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Time Budget
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Posted: Jul 11, 2011
Score: 1 Reference
Since I'm big on budgeting my funds down to the dollar, I think that budgeting and tracking my time will work out for me as well.

Does anyone know of an application(Web app preferred) where you can budget out 168 hour weeks by category (work, exercise, study, freeform categories )? I ideally you can run reports that show you where your time goes, and then you can adjust your time usage based on that feedback to get the desired "balance" of time usage.

Posted: Jul 11, 2011
Score: 1 Reference
I have done that before for one workday to track my time and how it was spent. I broke it down into minutes. It was a huge effort to document the time, but it was an eye-opener. I can't imagine devoting the time to do it for a week. Perhaps if you only have broad categories...

Anyway, I tracked mine in an Excel spreadsheet. You can slice and dice the data however you want.

Posted: Nov 06, 2011
Score: 1 Reference
Check out Today+ by cogito

Its somewhat simplistic but that assures that you can use it "on the go", I did not use the other trackers for very long because they created too much "overhead".

Posted: Nov 13, 2011
Score: 1 Reference
I use Toggl for time tracking, but it doesn't let me budget beforehand; I have a free account, though, and I believe there's a scheduling feature for paid users.

For what it's worth, I did find that after having tracked my time for a couple of weeks it was a lot easier for me to figure out a list of goals re: what I wanted to aim for with my division of time, rather than budgeting first with no info to work on. For example, the chunk of time I devote to "class time + homework" weekly turned out a whole lot lower than it feels like!
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