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New Section: Habits
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Posted: Feb 20, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
One thing about the graphs:

I use a rating-habit. The y-scale in the graph starts with 0.0 and continues with 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6. That's quite pointless since the rating is always 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars, but never 3.3 stars or higher than 5 stars. I think that when the habit-section was new the scale was 1, 2, 3..., that was absolutely correct and that's the way it should be again.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Feb 20, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
You are right. We'll get this fixed.

Posted: Feb 21, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Clicking on the Habit tab requires a new Habit - where do I put that?

just kidding - adding another Tab is dumb. I'll never use it, just like I'll never use lists or outlines. If I have to switch contexts from ToDo, I'll just use a best of breed solution.

if you want my $ for premium, improve ToDo and kill the other garbage.

Posted: Feb 21, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Xavanil:
Clicking on the Habit tab requires a new Habit - where do I put that?

It's the other way round for me: I put "process all tasks for the day" among my everyday Habits. :-p

just kidding - adding another Tab is dumb. I'll never use it, just like I'll never use lists or outlines. If I have to switch contexts from ToDo, I'll just use a best of breed solution.

To me, Habits is as essential as Tasks by now. Just because you don't need it doesn't mean it's "garbage" for others. You have a point, though, in that it might perhaps be possible for users to hide those tabs in the user interface they don't intend to use.

I disagree with the rest. If you need to switch to a different environment to track Habits anyway, what difference does it make whether it's another tab in Toodledo, or completely different software? To me, Toodledo's implementation of Habits is "best-of-breed", or good enough to serve as best-of-breed for me.

This message was edited Feb 21, 2015.

Posted: Feb 22, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
For checkbox tasks, there are options to view This Week, Last Week, and The Week Before Last. I'd find "Last 7 Days" more useful. Often I'm updating and checking off habits for the previous day. On Sundays especially it would be more helpful for me to be able to set "Last 7 Days" as the default view.
Ann M

Posted: Feb 23, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
I realize that development is underway to use increments like weekly, monthly, but it would also be helpful if we could have an option to select a date further back than week before last. In my case I have my habit information stored somewhere else where I would like to transfer the data for the last year by month. I hope you will consider this as well.

Thank you.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Feb 23, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Yes, further back editing is a planned update.

Posted: Feb 23, 2015
Score: 5 Reference
I scanned this thread and saw some folks stating ideas along this line, but thought I'd add my thoughts as well:

I do like the habits feature. An huge possible improvement: I would appreciate the OPTION to have a habit included on my task list.

For example:
I am trying to establish the habit of "Empty the Dishwasher" as part of my morning routine. I have my morning routine in my tasks because it helps keep me focused to go down the list and check off each action. Currently, "Empty Dishwasher" is just a task, so I see it on my list, and check it off when I accomplish it. However, since there is no tracking, not "chain", I am a lot more tempted to skip this new habit. It would be VERY helpful to have this tracked as the habits are - to see the chain, see how often I'm doing the habit, etc. That way, it would be part of my morning routine task list (which I consult first thing each morning) but also have the encouragement and accountability of being tracked, % sucess, etc.

I have other habits (tracking weight for example) that I would not want to have show up on my task list.

Therefore: It would be very helpful to me if there was an option within the habits section to say "include this as a task" or "keep in habits section only".

Thanks for considering! :)


Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 02, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestions.

For now I recommend a number habit for the "counter and "total time" habits and you can update the number by hand.

Posted: Mar 08, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
OK, so we now have decimals, but there is only one number visible behind the decimal point. I like to record some financial data in Habits, too, and I'd like to state amounts in cents precisely. Currently, Habits only displays the first number following the decimal point. If I enter "0.72" cents, I only get to see "0.7" in the field. Please allow more precision for these number fields. Thank you.

Posted: Mar 12, 2015
Score: 3 Reference
Your implementation of habits is excellent. It's eliminated my need for other habit tracking apps such as Lift (now Very insightful to expand into this space and cudos for the design. It is a winner.
Christoph Dollis

Posted: Mar 16, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
I think the Habits are great. And I do like the visual design (words not always associated with Toodledo in the past, so you and the team are doing something right!).

The one thing that would make them more usable though, by far, is to have a badge on the Habits tab (both on the web and in the mobile apps) showing the number of Habits still in the Inbox. (It should also be among the options for the app icon badge. Perhaps Hotlist + Habits, or Habits alone, or whatnot: a few options like that.)

This would avoid having to duplicate effort and clutter up one's task list by entering Habits there. Plus it increases the odds one will do the Habits if there's a badge reminding one of Habits undone.

I'm sure this is on the development to-do list. Just saying that this one thing, by itself, would greatly expand the usefulness of the Habits feature, probably more than some of the other things you might work on with Habits.

This message was edited Mar 16, 2015.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 16, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but this is on our to-do list.


Posted: Mar 16, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
I really like the the new feature! I added a habit ' make a coffee date with someone new' to build in the habit of re-connecting but there is no option to make a weekly or monthly habit. Thoughts?

Posted: Mar 17, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by dawn_1339686441:
I really like the the new feature! I added a habit ' make a coffee date with someone new' to build in the habit of re-connecting but there is no option to make a weekly or monthly habit. Thoughts?

Yes agree! This is mentioned a few times in the forums in different ways. I think the generalization of habits to cover habits which do not necessarily occur once a day is really the feature which will take this to the next level. The issue is that once you have a large number of habits, you need to tick of things everyd ay even though some may be relevant only a few times a month or at other frequencies. I have adopted a non-intuitive workaround of grouping these less occurring habits into a bigger item which then can be checked off daily since at least one of the subitems needs to be done, but this does not capture the state of the sub habits in an intuitive way.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 17, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Non daily habits is definitely on our todo list.

Posted: Mar 18, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Habits currently won't load. Says there's a redirect loop

Posted: Mar 18, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by ken.michaud:
Habits currently won't load. Says there's a redirect loop

Confirmed on Google Chrome Version 41.0.2272.89 m and IE 11.0.9600.17358 at 10:15 ET 3/18/2015.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 18, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
I cannot reproduce this problem. Please try to sign out and then back in again.

Posted: Mar 21, 2015
Score: 5 Reference
Two enhancement requests:

Would it be possible to create categories of habits to group like things together (e.g. health, work related, personal, home, etc.)? It could be set up as a heading with each habit being listed under the category.

Would it be possible to limit the tracking to certain days of the week? For instance, work related habits may be Monday - Friday. Some personal habits may be only on the weekend.

Overall nice job - nice improvement to Toodledo.
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