ForumsNewsToodledo Update: November 2018

Toodledo Update: November 2018
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Posted: Dec 12, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
I have just enabled this an when entering my saved search, the popup (at the bottom of screen) appeared, as I have 2 overdue tasks. Are you sure, you are on the new tasks layout? (

The word "automatic" is misleading, as it is actually automatic detection, but you still have to allow to move the overdue tasks to today. The due date editing is automatic, but on demand.

EDIT: You can also try to logout and then log back in - that has also fired the detection for me.

Posted by Dave Gannon:
I must be missing something with the task roll over. I enabled the 'Overdue Tasks Alert' option, but haven't seen anything occur for the two days that it has been enabled - no movement of tasks, no pop ups...nothing. Anybody actually seeing this option work?


This message was edited Dec 12, 2018.
Dave Gannon

Posted: Dec 13, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by J.O.D:
[quote]I have just enabled this an when entering my saved search, the popup (at the bottom of screen) appeared, as I have 2 overdue tasks. Are you sure, you are on the new tasks layout? (


You say you see a popup when "entering my saved search"... Does it only work in saved search view? My default view on startup is Dates | Today and I'm not seeing anything. I'm using Chrome, checked to make sure pop up blocker is not on, and checked that I'm in the new view. Tried logging out, shutting down all browser windows and still not seeing anything on startup.


Posted: Dec 13, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
In my experience, the detection runs independently on which view I am in (it actually informs me on all overdue tasks, although I am in a view, in which no such tasks are shown. Right now it does not work, but that is probably because when I have run Toodledo this morning, I allowed it to update the tasks. I am convinced, that there is some kind of timer, that doesn't trigger the detection for a period after the popup has been shown (and either updated or canceled). Even the logging out does not work now, so last time it was probably just coincidence.

I will keep this enabled and let you know, if it triggers again, but this probably will require a support ticket and asking for exact timer definition (as if it is absolute number of hours or any other condition).

EDIT: It is not actually a popup window, just a notification at the bottom of the screen (cca 2 lines of text, screen-wide).

Posted by Dave Gannon:


You say you see a popup when "entering my saved search"... Does it only work in saved search view? My default view on startup is Dates | Today and I'm not seeing anything. I'm using Chrome, checked to make sure pop up blocker is not on, and checked that I'm in the new view. Tried logging out, shutting down all browser windows and still not seeing anything on startup.


This message was edited Dec 13, 2018.

Posted: Dec 14, 2018
Score: 1 Reference
So I am back. Today, the detection triggered without problems. It looks like this:!AlER-iHBX0Pjh-IzZW05sTns7VF4qA.
The detection simply works for me, so I don't know what to tell you.

Posted: Dec 31, 2018
Score: 0 Reference
edit for latest info.

New prices and plans have been posted. Basic, Silver, Gold. But the Silver, which I'm on, has gone to $60/year from $20.
It's been good, Toodledo. But no way......

Old post:

I'm hoping we'll see an update for December today.

I currently am a Silver subscriber and so that type level is my focus.

Are the prices now set? As of a few minutes ago the old plan was showing with no mention that prices go up Jan 1.

What about third party integration? I don't use the native Toodledo app on my iphone but rather a better one that meets my needs. Will it work in the future? How long will history be kept?

This message was edited Dec 31, 2018.

Posted: Jan 01, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
This is old. it has been so since Novemeber, I think. From Januray, new plans (Free/Standard/Plus/Bussiness) should be active. They are not visible now. Another nail to the coffin, where trust is being locked... I keep the Free plan just in case but am starting to loose hope once again.

Posted by Larry2:
edit for latest info.

New prices and plans have been posted. Basic, Silver, Gold. But the Silver, which I'm on, has gone to $60/year from $20.
It's been good, Toodledo. But no way......

Old post:

I'm hoping we'll see an update for December today.

I currently am a Silver subscriber and so that type level is my focus.

Are the prices now set? As of a few minutes ago the old plan was showing with no mention that prices go up Jan 1.

What about third party integration? I don't use the native Toodledo app on my iphone but rather a better one that meets my needs. Will it work in the future? How long will history be kept?
Mike Thomas

Posted: Jan 01, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Try an incognito window.

This message was edited Jan 01, 2019.

Posted: Jan 02, 2019
Score: 3 Reference
I just tried incognito. I see the new plan prices listed as Free($0.00), Silver ($4.99/mo), and Gold ($7.49/mo). I am currently a gold subscriber and am paid up thru April 2020. So for now I am good. But, and this is a big but, since I paid just 29.99 the last time I paid (not counting discounts), there is no way I will be paying to upgrade next year. Sorry Aaron, but I will be looking for something new. No way I can justify paying any more than $30 annually. Just not going to happen.

I cannot see anyway that this software will be worth more than the current $30 per year I am paying. I wish you well, but the current road you are going down is not one I will be travelling on.

Posted: Jan 03, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Posted by Larry2:
New prices and plans have been posted. Basic, Silver, Gold. But the Silver, which I'm on, has gone to $60/year from $20.
It's been good, Toodledo. But no way......

Exactly. $20 to $60. Tripling the price is absurd. Thankfully, I’ve got the whole year left on my gold subscription. I’ll have to be VERY convinced to continue subscribing when it expires.

Posted: Jan 03, 2019
Score: 1 Reference
Check out TickTick. It looks like everything we were hoping for in Toodledo. It's free and if you need the Pro version it's just 27.99 for an annual subscription. I am currently a gold subscriber. They also seem to be able to import from a Toodledo backup. I expect to be able to play with it this weekend and will report back.

Posted: Jan 03, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
Just a little note: TickTick is headquartered in China. It may or may not matter to you or your employer, depending on the sensitivity of your tasks and data.

Posted: Jan 04, 2019
Score: 2 Reference
Posted by Ummagumma:
Just a little note: TickTick is headquartered in China. It may or may not matter to you or your employer, depending on the sensitivity of your tasks and data.

As you know from Reddit

1 year ago
Hello guys,

This is the official account of TickTick Team. We'd like to clarify some points that hopefully could help with your doubts.

company background: The team behind TickTick is named We started in California, USA and relocated to HongKong, China in recent years. See from crunchbase:

Dida vs TickTick: Dida is a similar time management app we made exclusively for the Chinese market. Although the main features might seem similar, it is a different application with different policies&servers to protect our worldwide users. As you can see on our webpage: .To keep our users' data safe and secure is key important to our company. All the databases and servers of TickTick are hosted by Amazon Web Services in the U.S. We DO NOT share your data with third parties without your prior permissions. We have strict policy of NO ACCESSING to your data without prior permissions. Although we own the databases and all rights to our application, you retain all rights to your data. : The website that's mentioned above Umeng, is a Chinese website for analytics only. We use it to provide understand and thus to provide better user experience for Dida users (we use Google Analytics to do the same thing for TickTick users).

Fundings: Yes, our free version offers much more functions than others’ free ones. However, that indicates neither the flaw of our business model nor the potential risk of our users’ privacy. We are a well-funded company with relatively small team. With the enough money that comes from our investors and paid users, we are good to go.

Feel free to reach out directly to us via [email protected] if you have further questions about our company or the application. Our team is always happy to help.

TickTick Team.

Posted: Jan 04, 2019
Score: 0 Reference
We have strict policy of NO ACCESSING to your data without prior permissions. Although we own the databases and all rights to our application, you retain all rights to your data.

That's great to know. So when a Chinese intelligence officer shows up at their headquarter and demands access to their users' data, they can just quote him the policy. I am sure in an authoritarian country that is the top industrial / economic espionage hub in the world, this would go over just fine.

This message was edited Jan 04, 2019.
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