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Score: 0
  • JerryN
  • Posted: Aug 27, 2012
  • Score: 0
Hi all,

Wow, I use the same system ... right down to the Moleskine! Coincidence?!

I email project related tasks into TD. However, I support the project tasks by linking them to the underlying documentation that I keep in Evernote. I use the "copy note link" feature of Evernote to get the link, and then I copy the link into the notes section of the Task in TD. When I am on my mobile device, I can click on the link in the "note" of a TD task, and it will launch the Evernote document in context. It's slick. Note: I can only copy links when I am on a MAC or PC, and not the mobile device.

As an aside, I have the PRO version of both Evernote and TD. I just mention this because it may be required for the linking. I haven't tested it on different versions.