ForumsNewsToodledo Feature Requests Update

Toodledo Feature Requests Update
Author Message

Posted: Oct 03, 2018
Score: 4 Reference
Hi all,

Following up on our September Update, today we are launching Feature Requests.

Many folks have suggested great ideas in these forums. While we've been manually tabulating and reviewing as a team, we've been looking for a way to aggregate similar requests to inform our prioritization. Today, we are launching a feature request board, which allows you to post a feature request, vote on requested features from others in the community, and see posts telling you where a given feature is in our pipeline.

We believe that this is a drastically better way for us to track and evaluate feature requests, while also giving the community more visibility into our priorities roadmap (in addition to the monthly updates).

Have any suggestions or concerns? Leave a comment or reach out to me directly at [email protected].


Link above not working? Use the direct URL:

This message was edited Oct 03, 2018.

Posted: Oct 03, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
Great idea, thanks. Do you plan to move some more ideas posted already on the forum?

PS. The only issue I can see is that Chrome claims the connection to the site is not secured.

Posted: Oct 04, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
I get “Bad gateway” error when trying to login

Posted: Oct 04, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
The same issue here - so it seems systematic:-) (Chrome user here, tested on IE 11 with the same result)
Posted by Ummagumma:
I get “Bad gateway” error when trying to login

Posted: Oct 04, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
This is great news, well done.

Will there be a direct link to the Feature Requests in the top right drop down box?

I get the same not secure warning in Chrome but once past this can access the page ok
(Win 10 - Chrome Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit))

Posted: Oct 04, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I get the bad gateway issue too.

If I follow your link, it goes to the non-secure site.
When I click login, it logs me in and then redirects to the secure (https) version of the site, which responds with the 502 Bad Gateway error.

So it's possibly something related to the switch to SSL?

(I hope that helps.)

And thanks for setting this up! I think it's a great addition.


Posted: Oct 04, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I was just curious... this "Features Requests" page ... was it built (coded) brand-new, or was it built using some known codebase or service?

Posted: Oct 04, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by cj:
I was just curious... this "Features Requests" page ... was it built (coded) brand-new, or was it built using some known codebase or service?

It seems it is a 3rd party service.
Adrien Beau

Posted: Oct 04, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
There's a link at the bottom of the page: "Powered by Canny", which links to

So they are using a third-party service (SaaS, software-as-a-service) which is I my opinion the best thing to do in their case (small team, need to focus on the core product). I would have been more worried if they had spent energy on a custom rewrite of what plenty others have certainly done before. Though I would have been impressed at how slick it looked. :)

Posted: Oct 04, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Adrien Beau:
There's a link at the bottom of the page: "Powered by Canny", which links to

Thanks! (I totally missed that).

Posted: Oct 04, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback. We just secured the link, so would appreciate if folks can try the link again and let us know if there are any further issues.

Otherwise, thanks already for the folks who've started adding and upvoting features -- this is great!

This message was edited Oct 04, 2018.

Posted: Oct 05, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
For me, it's now working without problems. With or without being logged in.

Posted by aaron.c.salls:
Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback. We just secured the link, so would appreciate if folks can try the link again and let us know if there are any further issues.

Otherwise, thanks already for the folks who've started adding and upvoting features -- this is great!

Posted: Oct 05, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Still a problem, just a different one... can't log in to add a vote using MS Edge, get stuck in a "Redirecting to Toodledo Roadmap" loop.

Works using Chrome.

Posted: Oct 05, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
October 5, 2018 9:18 AM: IOS really needs update especially to fill screen on iphone X / XS etc. Every week/month with no updates more fully supports that Toodledo is going vaporware and is not a real org that users can grow with. Depressing grey colors need to go!

This message was edited Oct 05, 2018.

Posted: Oct 08, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Kindly provide a direct link to the 'Feature Requests' page from the top right drop down box in the Toodledo main page ?

Posted: Oct 09, 2018
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by coolexplorer:
Kindly provide a direct link to the 'Feature Requests' page from the top right drop down box in the Toodledo main page ?

Ironically, this is already a planned feature on the Feature Requests page:-)

Posted: Oct 12, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Hello team,

Hope you are good :) I think we should have this simple feature at Toodledo:

Make possible (after you have in order of - for example, Due date ordering) MANUALLY PUT TASKS AT YOUR ORDER for TODAY, easy to do it, not have to find by importance, or tags, just drop the task you want first, second, etc And COLOURING THEM by RED (most important) Orange (medium) and yellow (less one).

Thank you and waiting for some details improving the site and IOS soon. We need them.

Good vibes :)

Posted: Oct 13, 2018
Score: 3 Reference
Posted by Vicfrances:
Hello team,

Hope you are good :) I think we should have this simple feature at Toodledo:

Make possible (after you have in order of - for example, Due date ordering) MANUALLY PUT TASKS AT YOUR ORDER for TODAY, easy to do it, not have to find by importance, or tags, just drop the task you want first, second, etc And COLOURING THEM by RED (most important) Orange (medium) and yellow (less one).
Thank you and waiting for some details improving the site and IOS soon. We need them.
Good vibes :)

Add this to Feature Requests at :

Posted: Apr 04, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
I visit the Feature Requests page, after a long absence from my Toodledo account, and try to log in to comment on a feature -- and cannot. The page says "Redirecting to Toodledo Roadmap" when I click the sign in button, but it never signs me in (I'm already logged into TD) and it gives me no place where I can enter my sign in info.

I need to ask for an anticipated delivery date on a new IOS app, before I close my TD account and switch to TickTick.

Posted: Apr 18, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by M:
I visit the Feature Requests page, after a long absence from my Toodledo account, and try to log in to comment on a feature -- and cannot. The page says "Redirecting to Toodledo Roadmap" when I click the sign in button, but it never signs me in (I'm already logged into TD) and it gives me no place where I can enter my sign in info.

I need to ask for an anticipated delivery date on a new IOS app, before I close my TD account and switch to TickTick.

I see this as well.... I would like to comment but cannot.
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