
Search results for "Posted by john.phelan4"
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Score: 1
I have looked at about 15 different products recently, and yours is the first one I found that has to do lists, including the option for recurring tasks and time tracking all built into one product. I was overjoyed when I found it.

However, I am now somewhat frustrated by actually using the timers. I was previously using the Hours app on my phone to track time, and in their interface, when you start a new timer, if there was one already running it stops. Obviously toodledo does not work that way, and I can't understand why not. I have to believe that if you polled users, maybe 10% would want the multiple timer "feature" and the other 90% would only want one timer running at a time. (I am only one person, doing one thing at a time, so why do I need multiple timers active?)

Can't there be a switch somewhere in settings that causes the system to only allow for one active timer? This problem, and the problem of leaving timers on by accident in general is made worse by how tiny and non-obvious the active timer indicator is. If you just took the little circle timer button and made the whole thing flashing red when running instead of just those skinny little pause button bars inside the circle that would be 10 times more helpful and, I imagine would be a trivial code fix compared to the real solution of letting users disable the option for multiple timers.

I looked in the FAQ and forums before adding this, and did not see anything active, though I did find multiple closed topics asking for the same things across the years. It would be great if you could prioritize this. Thanks.