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Keyboard Shortcuts
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Vin Thomas

Posted: Apr 22, 2009
Score: 2 Reference
I have been using toodledo for a couple months now and it's great. I have been using the "n" shortcut to create new tasks. That has been a nice time saver. But I haven't really explored tons of the others. I printed them out today and have them sitting by my computer monitor. I am sure in a couple days the will all be memorized and it will become second nature.

f - Pressing the f key will move the cursor to the quick search box so you can Find something that you are looking for.

n - Pressing the n key will move the cursor to new task box so you can quick add a new task.

s - Pressing the s key will immediately save any changes that you have made to your tasks. (this only works in the classic view)

m - Pressing the m key will switch to the Main view.

o - Pressing the o key will switch to the Folder view.

c - Pressing the c key will switch to the Context view.

d - Pressing the d key will switch to the Due-Date view.

g - Pressing the g key will switch to the Goal view.

p - Pressing the p key will switch to the Priority view.

h - Pressing the h key will switch to the Sharing view.

e - Pressing the e key will switch to the Search view.

You can switch between the first nine tabs in each view by using the numbers 1-9.

Posted: Apr 24, 2009
Score: 1 Reference
Would love a shortcut to enter subtasks! When I start to data dump everything in my had for a particular project, I don't want to have to use the mouse.
Vin Thomas

Posted: Apr 25, 2009
Score: 3 Reference
That would be cool. Also, it would be nice to be able to arrow up and down between tasks.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Apr 27, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion.

Posted: Apr 27, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
Hey Vin...thanks for the post! I didn't realize there were keyboard shortcuts because I had them disabled. Thanks!

Posted: Apr 27, 2009
Score: 1 Reference
I know there's not that many to remember, but it would be great if hitting shift-? brought up an overlay with the keyboard shortcuts (similar to gmail)

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Apr 28, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
Thanks for the suggestion.

Posted: Apr 29, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
Another alternative, how about just underlining the shortcuts on the folder links on the top of the screen; F<u>o</u>lder for example. I keep forgetting the F is for search and not Folder!

On a related note, when in the search box, should pressing Escape cancel out? If it should, then its not working for me on the latest version of firefox.

Toodledo Founder
Posted: Apr 29, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
ESC is not supposed to cancel out of a search, but thanks for the suggestion.

Posted: May 07, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
A couple more shortcut feature suggestions/requests:
-I would love one for toggle notes, and one for toggle subtasks (I suppose toggle details would be good too, but I'm not a multiline person)
-It would be very cool if you could assign keys to your contexts, and filter the current view by whatever context you wanted with them.

Posted: May 09, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
Is there a keyboard shortcut to toggle the TD sidebar for display/hidden?

Posted: May 09, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
No, there is not one for that. I'm interested to know what you would find valuable about it. I suppose just for closing it when you first navigate to it would be useful, but I would think if you ever wanted to open it, it would be to click on one of the options so you're going to need to get your mouse in action anyway.

Posted: May 10, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
I have been noticing with all of my entry regardless of program when inefficiency is created by the need to move between keyboard and mouse. In all programs I have been learning more and more key board shortcuts.

Anders ... to reply to you. SideBar takes up real estate and can be distraction to the eye. If sidebar is open then using Tab allows you to move through choices and a simple Enter will accept that choice; hence no need to move to mouse. But since there is no keyboard toggle for SideBar, one needs to move to mouse to open it and therefore might as well click what you want. Given that TD allows for some nice customization of grid appearance, it's be nice to be able to toggle SideBar easily (actually for my commitment to keyboard having keyboard shortcuts to select/accept the SideBar choices would be even nicer).

Seems like there is no keyboard shortcut for Account Settings, but expect that as I develop my style of working with TD I won't be going into settings nearly as much as now when I'm learning and fiddling with the program.


This message was edited May 10, 2009.

Posted: May 14, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
I would love to have a keyboard shortcut to show keyboard shortcuts. i.e. I hit a key, such as /, and a get a pop-up or similar thing showing me all the other shortcuts.

I just forget what does what.

Posted: May 14, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
Good idea. I have seen it suggested before, and it would be handy. Of course what do you do if you forget the shortcut for viewing the shortcuts?

Posted: May 15, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
thpope Nice idea but less imp to me than many other features. I have a task for Toodledo and in the Note field have shortcuts as well as my own personal rules of how I am doing my task entry and any other things regarding TD for which I want some quick reference. I guess I'd prioritize my/our collective requests to TD for improvements to UI perhaps along lines like this:

Posted: Jun 03, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
I discovered that when adding a task, you can type in "today" in the date box and have it fill in "Today" rather than having to click on the calendar or the "Today" link. It's not as quick as being able to type in "t" and have it autofill, but I've been looking for a way to enter new tasks without touching the mouse and this allows me to do it for tasks that are due today.
Vin Thomas

Posted: Jun 03, 2009
Score: 1 Reference
You can try tod, tom, mon, tue, wed, 1 week, 2 months, etc.

They all work.


Posted: Jun 06, 2009
Score: 0 Reference
You can use Shift+Tab to move upward from the lowest task/subtask description field to the description field of the item above it. [However Tab typically takes you horizontally rather than down your list of items; yet tabbing thru the Sidebar is a notable exception.]

Unfortunately there does not seem to be anyway to get to the Note memo field without mousing to it. While I am not a fast typist, I strongly prefer keyboard shortcuts for things I do repeatedly and almost everything in TD is of that nature.

Posted: Jul 07, 2009
Score: 3 Reference
I do not know about the rest of the suggestions offered here, yet I would REALLY like to be able to switch tasks using the keyboard. Once a given task is selected, it is easy to switch between fields using TAB, but to select that task, one has to use the mouse. Add this functionality and it will dramatically improve the user experience.
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