ForumsQuestionsMultilevel subtasking (feature status)

Multilevel subtasking (feature status)
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Posted: May 05, 2015
Score: 1 Reference

Sorry for raising (again) the topic of subtasking, but it is definitely an issue for my usage (I insist on MY usage, since I perfectly understand others people).

So the question : is this feature ongoing, planned or abandonned ?

Thank you for your answer

Best regards


Toodledo Founder
Posted: May 05, 2015
Score: 0 Reference
Its on our todo list, but unlikely to happen soon. If you need multiple levels of hierarchy, please use our "Outlines" section which was designed for this.

Posted: May 05, 2015
Score: 2 Reference
For the record, the lack of more then one level of sub tasks has been one of the reasons why I keep any eye on Toodledo competitors, its my only only real complaint since 2011. For me outlines don't make sense. Thanks

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