ForumsQuestionsTask List with Goal Hierarchy Filter/Option Please!

Task List with Goal Hierarchy Filter/Option Please!
Author Message
Nate Hobba

Posted: Mar 26, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
I continue to find myself creating separate todo lists in other places outside of Toodledo. That is because my Toodledo list to tasks gets too cluttered with tasks that are irrelevant to what goal I'm working towards in a particular day. I have and new feature idea (I'm sure I'm not the first person), that would really help me filter down to see just the tasks that are important to me today. Here it is...

When Viewing By Goal in the task list, currently the list only shows the specific goal you have selected on the left navigation panel. I would love to see the tasks assigned to sub-goals (contributing goals) also in the list of tasks.

For example, let's say I have a the following goals:
- Financial Wealth (life-long)
- Invest in Stocks (long-term, contributes to Financial Wealth goal)
- Read Books about Stocks (short-term, contributes to Invest in Stocks)
- Research Stock Strategies (short-term, contributes to Invest in Stocks)
- Start a Stock Invest Club (short-term, contributes to Invest in Stocks)

The way Toodledo currently works, if I want to spend my day working towards my long-term goal of Investing in Stocks, I have click on the name of each sub-goal/short-term goal to see the list of tasks. I would rather be able to click on the "Invest in Stocks" parent goal and see the tasks for all sub-goals. That would allow me to see the relative rankings and deadlines across all of the related goals.

My recommended way to implement this is to add a new option to the "Show" menu in the menu bar across the top of the task list. The option could look like this:

(checkbox) Show contributing goals (sub-goals)

Thank you for your consideration.

Nate Hobba

Posted: Mar 26, 2013
Score: 1 Reference
To add to the above request, it would also be great to be able to see the goal hierarchy represented in the left navigation pane. I've seen others ask for this as well.

My above example could look like this in the left navigation pane:
- Financial Wealth
-- Invest in Stocks
--- Read Books about Stocks
--- Research Stock Strategies
--- Start a Stock Invest Club

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Mar 26, 2013
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion. We do not comment on timeframes for implementation, but this is on our to-do list.

In the meantime, you could make some saved searches that work in this way.


This message was edited Mar 26, 2013.
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