ForumsNewsProgress Report - August 2015

Progress Report - August 2015
Author Message

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Sep 01, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Here is what we worked on in August.

+ Redesigned the top navigation of the website by consolidating all the menus into one Account Menu.
+ Added the "Ribbon" to Tasks, Notes, Outlines, Lists and Habits.
+ Added a collapsible sidebar to go along with the Ribbon.
+ Made the Task section scroll better, so the toolbar remains on screen all the time
+ Made significant progress with re-engineering of our Notes section
+ Created an official "Beta Program" that anyone can participate in.
+ Added a Sweepstakes where people can win a free subscription
+ Finished redesign of our Subscription purchasing page.
+ Made significant progress making a styleguide and pattern library for Toodledo's new look and feel
+ Fixed a bug with sorting Lists by certain columns
+ Fixed a bug with Folder, Context and Location names that use a large number of foreign characters
+ Fixed a bug with the date column in Lists for European users
+ Fixed a bug with the note column in Lists
+ Improved the security of our brute-force password hacking prevention detector
+ Performed some server maintenance
+ Improved importing for Outlines and Lists
+ No longer remove the | character from task titles
+ Fixed and improved printing support
+ Fixed bug with Outlines that had items with links inside them
+ Allowed notices in the Account menu to be dismissible
+ Fixed some miscellaneous visual bugs with the Notes section
+ Added a better Bookmarklet
+ Improving Habits to respond better to different screen sizes
+ Increased the maximum width that a Task column can be resized to
+ Improved it so that a Task note cannot be wider than the screen
+ Fixed the spacing around lists insite Task notes.
+ Experimented with automatically expanding/collapsing the sidebar when you move the mouse into it
+ Began working on phase 2 of the Task's section redesign (colors and icons)
+ Fixed a bug with the account setting for sorting tags
+ Fixed an issue where the due-date popup had some overlap issues on certain browsers
+ Improved support for web browsers that have the font size increased by several sizes above default
+ Implemented a persistent feedback widget on our beta website to get feedback from beta testers quicker.
+ Began work on the ability to upload an image directly to Toodledo to replace your avatar image.

+ Testing Lists section
+ Released Lists section for beta testing

+ Testing for iOS 9
+ Fixes a bug in the Lists section where the "note" cell was sometimes un-editable
+ Fixes a bug in the Lists section where the "date" cell selected the wrong date when clicking the calendar for European users.
+ Fixes a bug in the Outlines section where a newly added item may not always save immediately.
+ Fixes a bug in the Outlines section where a link inside an item may not have been clickable.
+ Fixes a bug with button colors when the Accessibility option "Button Shapes" was enabled
+ Fixes an issue where the sync progress bar was hidden behind the settings window.

(some of the items mentioned above have not been released yet)

Posted: Sep 01, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Great progress! I've recently returned to Toodledo after about a year's absence and enjoy seeing the development.

Posted: Sep 02, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
You are on a roll. Keep up the good work!

Posted: Sep 20, 2015
Score: 0 Reference

The improvments to the interface and to bring simpler tools to most users seem to have made good progress and
we certainly all benefit from them, to a lesser or greater extent.

I would like to add my voice to that of the people who are wondering if you can resume dedicating some time to
the core Toodledo that brought many to switch to your app and remain with it.

Lest I forget, I would like to ask again is some consideration could be given to the following points.

Improving the Task Notes field editor:
I use Toodledo as a task planner as well as a note retention. The reason is that when time are sufficiently complex the
way you planned them is also a reference to how you should do it in the future. The steps I take to subdivide my plan
of actions is a valuable thought process that I often want to retain and I want to keep tracks of it. So I do not discard it.
When actions have been executed and their dates is in the past, I keep them in the "past" stack by setting them to
priority "-1" and marking their status as "reference".
Evernote is the tool to take notes but switching application is sufficiently cumbersome that I prefer to work with only one
tool that performs sub-optimally on some tasks.
Improving the note editor however would go a long way in facilitating this approach.

Search and filter functions:
The search and filter functions share a lot of underlying concepts. They are one of the very powerful feature of Toodledo.
I would like to see them better integrated and brought to first class citizens in Toodledo universe. A few suggestions would be that the "Main" page can support filter/search views defined by the user. Ideally the ribbon could be entirely and dynamically defined by the user. If I never use tag, I would like to replace that default Tags filter by one I craft myself: "Urgent Tasks to be done in less than an hour that are due in the next 3 days".

Display of classifiers:
After a few years, the number of Folders, Context, Locations I am using reach the limit of manual processing. I am aware
this is probably a very particular use of Toodledo but I have in excess of 30 folders and I am happy with these. I would like to be able to sort, possibly group these both automatically and manually, dynamically. I particular, I would like to be able to have several defined way of presenting this information possibly depending on the context, at least with set name such as search.
It seems that both this requirement and the previous one are linked and that a bit of brain storming would show that you can treat both with one single approach.

Better integration of ancillary tabs:
For more advanced users, the Notes, Lists and Outlines tabs are more a trap than a blessing because the wonderful
Task interface largely does not apply to it. Search/FIlters do not apply uniformily to all these items. I have argued that
everything that is done by these tabs could have been implemented with the combination of Tasks and Subtasks. Which
would have meant that all Tasks algorithms would work seamlessly and the same development effort would yield compounded results, instead of the current situation where work on the Lists is taken away from work on the tasks.
In the current set up, a global search on all tabs, however and as a minimal feature, would improve the product.


Posted: Sep 20, 2015
Score: 1 Reference
I use TD primarily as a ToDo Task Manager and spend 90% of my time in TD on Tasks. I also use Google Keep, Evernote, GCal, etc.
If the Task tab is strengthened with rich formatting in Task Notes, Note attachments, Better Goal and Project Management, a good calendar display or 2-way syncing, predictive tagging, outlining within subtasks, etc. you could do almost everything within one dashboard instead of efforts being scattered or thinned out over parallel silos.

Appreciate the new look and improvement though. Keep it coming.

This message was edited Sep 20, 2015.
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