ForumsNewsNew Homepage - feedback welcomed!

New Homepage - feedback welcomed!
Author Message

Posted: Aug 14, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Hey folks, we have a new homepage, check it out:

Keep in mind, this is v1 and we prfer to iterate on our work and launch fast, even if that means things aren't perfect. So you can expect this page to improve/change...but it's a wonderful start, I think!

We're also creating a new referral program so you can earn a compilation of cash and/or free premium subscription perks if you share Toodledo with your friends.

Talk soon,


Posted: Aug 14, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
Looks good! You might also mention that task start dates are supported which is surprisingly missing on most other other task managers.

Posted: Aug 15, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by byerun:
Looks good! You might also mention that task start dates are supported which is surprisingly missing on most other other task managers.

Yes,x1000 !

However please consider applying proper filtering to subtasks, as it takes away some of the great functionality that is otherwise possible when using Start dates. Ideally, I want subtasks collapsed, but if any of them hits their start time, it should show up in the hotlist automatically. Last I checked, this was still not possible.

Posted: Aug 15, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I've got mixed feelings about new homepage. I hardly ever visit it so it's not as important for me.

In my opinion, the real strenghts and unique features of Toodledo (e.g. flexibility and views customisation features, saved searches, and many more things suggested in one of dedicated threads on the forum) haven't been highlighted on new page, but rather replaced by testimonials and generalities which everyone can find in marketing materials of similar tools, like "it will make your life easier and more organized!". I've seen that in so many places before.
Also, if I were a potential new user I would probably like to have a glance look how the product looks like to see if it catches my eye and to decide if I want to read more about it. Right now, the first place I can see how the product looks like are little miniatures almost at the very bottom of the page.
Additionaly, the last section "Get Your Free Trial" suggests there is no free subscription plan at all, hopefully it's not a spoiler or anything like that.

This all wouldn't convince me, sorry. However, I'm not an expert on those matters so it's my personal opinion only.

PS. You may want to verify if "Task" word on the main graphic shouldn't be changed to "Tasks" (as all other items are in plural, e.g. "Lists", "Outlines" etc.). There is also a typo ("calender"), you may want to correct it.

This message was edited Aug 15, 2018.

Posted: Aug 15, 2018
Score: 7 Reference
One suggestion:
Do not redirect us from homepage to the subdomain.
It does not makes sense.
If I want to login I will go to the subdomain, If I want to check your website, to see prices or whatever, I cannot do it until I log out, which does not makes any sense.


Posted: Aug 16, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Sorry, I find pink bearded dude to be rather off-putting. Gives the impression that the target audience is only young white males.

In general such cutesy pictures take away screen real estate that could be better used for real content, rather than simplistic images.

Posted: Aug 20, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
It looks good.

Similar to @pawelkaleta sentiment, I wonder if you could emphasize the fact Toodledo ACTUALLY IS customizable.
Something like:

"Many todo apps claim to be customizable but fall short. Toodledo's advanced filtering, sorting, and adjustable interface actually delivers on this promise."

You might use the testimonials more strategically. Connect each testimonial to a feature that it relates to.

Anyway, it really is a fantastic start.

Posted: Aug 29, 2018
Score: -2 Reference
Hi, Sam and the rest of the team!

I'm a little late to this board (summer vacation was a bit of a factor), but I thought I'd weigh in with my two cents.

I think what you guys have done looks very good. If I were to give it a letter grade, it would be a solid B+, which is a significant improvement from where Toodledo's homepage was at.

The main suggestion I'd offer would be to swap out one or more of the images of the bearded man for an image of, say, a woman of color. There's nothing wrong with the pink-complected bearded man, but representing all users by this one image may be conveying a mindset you don't want to convey. Not a biggie, but adding a woman who looks vaguely either Indian or African-American would take this B+ effort up to an A.

Best regards, and keep up the good work!

This message was edited Aug 29, 2018.

Posted: Aug 31, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by GSP1963:
Hi, Sam and the rest of the team!

I'm a little late to this board (summer vacation was a bit of a factor), but I thought I'd weigh in with my two cents.

I think what you guys have done looks very good. If I were to give it a letter grade, it would be a solid B+, which is a significant improvement from where Toodledo's homepage was at.

The main suggestion I'd offer would be to swap out one or more of the images of the bearded man for an image of, say, a woman of color. There's nothing wrong with the pink-complected bearded man, but representing all users by this one image may be conveying a mindset you don't want to convey. Not a biggie, but adding a woman who looks vaguely either Indian or African-American would take this B+ effort up to an A.

Best regards, and keep up the good work!

Not sure which town Toodledo is based in, somewhere in California I think - why not a new app mascot. Bear or Moose or something, whatever you get in those parts.

Bypasses the issues with man/woman/Black/white ..... it’s a moose sitting at it’s computer managing its tasks....

Posted: Sep 07, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by GSP1963:
Hi, Sam and the rest of the team!

I'm a little late to this board (summer vacation was a bit of a factor), but I thought I'd weigh in with my two cents.

I think what you guys have done looks very good. If I were to give it a letter grade, it would be a solid B+, which is a significant improvement from where Toodledo's homepage was at.

The main suggestion I'd offer would be to swap out one or more of the images of the bearded man for an image of, say, a woman of color. There's nothing wrong with the pink-complected bearded man, but representing all users by this one image may be conveying a mindset you don't want to convey. Not a biggie, but adding a woman who looks vaguely either Indian or African-American would take this B+ effort up to an A.

Best regards, and keep up the good work!

I surely hope you’re not a teacher. I wouldn’t want you teaching my children. Do you have a list ranking the relative acceptability of races and genders in content design ? Since when did showing an icon of a bearded white guy (very likely accurately representing one of the largest groups of Toodledo’s users) become the basis for downgrading their effort ? Would it be acceptable, in your opinion, to crititcize them for *not* showing the picture of a bearded white guy ?

Let’s keep this divisive attitude outside of this forum, please.

This message was edited Sep 07, 2018.
GSP1963 Post deleted

Posted: Sep 23, 2018
Score: -2 Reference
Posted by Ummagumma:
I surely hope you’re not a teacher. I wouldn’t want you teaching my children. Do you have a list ranking the relative acceptability of races and genders in content design ? Since when did showing an icon of a bearded white guy (very likely accurately representing one of the largest groups of Toodledo’s users) become the basis for downgrading their effort ? Would it be acceptable, in your opinion, to crititcize them for *not* showing the picture of a bearded white guy ?

Let’s keep this divisive attitude outside of this forum, please.

Congratulations. That's the nastiest message I've come across on the Toodledo boards in all the time I've been here.

I'm sorry my request for more diversity in the graphics offends you. Frankly, that's more your problem than it is mine.


This message was edited Sep 23, 2018.

Posted: Sep 23, 2018
Score: -2 Reference
Posted by GSP1963:

Congratulations. That's the nastiest message I've come across on the Toodledo boards in all the time I've been here.

I'm sorry my request for more diversity in the graphics offends you. Frankly, that's more your problem than it is mine.


Your condescending and subtly racist and sexist remark had nothing to do with diversity. Diversity is about acceptance of everyone, not claiming that a picture of a random person should not be used based on their race or gender.

Had someone objected to the webpage designers using a picture of a black woman, it would be sexist and racist. So is you objecting to the depiction of a white man. Diversity is not achieved by effectively demanding discrimination of a majority group.

And since you are the one who had to inject race and gender wars into what used to be a polite friendly forum, the problem is certainly yours. The rest of us were doing just fine being engaged in a productive, respectful discussion.

I will not respond to any more posts related to this, as I don't want things to deteriorate any further. I will let you have the last word.


This message was edited Sep 23, 2018.

Posted: Sep 24, 2018
Score: -1 Reference
Posted by Ummagumma:
Your condescending and subtly racist and sexist remark had nothing to do with diversity. Diversity is about acceptance of everyone, not claiming that a picture of a random person should not be used based on their race or gender.

Had someone objected to the webpage designers using a picture of a black woman, it would be sexist and racist. So is you objecting to the depiction of a white man. Diversity is not achieved by effectively demanding discrimination of a majority group.

And since you are the one who had to inject race and gender wars into what used to be a polite friendly forum, the problem is certainly yours. The rest of us were doing just fine being engaged in a productive, respectful discussion.

I will not respond to any more posts related to this, as I don't want things to deteriorate any further. I will let you have the last word.


Well, thanks for the last word. I appreciate it.

Let's take a look at what you've directed my way: "I surely hope you’re not a teacher. I wouldn’t want you teaching my children"; "divisive attitude"; "condescending, subtly racist, and sexist"; "had to inject race and gender wars."

Wow: That's a lot of disparaging rhetoric. I must've done something pretty awful.

What exactly did I do? I suggested that one of the four images on the homepage of a caucasian male should be swapped out for a woman or a person of color to give the homepage some diversity. This isn't something that only I had picked up on; another user, Srewolf, had already made a comment to the same effect.

I don't see anything unreasonable or offensive in what I've suggested and certainly nothing to merit the responses I've gotten from you.


This message was edited Sep 24, 2018.

Posted: Oct 15, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by GSP1963:
Hi, Sam and the rest of the team!

I'm a little late to this board (summer vacation was a bit of a factor), but I thought I'd weigh in with my two cents.

I think what you guys have done looks very good. If I were to give it a letter grade, it would be a solid B+, which is a significant improvement from where Toodledo's homepage was at.

The main suggestion I'd offer would be to swap out one or more of the images of the bearded man for an image of, say, a woman of color. There's nothing wrong with the pink-complected bearded man, but representing all users by this one image may be conveying a mindset you don't want to convey. Not a biggie, but adding a woman who looks vaguely either Indian or African-American would take this B+ effort up to an A.

Best regards, and keep up the good work!

This sort of nonsense drives me nuts. The Identity Politics juggernaut will rumble on, seemingly unopposed, until we are all beaten into a pulp of mediocrity and uniformity, too scared to speak in case we betray our humanity. It’s the new Stalinism. George Orwell was so prescient.

PS I still like Toodledo very much.

Posted: Oct 17, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by andy_1339337623:

This sort of nonsense drives me nuts. The Identity Politics juggernaut will rumble on, seemingly unopposed, until we are all beaten into a pulp of mediocrity and uniformity, too scared to speak in case we betray our humanity. It’s the new Stalinism. George Orwell was so prescient.

Well, I guess you must be positively triggered, then, by the following video by one of Toodledo's chief competitors, Nirvana, which features several people of color.

I continue to be stunned by the indignation and rhetoric ("the new Stalinism"? really?) directed at my suggestion that a person of color be included in the Toodledo advertising. This is 2018, guys. This isn't, or shouldn't be, controversial.

The IT department I work in has an African-American woman as the project lead, about one-third of my coworkers are female, and about one-third of them are of Asian descent (Indian and Filipino, mostly). If you've got an ad that features four cartoon users, why wouldn't you choose to make one of them a woman or a person of color? It costs not a penny more than having the same bearded White male appear four times.

I really don't get the business logic behind those who are offended by the suggestion.

This message was edited Oct 17, 2018.

Posted: Oct 19, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I've been searching for some alternatives recently and one of the pages I visited was, you probably know that platform.

Something caught my attention then on their main page but I couldn't figure out what it was. Today, when I was comparing new prices I had to visit new Toodledo homepage and ...wait, am I the only one who see that?

This message was edited Oct 20, 2018.
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