ForumsTips & TricksCreating an Advanced Search

Creating an Advanced Search
Author Message

Posted: Jan 10, 2022
Score: -1 Reference
I am having trouble creating an advance search to save. Some of my creations work and some do not. I'm having trouble with a basic Match all, Checked off is No, AND Folder is not xxxA or xxxB. The search is still returning items from both xxx folders. Any suggestions or is anyone else experiencing this issue?

Posted: Jan 11, 2022
Score: 1 Reference
Not sure if helpful: but I'm not experiencing any search issues. Make sure to use if you aren't already.

I would suggest you post screenshots so others might be able to help troubleshoot.... but the forums don't allow for images (at least not easily) I think.

Toodledo Admin
Posted: Jan 11, 2022
Score: 0 Reference
Posted by Cheryl:
I am having trouble creating an advance search to save. Some of my creations work and some do not. I'm having trouble with a basic Match all, Checked off is No, AND Folder is not xxxA or xxxB. The search is still returning items from both xxx folders. Any suggestions or is anyone else experiencing this issue?

Cheryl -
If I'm reading this correctly, I think what you may want is:

Checked off = No
Folder is not xxxA
Folder is not xxxB

Posted: Jan 11, 2022
Score: 1 Reference
Thanks! I did end up setting it this way and it worked. I was thinking I could put those together with the Or function.

This message was edited Jan 11, 2022.
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