start and end dates:
Start: Jan 1, 2015
End: Jan 6, 2015
Repeat: Every Tuesday

After marking it complete on Jan 4, I'd expect it to have the following start and end dates (like it does from the web):
Start: Jan 8, 2015
End: Jan 13, 2015

Instead, it has the following status, with the new start date instead being the old due date:
Start: Jan 6, 2015
End: Jan 13, 2015

I really love how this app works in general, and the refresh makes it even better. Unfortunately, I do most of my chores by days of the week (but like the flexibility to nudge them a bit while having them return to their original pattern the following week, hence specifying days instead of just using Weekly), so it's sometimes somewhat painful to go through and fix up all the start dates if I use the app too much.

Score: 0
  • amf4
  • Posted: Jan 04, 2015
  • Score: 0
Ignore this; apparently I can't just delete the post after making a new post that is properly marked as a bug (since I can't change the type after posting). See the other identical post instead.

This message was edited Jan 04, 2015.

Score: 0
  • amf4
  • Posted: Apr 02, 2014
  • Score: 0
That was one of the first things I thought of. They're all set from completion date. I have subtasks with the same due date and not marked complete that, after marking the parent as complete, have different due dates.

I believe I saw a comment elsewhere on these forums that said the relative dates should match up, made by someone who was answering a question. I'll see if I can find it again later. I would certainly expect a task which repeats with its parent and has the same due date to still have the same due date as the parent when the parent repeats.

Score: 0
  • amf4
  • Posted: Mar 30, 2014
  • Score: 0
I'm trying to set up a set of tasks which repeat regularly but which show up on my schedule at reasonable times by having start/due dates.

I've found that the "With parent" repetition scheme produces completely unpredictable results.

I started with something like:
- Task 1/1 - 1/10 (repeat every 10 days)
-- SubtaskA 1/1 - 1/4
-- SubtaskB 1/2 - 1/5

I expected that the relative difference between the parent due date and subtask due date would be preserved, but on completing the parent, while all subtasks preserved the difference between their start and due dates, most actually repeated so that the subtask due date was after the parent's new due date (though a few did use the expected dates.

Thinking that I was just mistaken on how subtask repetition would work, I then tried something like:
- Task 1/1 - 1/10 (repeat every 10 days)
-- SubtaskA 1/1 - 1/10
-- SubtaskB 1/2 - 1/10

Again, when the parent was marked completed, a few subtasks were set to be due on the parent's new due date, but most were set to be due 10 days after the parent's new due date.

Reading the documentation, my second scheme should definitely have worked, and I think my first should have as well. Having seen how the second failed, I suspect the first fell victim to the same root cause.